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Chapter 55: The young master is forced to fall in love with the villain as a substitute 10

Yan Bai opened all the curtains, revealing the scene in the carriage, only Yan Bai and Lan Liuhuo.

Lan Liuhuo nodded to Sha Zhenyu, and Sha Zhenyu quickly returned the greeting.

"I've seen Mrs. Sister-in-law!"

Yan Bai asked Sha Zhenyu, "Why are there so many people out of the city today?"

"Brother Yan doesn't know anything. A very vicious bandit appeared a few days ago. He is very dangerous. We are looking for his whereabouts! "

Yan Bai pretended to be panicked,

"Is he in the city?"

"He shouldn't have left the city yet."

Yan Bai looked calmer,

"Then I have to leave the city. It's safe outside the city. I'll come back when you catch him. "

Sha Zhenyu said: "You come with me, I'll let you go out first!"

Yan Bai arched his hand, "Brother Sha, thank you so much!"

Sha Zhenyu rode on horseback and led the way. Yan Bai's carriage was flowing smoothly. He left the city gate unimpeded and was not inspected.

Yan Bai chuckled,

"It's funny, Sha Zhenyu did help us! It's just that Lan Shan under the seat probably feels bad!"

Lan Liuhuo sneered, "It's your own fault!"

Lan Shan just couldn't speak, and his ears were damaged. He was not deaf, so of course he heard the whole conversation between Sha Zhenyu and Yan Bai.

It wasn't like he hadn't thought twice about making some noise to attract Sha Zhenyu's attention.

But he thought of Yan Bai's unpredictable abilities and felt that doing so was in vain. Yan Bai might kill him as soon as he made a sound.

But he didn't know that Yan Bai, who was next to the villain at the moment, had no magic power at all. If he knew about it, his intestines would probably turn green with regret!

The carriage kept going, and two days later they arrived at the small mountain village where Lan Mu lived in seclusion.

The mountains and rivers here are beautiful and the villagers are simple. It is indeed a good place.

Lan Liuhuo changed back into men's clothes on the carriage and helped Yan Bai get out of the carriage.

The injury on Yan Bai's shoulder has not healed yet, and Lan Liuhuo has been taking care of him carefully.

Lan Liuhuo stopped the carriage at the door and took Yan Bai into the hospital to meet his mother.

I saw a middle-aged beauty standing in the yard digging through a basket of dried sweet potatoes.

The beauty is about forty years old, with beautiful appearance and fair skin. Although she is wearing coarse linen clothes, she has a gentle and charming aura.

No wonder Lan Liuhuo is so good-looking. It turns out that most of it is due to his mother's inheritance.


Liu Yiyi looked up and smiled lovingly,

"Huo'er is back, who is this?"

"This is my wife, Yan Bai."

Yan Bai...

Liu Yiyi seemed to be very calm,

"Good boy, sit down. Wait, I'll make tea for you!"

[BL] The Villain is Extremely Coaxing, and The Host is Carried Away AgainWhere stories live. Discover now