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Chapter 184: Quickly save that poor campus kid Chang Feng 13

Yanbai's eyes glanced at Chang Yihuan, who was whispering something next to Wen Ting while watching the search actions of the teacher inside from the window.

When the teacher searched Yan Bai's desk, Chang Yi mentioned it happily and stared at it with burning eyes. However, after searching for a long time, nothing was found, so the teacher walked to the next table.

Chang Yihuan frowned and couldn't help but wonder to himself, could it be that he had placed it too secretly so that the teacher didn't notice?

This is how to do?

At this moment, another teacher had already retrieved a test paper from his desk.

The teacher said loudly:

"Found it!"

Chang Yihuan suddenly looked up, only to find that he found it from his desk.

He felt his eyes darken and his whole body felt bad.

The dean hurriedly stepped forward to take it, and when he opened it, it turned out to be the test paper and answers for this monthly exam. He asked the head teacher.

"Whose seat is this?"

The head teacher glanced outside and said,

"It belongs to Chang Yihuan."

"Call everyone in."

The students came in one after another, and the head teacher's name was Chang Yihuan.

"Chang Yihuan, come to the front."

Chang Yihuan walked forward in a daze, his mind racing, thinking of various solutions.

The head teacher's expression was serious.

"I found it in your desk, please explain it!"

Chang Yihuan's mind went blank and he couldn't care about anything. He only looked at Wen Ting nervously, for fear that he would misunderstand her, so he gave a weak defense.

"How is it possible? Why is it here with me? I didn't steal it!"

The dean's face was expressionless.

"Yeah, I want to hear it too, why are you here? What time did you come to school this morning?"

Chang Yihuan did come very early today in order to steal things, and then climbed into the teacher's office through the back window. Found sample paper with answers.

He knew that teachers would only look for sample papers after all exams and correct them based on the answers.

At that time, everything was a foregone conclusion, and the secretly copying of answers had become a fact. The teacher would definitely come to search the classroom. He had hidden the test papers with Yan Bai early. When the evidence was conclusive, he would not be beaten to death!

Yan Bai's scores in the monthly exam last month were particularly good, and the scores of several students around him also improved significantly.

Thinking about the matter of stealing the test paper this time, it is not difficult to imagine that Yan Bai is a habitual offender, and his results last month were also unreal, and the teacher will not deal with him harshly by then.

Unexpectedly, how could the answer be here?

Chang Yihuan looked at Yanbai sharply.

"Teacher, it must be Yan Bai. He stole the test paper and framed me. His grades last month were very good. Several people in their study group scored so well. There is something fishy. Maybe he did very well last month. Stole!"

Yan Bai looked at Chang Yihuan with a blank look on his face,

"Chang Yihuan, what are you talking about? Didn't we do well in the exam because we studied hard? Everyone has seen how we have done in the past two months. You're working hard, does working hard mean there is a problem in your eyes?"

Wen Ting looked at this dramatic scene, his eyes repeatedly flowing between Chang Yihuan and Yan Bai.

He didn't believe that Yan Bai would steal test papers and be of such low character, but he also didn't believe that Chang Yihuan would steal test papers.

In the past two months of getting along, Chang Yihuan has been diligent in work-study and motivated.

Although his academic performance is somewhat poor, his family's living conditions are poor and he has to worry about many things. Naturally, he has less energy to study, which is understandable.

But he really didn't understand why Chang Yihuan categorically said that Yan Bai had framed him. Is there some kind of feud between the two that he didn't know about?

The dean didn't quite believe that Yan Bai would steal it. During the past two months, he often saw Yan Bai giving lectures to the group. Everyone was listening and taking notes seriously. They were in a state of serious study. If you can't fool anyone, it's reasonable to work hard to improve your performance.

Chang Yihuan, on the other hand, didn't see how hard he studied, but he was often seen serving dishes in coffee shops.

Of course, work-study is a good thing, but study cannot be ignored! He remembered that Chang Yihuan's score dropped a lot in the last monthly exam.

Is it because you didn't do well in the monthly exam last time that you took the risk to steal the test paper this time?

Yan Bai continued slowly:

"Actually, it's easy to find out who stole the test papers. Comparing our answer content with the standard answers, with the sharp eyes of the teachers, we can always find some clues, right?"

Chang Yihuan perked up, right? ! He himself did like shit in the exam this time, how could he possibly steal the test paper? He took the test paper in his hand but didn't even look at the answers.

In fact, it's not that his realm is so noble, but that he wants to beat Yan Bai to death more than his own achievements.

On the other hand, Yan Bai and the others should have done well in the exam, so the teacher would definitely doubt them.

"Yes, I support checking the test papers!"

Chang Yihuan said louder than anyone else.

The nine-tailed fox smiled sadly at the side,

"How brave you are now, how miserable you will cry later! My ability to imitate handwriting is first-rate."

The dean immediately found Chang Yihuan's test paper and checked it first , the more he checked, the darker his face became, and the veins on his forehead were exposed.

It was the first time he saw such a stupid student. He copied all the answers to the essay questions word for word. He slapped the test paper on the table.

"You can answer all the essay questions well. What else is there to say? What else can you argue with?"

Chang Yihuan looked confused and leaned over to read the test paper.

The test paper was still the same, and the handwriting was his own, but it was not his answer! He didn't answer the essay question at all, okay?

What kind of ghost did he see that killed him today?

"Director, this... this was not written by me... If you check Yanbai's test paper, he must have done better than me!"

The dean is completely disappointed with this stubborn student who still refuses to admit his mistakes.

But in order to convince the public, he also asked people to take out Yan Bai's test paper and compare the answers to judge.

Yan Bai got a perfect score in math.

Chang Yihuan seemed to have grasped something and shouted loudly:

"Look, he got a perfect score. How could he get a perfect score in math? He must have read the answer!"

The dean looked at him like an idiot.

"Have you lost your brain? His solutions to the last few big questions were completely different from the answers. His solutions were more advanced and concise."

Chang Yihuan was speechless.

The dean said to the class:

"Classmate Chang Yihuan stole the test paper and got a zero grade. He wrote a thousand words of self-criticism and received a major demerit. The self-criticism will be read out in public at the flag-raising ceremony on Monday."

Chang Yihuan looked at Wen in despair . Wen Ting, he can't argue now, he just hopes Wen Ting will believe him.

A trace of disappointment flashed in Wen Ting's eyes, which hurt Chang Yihuan's heart even more.

After school, Chang Yihuan took Wen Ting to a deserted corner and explained eagerly.

"I really didn't steal the test paper. It was Yan Bai. He must have put it in my desk."

Wen Ting looked at him helplessly.

"Yi Huan, it's not terrible to make mistakes in the heat of the moment. As long as you admit your mistakes and correct them, it's not too late. We can't make the same mistake again and again and implicate innocent people."

Chang Yihuan has always been uneasy to see Wen Ting defend Yan. Bai was completely panicked.

"Do you like Yan Bai? Last time you had to return the meal card to him in person, I saw that you were unusual for him. I am your... good friend, why don't you believe me?"

Wen Ting stroked his forehead. , he never thought that he would like Yan Bai. Maybe he was curious, but it was never to the extent of liking him. How could he like someone who was so open-minded and so public!

As if to dispel the absurd thoughts in his mind, he hugged Chang Yihuan for the first time.

"Can you please stop thinking so wildly? I just hope you don't do something wrong. Okay, okay, this matter is over, and we will never mention it again."

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