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Chapter 283 The AI ​​robot villain, he only wants beauties 11

"Okay, Mr. Chu, I will immediately arrange for technical personnel to conduct a thorough investigation."

"Mr. Gao, you don't mind my technical team learning experience, right?"

Chu Jun said clearly. It sounds good, everyone understands that he is supervising.

But Gao Shenghan was in the wrong, the problem was his company, and he knew how big the impact would be, and it was naturally difficult to refuse at this moment.

Gao Shenghan first called all the engineers from the technical department to gather in the conference room. They were not allowed to bring any electronic products to prevent them from deleting evidence.

Let two security personnel watch them, and another staff member from the technical department, as well as people brought by Chu Junming, go directly to the office to search all work computers.

Chu Qingying also handed over her phone. She crossed her arms and sat on the stool in the conference room, her thoughts rising and falling.

Fortunately, she was cautious and prepared, otherwise she would have been in trouble this time.

In the past half month, judging from the information collected on C-3PO, the other party has upgraded itself five times. Chu Qingying is very satisfied with the progress.

But it's still far from what she wants, and she still needs at least a year or two to prepare.

Now that the matter has been revealed, I am afraid that C-3PO will also be recalled and emptied, and all the previous efforts will be in vain.

It seems that this method will not work, and we have to think of other methods, but for now we can still get through this difficulty smoothly.

People in the conference room were panicked, and colleagues whispered to each other, wondering what was going on.

The results of the investigation came out two hours later. Gao Shenghan sent everyone back, leaving only Chu Qingying and a woman named Su Yu.

Chu Qingying's heart dropped, everything went as she planned.

The technical department found the plug-in installed on the robot on Su Yu's computer, and found some chat records and several payment records on her social software.

It turns out that Su Yu's boyfriend is a senior executive of a rival company of Xiandu Software Company.

The senior executive gave the plug-in to Su Yu and asked her to find an opportunity to install it on the AI ​​intelligent robot.

The purpose is of course to destroy the competitor Xiandu Software Company.

Su Yu looked confused. Although her boyfriend was indeed from a rival company, the so-called chat history was not sent by her at all. She didn't even know that this app was installed on her computer.

As for the collection records, although the account belonged to her, it was a zombie account that had not been used for a long time. She did not even know that money had been transferred to this account.

Su Yu couldn't think clearly and her head was about to explode. Of course, all of this was foreshadowing that Chu Qingying had already done.

When she knew the identity of Su Yu's boyfriend, she selected her as the scapegoat. At this moment, she saw that she was lucky enough to have prepared this move.

Su Yu bore all the consequences because the evidence was conclusive and she had no way to defend herself.

But Chu Qingying was exempted from the penalty of year-end bonus due to poor supervision.

Of course, Chu Junming and Xiandu Software Company still had to argue over the follow-up remedial measures and compensation issues, but this was Gao Shenghan's matter, and Chu Qingying was released home.

In the end, Chu Junming used critical public relations to recall a total of 4,120 units of the defective products and provide customers with free replacements.

Because he handled the crisis public relations well and was very sincere in the follow-up after-sales service, the stock price only fell by 1%, which was a pretty good result.

Xiandu Software Company paid a large amount of compensation, and its cooperation with Chu was terminated early, making it the company that suffered the most.

Gao Shenghan was so angry that he started a lawsuit with Su Yu and her boyfriend. Because the other party refused to admit it, the lawsuit was very long-lasting.

Chu Qingying did not expect Chu Junming to be so straightforward and actually terminate the contract with Xiandu Software Company.

What surprised her was that C-3PO was not included in the recall. He was still collecting the information sent back by C-3PO. This was an unexpected surprise.

Xiandu Software Company lost its cooperation project with Chu and was involved in lawsuits and lost a lot of money. If Chu Qingying stayed in this company, she would feel that she was not qualified.

She went to find Chutz.

"Father, I am now the manager of the software department of Xiandu Software Company. I have made great achievements in the research and development of AI intelligent robots."

Chuci looked at the daughter in front of him, whom he was not expecting, with a very complicated mood.

"Jun Ming had a falling out with this company some time ago. What happened?"

"A female employee of our company is a love brain. For the sake of her boyfriend, she was instructed by her boyfriend to program Chu's robot software. An illegal plug-in was installed."

Chuci frowned.

"This is not the behavior that should be done."

Chu Qingying raised her head and looked at him cautiously.

"You are right, Chu Corporation is undoubtedly the top company in AI intelligent robot hardware, but there has been no improvement in software. There is always some risk in cooperating with other companies. Is

n't it reflected this time?

And I am a software talent, and my personal skills can completely support an independent department. If I join the Chu family, the Chu family will be extremely powerful and will no longer have to be controlled by others."

Chu Ci looked at him with some vigilance.

"What are you planning to do if you want to enter Chu Family?"

Chu Qingying felt a little aggrieved. He didn't understand that as his father's child, Chu Junming could get the entire company, but he couldn't even get a job in Chu Family.

"What ideas can I have? I only consider the interests of the Chu family, and my talents also need the best platform.

I just need a job, and I don't care about the Chu family. Isn't this okay?"

Chu Ci seemed to You can see the ambition in Chu Qingying's eyes. Facing the innocent Chu Qingying, his emotions are complicated.

There were some things he didn't say to Chu Qingying. Maybe from Chu Qingying's point of view, it was unfair, but he could only choose the lesser of two evils.

"Qingying, I didn't agree with you returning to China to find a job. Now you have contact with Chu Junming again, which I don't want to see.

I hope that you two will never have contact with each other. This is what I want to do with you." Your mother's joint decision.

Whether you understand or not, now that the two companies are not cooperating, you should stop getting closer to Jun Ming.

Remember, you can never let Jun Ming know about our relationship . , otherwise I will never see your mother again in this life."

Chu Qingying was hit the bottom instantly,

"Father, can you tell me why you dislike me so much? You view all my actions from the most malicious perspective. Go speculate.

What should I do so that you can see my excellence and like me?"

Chuci looked complicated.

"Some words may be very hurtful. I don't want to tell you. In fact, I am trying to protect you. If you really want to know, ask your mother."

Chu Qingying has asked this question ten thousand times. Feng Tang responded to this question. Keep silent.

He calmed down quickly.

"What about the Chu family's interests? Do you have the heart to give up on my talent and let the Chu family stop moving forward?"

Chu Ci's face is full of wisdom, and he has the wisdom to see through the world.

"Do you think the Chu family has not had the strength to develop software for so many years?

It's just throwing money and looking for talents. How difficult can it be?

The Chu family's failure to do this has a deeper meaning.

There is so much money in the world, we can't have it all Being profited by one family, giving a way to others is giving yourself a way.

Being able to make good hardware is the secret of Chu's longevity."

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