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Chapter 100 Little Dark Room, Little Chain 13

He Zhizhou's eyes lit up, and his heart surged. Yan Bai is so beautiful, and so willing to sacrifice for him again and again. When this matter is over, take him to the United States!

He Zhizhou went to the hotel to find Wilson in a happy mood.

As soon as He Zhizhou left, the nine-tailed fox jumped out, "Lord Demon Lord, you won't really help the hero, will you?"

"How is that possible?"

"I have been with He Gui for three years, how much has the blackening value dropped? "

I did the math, it dropped by 25 in total, and now I still have 45."

"Yes! Can you believe it? It's only 15! This little brat has a lot of tricks, and he's very clingy, but he hasn't reduced his blackness much in three years." Damn it, if I don't want to use some strange tricks, when will I be able to complete the mission?"

The nine-tailed fox was timid,

"The strange trick you want is to betray the villain and help the male protagonist steal information? Are you afraid that you have forgotten the punishment of the villain's chain? Tricky!"

Yan Bai's old face turned red,

"You're a perverted fox who peeps every day, don't you know how to avoid when you should?"

The nine-tailed fox blushed,

"I want to see it!"

Yan Bai held up his forehead and held the nine tails The fox retreated into the sea of ​​​​consciousness and didn't want to see this thing again!

Yan Bai went to take a hot bath, squinted for a while, and the pain in his body eased, then he dressed up and went back to the company to find him.

This has basically been my daily routine for the past three years. When I return to my office, I open half of it and transform it into a studio for Yan Bai to use.

Yan Bai usually sits for hours at a time. Every time he paints, he is easily immersed in it and forgets everything else. He only feels at ease when he is next to him, and he can be given water and food from time to time.

When Yan Bai arrived today, he went to the conference room for a meeting. Yan Bai turned on his computer, worked on it, copied some things to a USB flash drive, and then went to draw his own painting.

When I came back two hours later, I saw Yan Bai with a few dabs of paint on his colorful face. I thought it was so cute!

Walking over and kissing his little cat-like face twice, Yan Bai pushed his face aside in disgust, smiled, stopped disturbing him, and went to work in the office.

Seeing that the computer screen was still on,

"Baby, did you use my computer?"

Yan Bai replied casually:

"Well, I copied something."

"You can ask me to help you next time."



Three days Later, He Zhizhou came to Yanbai's villa as promised. When he left, He Zhizhou went in, looking very much like a mistress who came to have an affair.

Yan Bai opened the door and gave the USB flash drive to him,

"Everything you want is inside, take it!"

He Zhizhou gratefully took the USB flash drive and looked at him affectionately:

"Yan Bai, come back with me. Is America good? I will give you the best life."

Yan Bai rolled his eyes,

"Just go and dream, there is everything in the dream."

Saiba closed the door with a bang, leaving a confused He Zhizhou.

what's the situation? What does Yanbai mean?

He is selflessly dedicated to himself, yet so indifferent in his attitude. He is such a contradictory and alluring little cutie!

He Zhizhou became even more determined to win Yan Bai.

He went to the hotel and handed the USB flash drive to Wilson. Wilson couldn't hide his surprise,

"Zhou, you are so capable. You got it in just three days. Let's see its value together!"

Wilson couldn't wait to hand over the USB flash drive. Plug it into the computer and find a lot of information about chip technology.

It involves a lot of sophisticated algorithms, even a professional like Wilson can't understand it, but he can see that it is very advanced, far more advanced than Terr's existing technology, Terr suppressed the excitement on his lips.

"This does seem to have something unique. I will give it to the president, and he will definitely reward you."

He Zhizhou was very happy,

"Thank you, Mr. Wilson. This time I returned to China and met the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. " I want to take him back to China with me."

"Oh! Congratulations! You can start to go through the formalities for him. We will return to China tomorrow."

"Is it so urgent?"

"Yes, I'm here. The matter has been finished, and I also want to hand over the information to the president as soon as possible."

"Then I'll try and see if I can convince him to come with me tomorrow!"


He Zhizhou went to find Yan Bai, and Yan Bai was returning from He Shi I was getting ready to go out to watch a movie when I met him at the door.

He Zhizhou didn't care when he would return. He took two steps forward and walked to Yan Bai:

"Yan Bai, I am going back to Country M tomorrow. Can you come with me? I will always love you and love you. "

Yan Bai! " !

Without saying a word, Shi Gui punched He Zhizhou on the right side of his face. He was caught off guard and fell backwards.

He Zhigui's face was as gloomy as water,

"Who gave you the courage to come in front of me and talk nonsense about my people? You alone are worthy of saying that you like Yan Bai?"

He Zhizhou's face hurt, and he was so angry that he couldn't help but stimulate him. When to return.

"Yan Bai loves me! He kept himself by your side all because of me. Do you know? He gave me all your company's top-secret information. Tell me, who is more important in his mind? If you do it for him Well, we should give him freedom!"

Shigui's expression changed slightly, and he looked at Yan Bai nervously, with a hint of pleading in his tone.

"Brother Yan, you won't leave me, right?"

Yan Bai's mouth twitched,

"Didn't you hear him say that I stole your information and gave it to him? In the end, you only care about whether I leave or not?"

When will you return ? Hugging Yan Bai,

"As long as you don't leave, I can solve all other problems."

He Zhizhou looked at Yan Bai expectantly, "Yan Bai, leave him, I will always be with you."

Yan Bai glared at him,

"Okay, it's true that I gave you the information, and it's true that I don't like you. You can go back to the United States on your own!"

Shi Jigui's eyes lit up, and his whole person was full of energy.

He Zhizhou's eyes dimmed,

"You have always liked me since you were a child, why did you suddenly change?"

Yan Bai ignored him and pulled He Gui away,

"If you don't leave, we won't be able to make it to the opening!"

He Gui Huanzhu Yan Bai shouldered,

"Okay, let's go!"

In the corner where Yan Bai couldn't see, He Zhizhou looked back coldly, making him shiver for no reason!

The disappointed He Zhizhou gathered his emotions and returned to Country M with Wilson. The data in the USB flash drive was analyzed by technical personnel and found to be of great value.

The EDA software technology has surpassed the world's current highest level. Although there are a few strings that Tel's technical staff have not yet successfully parsed, it does not affect the overall situation.

Tel Company held a high-level meeting and prepared to hold a global press conference soon to announce this latest achievement. With this achievement, their company can lead the world for another thirty years!

As the hero, He Zhizhou became one of the top executives of Tel Company in a confused and natural way.

This press conference was very popular. Tel company invited many potential customers and old customers, and also specially sent invitation letters to several leading companies in chip technology in the world.

Shi Gui was holding the invitation letter with a gloomy look on his face. If all the information in his computer had been handed over to He Zhizhou by Yan Bai, then the content released by Tel Company this time would most likely be the content in his computer. This It's outright theft.

Yan Bai was taking a break from painting, and when he saw Shi Shi returning, he took the invitation from him.

After reading it, he slightly raised the corners of his mouth, sat on Jigui's lap, and looked into his eyes.

"Do you believe me?"

"Of course!"

"Then let's go to this press conference, okay?"


Shi Gui really couldn't say no to Yan Bai, let alone if it was really his imagination Just like that, he also needs to deal with the aftermath and give an explanation to the company and the country.

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