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Chapter 193: Quickly save that poor little kid on campus 22

Yan Bai asked him.

"What do you want to do with Wu Shanqing?"

"With this evidence that he is a gangster protector, we can naturally send him to prison for ten or eight years, but how is it enough? He killed my father and harassed my mother for so many years. I want to settle the account with him."

Yan Bai raised his eyebrows with great interest.

"Punish the bad guys? I'm most interested! Tell me what you think."

Luo Zhichu looked at Yan Bai with burning eyes.

"There is no evidence that he killed my father. Do you think that if I reveal the whereabouts of the money to him, will he want to kill me for the money? This is irrefutable evidence!"

"You want to use the money ? As bait?"


"I think so..."

The two people's heads came closer and closer, and their voices became lower and lower. After two hours, Chan Feng repeatedly reviewed the plan and thought it was foolproof, so the two stopped talking. .

The two made some arrangements near the stone sculptures in the small park. When everything was ready, Luo Zhichu made a call to Wu Shanqing's office phone.

When Wu Shanqing answered the phone, Luo Zhichu's voice was anxious and frightened.

"Uncle Wu, I found a note left by my father. He has a secret place in a small park where he usually stores his things.

Do you think he will bring the things that the gang members have been looking for? Where is the thing hidden?"

Wu Shanqing immediately sat up straight.

"Have you told others about this?"

"I just found the note. Mom is not at home, so I don't dare to tell others."

"Can you find the small park?"

"The address was written in detail on the note. Yes, we can find it. Uncle Wu, if there is really something there, I am willing to hand it over to the police. Can you take people from the police station to come with me to have a look?"

"Okay, don't tell anyone about this. , and don't tell your mother. It may involve police secrets. I'll go find you right away and go with you to have a look."


Luo Zhichu gave Wu Shanqing an address, and Wu Shanqing immediately drove his private car. Inform anyone to find Luo Zhichu.

Luo Zhichu put down the phone, and the worry on his face disappeared instantly.

Yan Bai raised his thumb at him.

"Good acting!"

"According to the original plan, you take a taxi and go there first. You must be careful not to let Wu Shanqing find you."


Yan Bai immediately got up and went out, and Luo Zhichu also went to the corner of the street to wait for Wu Shanqing.

Wu Shanqing arrived quickly and saw Luo Zhichu standing at the intersection. He looked around cautiously. Only when there was no suspicious person did he call Luo Zhichu into the car and ask him immediately.

"You didn't tell anyone, right?"

Luo Zhichu felt contempt and resentment in his heart, but he said extremely sincerely:

"I also know that it may be related to police station secrets, but I didn't tell anyone."

Wu Shanqing nodded with satisfaction and asked for the address. , drove towards the deserted small park.

"How did you find the note?"

"I was looking through some old books that my father left behind when I had nothing to do today, and a piece of paper fell out."

The small park was not far away, and the two of them arrived quickly.

Luo Zhichu took Wu Shanqing to the statue of Dumbo and pointed at the statue.

"Dad said that this is where he usually hides things, but I don't know where exactly.

Uncle Wu, if I tell the Public Security Bureau all this, the gang won't trouble us anymore in the future, right?"

Wu Shanqing said absently . Pat Luo at the beginning.

"Don't worry, uncle will protect you."

Then he quickly walked towards the statue, looked left and right, and finally found the hole in his stomach.

He took out his cell phone and turned on the flashlight, put his head into the hole to check the situation, and soon discovered the black bag.

Wu Shanqing's heart was racing, he touched the bag and took it out.

When I opened it, I saw that it was full of US dollars, and two small bags of diamonds were shining brightly in the transparent bags.

Wu Shanqing's pupils shrank suddenly and he looked at Luo Zhichu.

"Boy, you are really good!"

Luo Zhichu took a step back calmly,

"Uncle Wu, will you hand these things over to the police station?"

Wu Shanqing was ecstatic in his heart. He finally got what he had been thinking about for many years. He could no longer Don't hide your true nature.

"Haha, hand it in? I'm not stupid, these are all mine.

Boy, your life is really bad. After seeing this, in order to keep this secret, I can only wrong you."

After Wu Shanqing said that, he rushed towards Luo Zhichu, Luo Zhichu reacted quickly, turned around and shouted:

"Uncle Wu, do you want to kill me? Help!"

In the blink of an eye, he ran behind a big tree. His voice was miserable, but his expression was calm.

Yan Bai let go of the rope in his hand on the tree, and a fist-sized fistful of rocks hit Wu Shanqing who had chased him under the tree.

Wu Shanqing was stunned by the stone covering his face and fell to the ground.

Luo Zhichu picked up a wooden stick from behind the tree, ran out and beat him all over his head and face, focusing on his limbs and joints.

Yan Bai also jumped down from the tree, took a wooden stick, and targeted Wu Shanqing's face.

He kept shouting:

"Are you going to kill Luo Zhichu? You bad guy, you are too scary..."

The nine-tailed fox clicked his tongue.

"Although the camera is on, you two don't have to be so dedicated in your performance..."

Yan Bai ignored him.

Wu Shanqing's head was instantly bruised and bloody. His hand touched the gun bag at his waist. Yan Bai took a look and jumped into the nearby slope with Luo Zhichu in his arms. Bullets whizzed past their heads.

Wu Shanqing was furious, and all six bullets were fired instantly.

At this moment, several special police officers heard gunshots and immediately surrounded the place.

Holding a gun and shouting at Wu Shanqing:

"Put down the gun and put your hands on your head!"

Wu Shanqing was stunned for a second and quickly reacted.

"I am the municipal police chief. I am arresting suspects here. Please cooperate with me. There are two murderers running over there. Beat them to death!"

The special police officer ignored him completely.

"Put down the gun and surrender, otherwise we will shoot!"

Wu Shanqing's gun was out of bullets. He could only drop the gun and raise his hands high. At the same time, he continued to try to trick them into killing Luo Zhichu and Yan Bai without giving up.

"Those two people are very dangerous and must be killed immediately. I have my ID on me. I am Wu Shanqing, the director of public security."

A special police officer stepped forward and kicked away his pistol, quickly put handcuffs on him, and escorted them away. The whole process did not take much time. Say a word.

Wu Shanqing was unwilling to look around for Luo Zhichu's shadow.

Two special police officers were seen supporting Luo Zhichu and Yan Bai as they walked forward.

The two people had just rolled down the slope, and now they were covered in weeds and dead leaves, looking very embarrassed.

The special police officers seemed to be very affectionate and protective towards them.

Wu Shanqing was stunned. He didn't understand what happened.

It turned out that Yan Bai and Luo Zhichu had installed several cameras here in the past few days and registered accounts on several popular apps.

The moment Wu Shanqing stepped into the small park, Yanbai on the tree started a live broadcast.

At the same time, I @ several provincial official public security departments and left messages about major cases happening here.

And Yan Bai also sent the evidence of Wu Shanqing's crime that he had prepared long ago to more than a dozen provincial public security departments and individual leaders.

The live broadcast became an instant hit, with countless viewers watching the real case online.

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