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Chapter 256 Extra: Hassan and his Crystal Boy 4

How could anyone have the heart to hurt a crystal-like person like Lan Zhou? And his disappearance today seems a bit strange.

Then his unwillingness to go home may not be as simple as just not liking it. Lan Zhou may be in danger if he goes back.

Hassan really didn't want to send him back and put him in danger when the danger was not identified.

Lan Zhou's elegant etiquette, upbringing, and attire cannot be cultivated by a top wealthy family. It shouldn't be difficult to find out his origins.

Hassan was a little unhappy thinking about this. What kind of aristocratic family is this?

Hassan was gentler to him.

"I'll help you find a place to stay temporarily. Do you like the beach?"

Lan Zhou's eyes lit up and he nodded obediently.

Hassan had some inexplicable emotions again and was not very happy.

"Do you believe me so much? What if I am a bad guy, will you come with me?"

Lan Zhou smiled, his crescent eyes like crescent moons.

"I know you are not a bad person."

Faced with Lan Zhou like this, Hassan couldn't get angry after all. This beautiful person like crystal should be protected by the best.

If he were his... relative, he would definitely protect Lan Zhou tightly and not give anyone a chance to harm him.

But, alas, I am just a stranger.

Hassan didn't even have the heart to ask him why he refused to go home.

Forget it, just take the trouble to check it out.

Hassan didn't notice that his mood changes today were completely affected by Lan Zhou and fluctuated wildly. This had never happened before.

Hassan took the blue boat to his bay villa in the small town of Chefchaouen.

This is a place where he occasionally comes to relax and stay. There is absolutely no problem with security, but it is not too strict to cause discomfort.

Most of the security personnel were hiding in the dark, so it was perfect for Lan Zhou to temporarily settle here.

Moreover, I have been living here recently, so I just used my free time these days to find out Lan Zhou's life experience and ensure his safety.

The villa is located on the seaside, with its own private beach and a mountain on one side, making it quite private and safe.

Hassan took him to visit the second floor. Lan Zhou stood on the balcony of the second floor, looking at the large beach downstairs and looking at Hassan.

"Can I go to the beach to pick up stones?"

"Change into clothes and shoes before going. I've asked someone to send you some clothes in your size. They should arrive soon."

Lan Zhou smiled, his big round eyes shining brightly. .


Hassan's men were very fast. He took Lan Zhou to familiarize himself with the surrounding environment, and the clothes had already been delivered.

Lan Zhou entered the guest room and changed into more comfortable and loose beach clothes. He waved to Hassan and went to the beach. He also took a small plastic bucket from the door.

Hassan stood on the balcony and watched Lan Zhou picking up stones with his bare feet on the beach, his jade-like feet leaving a series of shallow footprints on the beach.

At this time, the entourage that Hassan had previously told him brought him a USB flash drive,

"Prince, this is the information you want. We have searched all the available cameras around us, and any part that contains Mr. Lan Zhou has been retrieved." They have all been intercepted, please take a look.

The identity of Mr. Lan Zhou is under investigation. There is no news yet, and the investigation is still going on."

Hassan turned on the computer, inserted the USB flash drive, and started to check the video of Lan Zhou's whereabouts over the past two days . .

At the same time, in another place, a group of people were looking for Lan Zhou's whereabouts.

In a private manor in the small town of Chefchaouen, Lan Zhou's grandfather's hair was so anxious that his hair turned gray.

He brought his grandsons Lan Zhou and Lan Tian to follow up on a project, but something happened unexpectedly.

Grandson Lanzhou went out with two bodyguards. He got separated from the bodyguards in a crowded place and has not been found yet.

Lan Zhou, his grandson, is his favorite junior and has a very high IQ.

But there are also fatal weaknesses. Life skills are extremely low, especially the inability to recognize the road, which has reached an outrageous level.

As long as he walked 200 meters and turned a corner, he would be completely lost.

So far, he has only been able to find his own room in his ancestral home where he has lived for nineteen years.

As long as he changes his residence, no matter how many times he goes to his room, he can't find it without someone to guide him.

That's why he was so anxious when Lan Zhou was lost. He had sent all the forces around him to search for her. However, based on the ancestral training and rules of the Lan family, he could only search in a low-key manner, but could not make a big splash. So far, there is still no news.

And his other grandson, Lan Tian, ​​who came with him this time, was also very worried. He is very sensible and has been looking for his brother despite his illness.

At this time, Lan Tian was talking to a bodyguard on a deserted street corner.

Lan Tian's facial features are somewhat similar to Lan Zhou's, but their temperaments are completely different. Lan Zhou is as clear as crystal, while Lan Tian seems a bit smart and lively, and is a bit taller than Lan Zhou.

Lan Tian once again confirmed with the bodyguard in front of him,

"Are you sure you left Lan Zhou on that street? He couldn't escape on his own,

right?" "Don't worry, young master, there is absolutely no problem. I have already inquired about it. It is the most chaotic place there." In the neighborhood, the largest human trafficker gang in Morocco is over there.

With the second young master's expensive clothes and his beautiful and innocent appearance, the human trafficker gang will never let him go if they see him. Something will happen to him."

Lan Tian nodded.

"It's been two days since he came back. Something must have happened. He's probably been sold somewhere now.

Hehe, with his appearance, he doesn't have to worry about going to a good place.

Are you doing everything right? Grandpa, right? We will definitely check the street surveillance. You didn't leave any clues, right?"

"Don't worry, eldest young master, we have been paying attention. There are no cameras there

at all. If there is a camera that we didn't pay attention to and caught us, we will think that the second young master and us are the same. If you accidentally get lost, there is absolutely no excuse."

"Well, I'm relieved then. Haha, my brother has been a weirdo since he was a child, and he is the best at stealing the limelight. Now he is finally no longer an eyesore in front of me."

Lan Tian couldn't help but think back . the past few years.

The Lan family is an ancient and mysterious hidden family that has been passed down for hundreds of years. The family immigrated to the Netherlands more than 200 years ago.

The family has always followed an ancestral motto: "Exist, but not visible."

It means: the financial status of the entire family cannot be disclosed to the world. Family members keep a low profile and cannot reveal their identities.

The family owns many companies, but in order to hide their financial status, they choose not to list them. The wealth of the entire family is unpredictable.

Lan Tian doesn't fully understand that there are at least ten people in his family who can be ranked on the rich list.

If the entire family's property is combined, even if he is not the world's richest man, he will be almost the same. This is still the case before all companies are listed.

If one day the family no longer keeps a low profile and chooses to go public, their assets will increase at least dozens of times. This is where Lan Tian disapproves of the family's approach.

Times have changed, and it would be too pedantic to still stick to such rigid rules.

As a result, he cannot enter the circle of top rich people. Although he has top-notch food and clothing, what's the use? What he wants is the envy of others!

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