247 - 249

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Chapter 247 The nine-tailed fox was forced by the male protagonist of the world. On the 24th

, Ran Min took the soldiers to the next county for another routine inspection. Yan Bai went to the temporary imperial doctor's office and saw Sikong Xingchen when he entered the door.

Yan Bai once again had doubts about the original plot. If Sikong Xingchen didn't actually come into contact with patients, and he didn't study herbal medicine, could it be that he came up with this prescription based on his imagination?

The male protagonist has not been able to squeeze out the surplus value he received, which makes him unhappy!

When Sikong Xingchen saw Yan Bai coming, he made an excuse and left without saying anything. He was really afraid of Yan Bai.

While Yan Bai is not with Ran Min, he seizes the opportunity to get closer to Ran Min.

Since leaving the capital, Sikong Xingchen has been trying to get close to Ran Min, but he and Yan Bai have been almost inseparable, and she has not said a few words to him.

Ran Min is in control of the military, and Sikong Xingchen knows this very well that he can only be on good terms with him but not on bad terms with him.

Feng Qingyang immediately happily asked Yan Bai to sit down.

Yan Bai waved his hand and said to several people:

"Is there any progress now?"

"Through our observation of patients, comparison of symptoms of several previously recorded epidemics, inspection of the surrounding situation and questioning of patients.

We are now It can be basically determined that the infected person first developed skin swelling, then coughed and vomited blood in severe cases, and then the condition became more and more serious, and he died within a few days.

Based on the above symptoms, the cause of the plague outbreak should be an infectious disease caused by blood-sucking worms.

Feng Qingyang picked up the He picked up a small jar next to him.

"My lord, please see, it is this kind of little bug. If you are bitten by a bug that contains disease, you will easily get the disease."

Yan Bai looked at the little insect climbing in the jar and said,

"It's actually this little thing. Then I will immediately arrange some insect-repellent herbs or plants for everyone to take precautions. "

"Exactly. " "

A few people looked at each other, and one of the highest-ranking imperial doctors said:

"Feng Qingyang is indeed very talented. He has recently drawn up a prescription that we jointly studied and found to be very promising in curing the epidemic. We are planning to brew it for experiments. . "

"oh? That's great. "

Feng Qingyang smiled modestly.

"These are all inspirations I got based on the original prescriptions of the Imperial Medical Office. We still have to see if they have any effect.

"Well, let's make arrangements as soon as possible. " "

Yan Bai went to the intensive care unit again, and secretly sprayed some diluted elixir on them to keep them alive, but not to make their condition better or let others see the clues.

He was afraid that he would cause special problems because of himself. The condition of the disease affected the imperial doctors in developing prescriptions.

After all, it is safest to develop a prescription that belongs to this world. After all,

it is difficult for his elixir to be released, and if an epidemic breaks out elsewhere, a real prescription can save more people.

Sikong Xingchen frowned when he walked out of the temporary "Emperor's Hospital". He

had been with these imperial doctors for so long, but he still wasn't sure of winning them over.

Although he knew some medical theory, he was not good enough to research new prescriptions. .

He has been talking on paper all these years, how much real ability does he have?

This time, he planned to bribe the imperial doctors. If they researched the prescription and used coercion and inducement to make it his own, it would be a huge achievement and he would definitely be able to make it. He won the hearts of the people and added a lot of color to his big plan.

But Feng Qingyang was too difficult to deal with, and he was not proud of himself at all.

But he also had the most superb medical skills among several people. If anyone could research a prescription, he would be The most likely candidate.

And just now, they had made significant progress, but now Sikong Yanbai came, and his plan might be ruined.

What should he do?

He held his hands tightly, with a look of determination on his face.

In the evening, he brought a jug of wine to Feng Qingyang's residence. He dressed up carefully. The thin gown was of excellent quality. His hair dropped a few strands deliberately and casually in front of his forehead, giving him a casual style.

Feng Qingyang was about to fall asleep . , seeing that the third prince actually came to him, and it was very unexpected at this time.

"Caomin has seen the third prince. "

Sikong Xingchen's voice was warm, and seemed to be a bit lazy and gentle, which made people think.

"Why are you so polite? At this moment, I only talk about friends regardless of status. I have something difficult and I want to find someone to talk to. Do you have time? "

Feng Qingyang...

"It's not convenient. "

Sikong Xingchen...

Damn it!

Ran Min's jaw dropped in shock as he happened to pass by.

Ever since he knew that there are men in this world, everyone seems to be gay.

At this moment, he felt a deep affection for the prince in his heart. The drama of falling in love with the little doctor in white but being ruthlessly rejected revolved in front of his eyes like a revolving lantern.

Stars flashed in Ran Min's eyes as he floated back to the yard.

He and Yan Bai were in the same yard, but they were just to the east and the west.

He directly Floating towards Yan Bai's house, it happened that Yan Bai went out to pour water for washing his feet, and the wooden basin was almost knocked over.

Ran Min fell from the floating state, but halfway down, he was still weak and his voice was wavering.

"Yan Min Bai, do good-looking men only play with men now? "

Yan Bai...

Why is this guy suffering from brain damage even if he wasn't poured water on his feet?

He poured out the water with a sigh, then turned back and went into the house to ask him.

"What's going on? "

The Emperor and Mu Changyin, Sikong Xingchen and Feng Qingyang, Zhao Tiezhu and Xu Dewang..."

Yan Bai was startled and confused. He knew the first pair, but he didn't expect the middle pair but it makes sense logically. The last pair is Who? No impression at all.

"Who are Zhao Tiezhu and Xu Dewang? "

"Our cook and lieutenant in the general's mansion, the cook always leaves chicken legs for him, they definitely have one!

Yan Bai stroked his forehead, feeling confused and confused. Faced with such a stupid Ran Min, he didn't know whether to scold or favor him. Finally, he said with difficulty:

"Does the General's Mansion need those chicken drumsticks? " "

Ran Min...

"That's not lacking.

Ran Min, who was floating in the air, finally landed with a "frame".

"Yan Bai, guess what I just saw? "

"What did you see? " "

"It was so exciting to see the third prince going to Feng Qingyang with a jug of wine, only to be turned away by Feng Qingyang.

"Then the third prince went back? "

"Uh... I was so shocked that I left before I finished reading. " "

Yan Bai glared at this useless thing, stroking his lips and thinking to himself, it is self-evident what Sikong Xingchen wanted to do with Feng Qingyang. In the original plot, it was probably the prescription developed by the imperial doctors that he took for himself.

Sikong Xingchen actually It was quite acceptable to seduce a common man for a prescription, but he didn't expect that Feng Qingyang would turn him away.

In the original plot, the epidemic did not come by himself, so Ran Min brought the former imperial physician Ling, who was one of Chu Rouniang's lovers, so he naturally helped Sikong Xingchen.

Maybe they took the credit from Feng Qingyang. After all, he was just an ordinary citizen.

At that time, Ran Min was infected with the epidemic again, and he probably didn't realize Feng Qingyang's ability, so Feng Qingyang was quite miserable.

What Yan Bai didn't know was that although he didn't hold the script, he did accidentally glimpse the hidden truth in the original plot.

Yan Bai was thinking about something, but Ran Min was fascinated by Yan Bai.

Why is she so beautiful, with beautiful eyes, beautiful eyebrows, and such a beautiful mouth, so pink and plump, I wonder what it would be like to kiss her?

Wanting to kiss...

Ran Min suddenly woke up.

Holy shit!

I want to kiss Yan Bai. It turns out that I have always liked being with Yan Bai so much, not because I want to be his brother, but because I want to be him... There are

so many men, so he and Yan Bai are not bad, right?

Ran Min's mind was spinning, and he quickly completed his own strategy, and then took it for granted that everything was so reasonable.

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