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Chapter 205 The Republic of China Actor and His Financier 9

The three of them were quiet for the rest of the time.

When we got home, we sat in the front room and talked.

Yan Bai guessed that his role as a tool was not over yet, so he sat aside automatically and did not speak.

Rusu took out an exquisite gold watch from the suitcase and gave it to Yan Jiu.

"Master Jiu, this is a gift for you."

Yan Jiu took the box and opened it indifferently and looked at it.

"Thank you."

He was about to close the lid, but Rusu hurriedly stopped him.

"Master Jiu, please put it on. This style is currently the most popular."

Yan Bai noticed with sharp eyes that Ru Su also had a gold watch on her wrist, but it was slightly smaller. It should be the same as the one given to Yan Jiu in the box. Couple style.

Yan Bai curled his lips and lowered his head to drink tea. Unexpectedly, the heroine was now in love with the villain.

"I'm used to wearing long gowns, which don't go well with this kind of Western watch. Let's keep it for now."

Ru Su's disappointed expression was clear. She glanced at Yan Bai and said,

"You go out first. I have something to say to Master Jiu."

Yan Bai ignored Rusu and only glanced at Yan Jiu to see what he meant.

Yan Jiu frowned.

"What do you have to say and why are you avoiding people?"

Seeing that Yan Jiu had no intention of sending Yan Bai away, Ru Su simply ignored Yan Bai and confessed everything to him.

"Master Jiu, I have graduated. You promised my father that you would marry me."

Yan Jiu frowned.

"I've sent you to read so many books, but why is your vision still so narrow?

I'm a gangster, and I don't know how long I'll live. I've let you receive so many new educations, just to make you independent and independent, and to be a new era person. Women pursue their own happiness.

Have you lost all your knowledge?"

Rusu's eyes were filled with tears.

"I don't care, I don't want to be a new woman. After five years, I just want to marry you.

Before my father died, you promised him to take me in and give me a bowl of food."

Yan Jiu was angry and refused to argue . .

"You have also seen my backyard. There are so many people, do you still want to fight for a place?

And if Uncle Ru asked me to let you be my concubine, are you willing to be a concubine with a bad name?

Let you learn so much Knowledge, you go out and find a job, you can be a clerk, you can work in a bank, you can be an accountant. I can introduce you to any job you like.

In this way, everyone will take a high look at you.

In the future, choose someone you like . A decent person, being a decent wife is the best way out for you."

Yan Bai looked sideways, but he didn't expect that Yan Jiu himself, who was always in the old school, had a new vision, and he also respected women very much and saw them very thoroughly. Extraordinary insights.

If the heroine is willing to listen, this could be a good future.

Of course Rusu couldn't listen. Over the years, Yan Jiu had been very generous to her in terms of money, so she could buy a gold watch if she wanted, and study abroad if she wanted.

Before she was thirteen years old, she was just the daughter of an ordinary bodyguard, and even having a braised pork meal was a luxury.

Since she was taken care of by Yan Jiu at the age of thirteen, her life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

She was used to seeing the rich and luxurious people in Vanity Fair, and thought that this was a good life.

She has a laid-back wife, and her aunt is also a wife. She goes to a bank to be a small employee who is yelled at?

She's not crazy.

With a monthly salary of tens of dollars, I can just buy a face cream and it's gone.

Ru Su gritted his teeth, could Yan Jiu really look down on him? Or do you feel that he has finished repaying his father's kindness and has finished his responsibility to himself?


She would never allow it!

"Master Jiu, I have liked you since I was a child. Even if I am a concubine, I still want to stay by your side.

Are you asking me to study abroad to package me up so that marrying me will give me face in the future?"

Yan Jiu tried to persuade everyone to stop. After all, he is not a person who likes to talk too much.

He said so much today, it was a rare time for him to talk a lot.

It was because Rusu's father had blocked a shot for him that he gave her a little more encouragement.

Yan Jiu put the cigar into the ashtray and was no longer in the mood to talk nonsense.

"Think about it, I like men now, and you can't compare to such a stunning beauty."

Yan Jiu pointed at Yan Bai, the tool man next to him.

Yan Bai smiled and was graceful. He was truly a beauty in the world, and he fully displayed his function as a tool man without emotions.

Rusu's eyes paused for a moment before she heard Yan Jiu continue:

"The woman who is my Yan Jiu is just a woman by name, and she looks good.

I won't even touch you with my fingers, but you also You can't cheat on Hongxing. My woman must be able to withstand loneliness and stay alone. You can come back to me after you think about it."

Ru Su seemed to have heard only what she wanted to hear, and her face was filled with surprise.

"I've thought about it, I do!"

She didn't care at all about Yan Jiu's words not to touch her. As long as she entered the backyard, there would always be a chance.

Yan Jiu used to be attracted to both men and women, but even if he prefers men recently, there is no guarantee that he won't like women again in a while.

None of the people in the backyard had any status, so it was obvious that they were just playthings, and Yan Jiu didn't take them to heart at all.

If he had a status, Yan Jiu would always give himself some dignity.

Moreover, she is young, beautiful and fashionable, speaks English and has seen the world. She is many times better than those in the backyard. If Yan Jiuruo brings his family to the banquet, only he can do it.

Over time, Yan Jiu will definitely fall in love with herself.

If there is a boy and a girl in the future...

The more Rusu thinks about it, the more beautiful she becomes, and the more she feels that this is her best future.

Yan Jiu took one last look at her expression. Since she didn't understand the last words, let her let her go.

"In that case, let's set up a few banquets in the backyard tonight and ask everyone in the backyard to come out and recognize you. It's settled."

Yan Bai raised his eyebrows. He found that Yan Jiu was a very talented person.

Call him ruthless, he will repay kindness. You can say that he is affectionate, but he is really ruthless when he is ruthless.

When he felt that a person was hopeless, he didn't even want to say a word and let others fight to death, even if it was the daughter of his savior.

Rusu was aggrieved that the important events of her life were so carelessly written, but she really understood Yan Jiu's temperament and did not dare to expect a real wedding ceremony for her.

Moreover, it is true that those who marry concubines in Shanghai do not hold grand banquets.

It's a pity that there was no wedding ceremony, but this can be considered the price of her good life in the future!

It's worth it anyway.

At present, Yan Jiu is willing to give himself an identity in Yan Mansion, and one day he will give himself an identity in Shanghai as a whole.

Rusu was still happy.

"Then I'll go to the room to get ready first."

Yan Jiu picked up a cup of tea, took a sip, lowered his eyes, and nodded slightly.

Rusu left happily.

Yan Bai couldn't hide the mocking smile at the corner of his mouth, and Yan Jiu happened to see this expression.

Yan Jiu glanced at him sideways and said angrily:

"Stop watching the fun and prepare to go to the banquet with me tomorrow."

Yan Bai didn't have time to calm down and was caught on the spot, which was a bit embarrassing.

He touched his lips and smoothed the raised corners of his lips.

"Do you need to prepare anything special?"

Yan Jiu gave him a meaningful look.

"Be brave."

Yan Bai's interest immediately came. The banquet was not a good one, it was really exciting!

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