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Chapter 133 The heroine with the soul-capturing mirror 4

Yanhuan went back last night, her heart was soaring. She finally saw this person again, the person she had been thinking about for a long time.

Today, he only has himself in his eyes, only stays by his side, no longer speaks coldly to her, no longer gives her contemptuous looks, this feeling is so beautiful!

Yan Huan took out a small mirror from his bag. The pattern on the back was retro and exquisite, and the mirror surface was slightly golden. Yan Huan stroked the mirror surface with his jade hand and smiled proudly.

"So what about the clone? I don't mind. With this, I can still get your heart and your body. When the time comes, my shadow will remain in your heart and leave a mark. I don't believe you are still thinking about that dead man. , your true body will be mine sooner or later!"

Yan Huan carefully put the mirror away, with a smile on his lips when he went to bed that night.

When I woke up in the morning, I was still in a happy mood.

She quickly got up to freshen up, put on her favorite dress, and carefully took care of her makeup in the mirror.

When she came downstairs, her father and mother were waiting for her to have breakfast.

Seeing her well-groomed and radiant look, Yan's mother was filled with love,

"My daughter is so beautiful. What are you planning to do with her so beautifully dressed?"

Yan Huan's lips raised slightly,

"I'm in love, waiting for him to pick her up. Me."

"Who is it?"

"Mu Zhiyu of the Mu family."

"Then you really don't like Tang Feng? You have been with him for several years before, and we asked you to break up, but you are still unwilling, why do you suddenly I just thought about it, and I fell in love with another person so quickly."

Yan Huan felt a little off-putting when he heard people mention Tang Feng.

"Don't mention that scumbag to me. Is he worthy of me? Don't point fingers at me. I make the decision in my affairs. You just need to support me fully."

Yan's mother was a little sad,

"We are not interfering with you. Aren't you afraid that you will regret it later?"

Yan Huan said impatiently:

"Okay, okay, let's have breakfast!"

He murmured in his heart,

"Mortals are really nagging! If this identity wasn't convenient for Yan Bai, who would need such things as parents? "

After Yan Huan finished eating, he sat on the sofa and waited for Mu Zhiyu.

It's already 10 o'clock, Mu Zhiyu should be here too!

Yesterday, I told him to come find me in the morning.

However, at 11 o'clock, Mu Zhiyu did not show up, and Yan Huan became impatient.

How can it be?

The "soul-capturing mirror" never goes wrong. A month ago, I only used it once on my father and mother. Isn't it very good now? Even his beloved son abandoned him as soon as he said he wanted to.

Yan Huan couldn't sit still anymore and called Mu Zhiyu.

Mu Zhiyu was so busy over there that the phone rang. He didn't even look at who it was. He signed the document and put the phone to his ear.

Yan Huan's pleasant voice came.

"Mu Zhiyu, why haven't you come to pick me up yet?"

Mu Zhiyu was startled and recognized that it was Yan Huan, but when he heard her voice again today, it had no influence on him at all.

"Miss Yan, we are not suitable for each other. Don't look for me again in the future."

Yan Huan was shocked. The soul-capturing mirror was actually ineffective against Mu Zhiyu!

It was obviously effective yesterday. Yan Huan quickly grabbed the bag next to him and stroked the telescope,

"Mu Zhiyu, you like me and you can't live without me. Come pick me up now. I want to see you!" "

Mu Zhiyu felt as if a substantial electric current was transmitted to him along the phone, and an inexplicable desire to surrender strongly stimulated him.

It's here again, the feeling from yesterday is here again!

Mu Zhiyu struggled, controlled his lips, wanted to say no, wanted to hang up the phone, but after trembling for a long time, what he said was:

"Okay, I'll be right away."

Yan Huan's heart dropped,

"Hurry up, I'll wait for you." After explaining again, he hung up the phone.

It seems that the soul-capturing mirror is still useful, but maybe the clone of Immortal Emperor Shiyu still retains his strong will, so the soul-capturing mirror's effect on him is only time-effective.

This is really not a good sign. We need to cook the rice as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the cooling time of the Soul Capture Mirror is only one day. The worst thing is that I will not use the Soul Capture Mirror on others in the future, and I will refill Mu Zhiyu once a day. I must possess him!

Yan Huan hung up the phone over there, and Mu Zhiyu slammed the phone to the ground, smashing it to pieces.

The special assistant who was waiting for him to sign the documents was a little panicked. What happened to the boss? A phone call made you so angry?

Mu Zhiyu clearly knew that Yan Huan's influence on him was definitely abnormal, and it was through language. Although he didn't know the reason for this, his life could not be controlled by others.

He must find a solution!

Mu Zhiyu seemed to have a split personality, with a brain that was in love with Yanhuan controlling his body. He said to the stunned special assistant next to him:

"Cancel all work today, I have to go on a date."

"Can the negotiation with Zhao be also cancelled? ?"


And there is Mu Zhiyu, who is rational and calm, as if watching his demented self, being so attentive to a woman. This feeling is really powerless!

Mu Zhiyu grabbed the car keys and went straight to Yan Huan's house.

Yan Huan, who was waiting at the door, felt his heart drop when he saw Mu Zhiyu walking towards the door.

She ran towards Mu Zhiyu and was about to throw herself into his arms, but Mu Zhiyu helped her in time:

"Be careful!"

Yan Huan blushed a little, she was too uneasy,

"Mu Zhiyu, we Get engaged!"

Mu Zhiyu was startled,

"Are you sure?"

Yan Huan felt a little aggrieved, "Don't you want to?"

"Of course you do."

"Then get engaged immediately!"

Mu Zhiyu laughed,

"The engagement ceremony is not child's play. Preparations also take time, how can it be done immediately?"

Yan Huan also wanted a grand ceremony that the whole world knew about.

"Then you prepare as quickly as possible. Three days is enough, right? I believe in your ability."

Mu Zhiyu frowned and thought for a moment,

"If you prepare with all your strength in these three days, you should be able to do it."

"Okay, I'll accompany you . Let's make preparations together, and we will be busy with this in the past three days."

So, Yan Huan followed Mu Zhiyu for three days in staring mode, watching him book hotels, order flowers, draw up guest lists, and have people send out invitations... ...

And perhaps out of Xuannv's reserve, Yan Huan only stayed with Mu Zhiyu during the day and let him go at night.

Mu Zhiyu took advantage of these rare nights to find a solution to Yan Huan.

He met a psychiatrist and even used hypnotherapy and psychological suggestion, but he could not resist Yan Huan's offensive.

However, he could feel that Yan Huan's influence on him was gradually shortening.

Let's call this Yan Huan's ability "Word Spirit". Then, the time limit of "Word Spirit" has been reduced from 13 hours on the first day to 11 hours the day before the banquet.

So he could only study Yan Huan's information and think of alternatives.

For example, he used a little trick. The invitation only mentioned marriage with the Yan family, but did not mention Yan Huan's name.

For example, he concealed in front of Yan Huan the fact that the effect of "Yan Ling" on him was gradually shortening.

And he set the engagement ceremony at 8:00 pm, which was also calculated.

He wanted to completely smash Yan Huan's plan at this banquet, so that she would never have anything to do with him in the future.

The images of these five days flashed by in just a moment.

Mu Zhiyu looked at Yan Huan in the audience. The clock of twenty o'clock rang, and the urge to surrender was finally suppressed.

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