199 - 201

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Chapter 199 The Actor of the Republic of China and His Financier 3

Yan Bai turned around and walked out of the room. Boss Zhao kept pacing back and forth in the yard, feeling extremely anxious. When he heard that it was finally quiet inside, he quickly guarded the door.

Seeing Yan Bai come out, I looked him up and down and saw that his face looked fine, and I felt a little relieved.

He hurriedly took a few steps forward to hold Yan Bai, his concern was beyond words.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Boss Zhao. I want to stay."

Boss Zhao glanced at the open door, pulled him aside, and whispered anxiously:

"Silly boy, there is no way out here. , do you know how many people

are there in the backyard here? Don't think about what's special about you. What kind of beauty does a person like Yan Jiuye want? It's

just a novelty for you at most, but don't turn your head after hearing any sweet words. He's overheated, what should you do?"

Yan Bai also knew that Boss Zhao was a good person, and he could tell from his words that he always considered him. But Yan Bai had to stay, and he could only stubbornly act like a fool in front of him, feeling a little aggrieved inside.

"I like him. No matter how many people are in the backyard now, I will be the only one in the future."

Yan Jiu stood at the door at some point. Hearing these words, a hint of coldness appeared on his warm face.

Yan Jiu glanced at Yan Bai, did he like himself? Yan Jiu didn't see it. He didn't know what the wild fox was planning, but he definitely didn't like himself.

I kept him because I wanted to verify something, so I would naturally tolerate his nonsense.

He spoke slowly.

"Boss Zhao, there is a vacant theater on East Street. Take your people and move it there.

No one will dare to embarrass you when you perform there. Whether it will be popular or not depends on your ability.

I like Yan Bai very much, let him Please stay with me for a while."

Boss Zhao did not dare to say any more and quickly thanked him.

"Then I'll take him back to pack his luggage and tell him a few words."

"No need, Yan Mansion is lacking for everything." "

Okay, okay, then I'll go back first. Yanbai, be obedient and want to come back." I'll pick you up."

Boss Zhao looked at Yan Bai eagerly, hoping that he would change his mind. But Yan Bai nodded, turning a blind eye to the deep meaning in his eyes, and only thanked him heartily.

"Thank you, Boss Zhao."

Boss Zhao sighed deeply in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on the outside, but he couldn't help but worry in his heart, so he turned around and walked away.

Yan Jiu said to his subordinates:

"Place him in the Liyuan." Then he turned around and left without even looking at Yan Bai.

Yan Bai followed the man in black to another courtyard, and it was still very luxurious and tasteful.

Someone in black gave him several sets of clothes, and someone filled a large wooden bucket with hot water in the small compartment inside.

"Master Yan, you can take a shower now."

"Thank you."

After being completely quiet, the nine-tailed fox finally defeated the device and brought up the plot of this world. He finished what he had not finished just now.

"Lord Demon Lord, the entire plot has been revealed, and some hidden plots have also been investigated. Let's talk about the hidden plot first

. The villain was drugged in his early years, and as a result, he became inoperable somewhere. Every time he suffered, he gained wisdom. He simply deliberately created a lustful weakness for himself.

On the one hand, it is to paralyze his enemies and give them an obvious loophole for them to attack. It is easier to deal with than facing dangers from many aspects.

In recent years, there have been many forces in his backyard. The spies sent over.

He knew it well and deliberately stayed there to paralyze the enemy. Sometimes he would also use them to deliberately send some false information back.

On the other hand, he also wanted to leave an exit to accommodate groups like Chunfeng Pavilion.

In troubled times, He is good for no reason, others dare not accept it, but after he has accepted the benevolence of others, others will naturally live under his wings with peace of mind. He protects

and takes in many people through this method.

The villain is very cautious and will ask for it. The other party submits invitations and names of beauties three days in advance. He will use these three days to investigate whether these people are worthy of his protection, and the background of the people sent to him is not clean.

There are also some beauties sent in this way in his backyard. , because he admires him or refuses to leave because he wants to settle down.

Yan Jiu also lets it go. He has plenty of money and doesn't mind raising a few more idle people. In troubled times, giving others a bite to eat is regarded as doing good deeds and accumulating virtue."

Yan Bai patted him. Splash.

"You said that his problem is not a result of mysophobia, but that it is caused by being drugged? His little tent didn't look like he was disabled just now, so how could he suddenly be fine again? What if his bestiality just showed up? I

'm not in a damn danger ? But he is also very perverted when he watches me relieve myself!"

"Yes, yes, he is really perverted. He has indeed stopped doing it since he was drugged ten years ago. As for why he suddenly did it again when he saw the adults today, it is about The Demon King is so charming!"

The nine-tailed fox really didn't know what a strange incident this was, but he didn't forget to flatter him anytime and anywhere.

Yan Bai turned his eyes slightly and asked:

"He didn't touch any of the people in the backyard? Then the spies can't explain it!"

The nine-tailed fox looked at the investigation results in his hand and felt a little embarrassed.

"Speaking of this, Yan Jiu is a bastard. He has a deputy named Li Chen, who works for

both men and women. These spies were all made by him who took advantage of the dark moon and the wind, and then deliberately pretended that Yan Jiu had slept with them, thus paralyzing the spies.

This Li Chen is quite capable. With so many spies, no one has discovered the truth so far."

"Tsk, tsk, it's really a bitch."

Yan Bai didn't dwell too much on this issue, he had to do business.

"Let me introduce the plot of this world."

The nine-tailed fox quickly told the plot.

"This story is about an alluring love in a chaotic era of internal and external troubles and separatist rule.

Countless cities fell in love, and what was achieved was a pair of mandarin ducks in troubled times.

And the villain is just the catalyst that brings the male and female protagonists together.

This is At that time, the imperial power had just been disintegrated by the powerful clans. These powerful clans quickly split up and interfered with the military, creating the current situation of warlords fighting each other. Peking changed to a president within a year and a half. The president nominally governs the country, but he may one

day No matter which warlord killed him, the actual political power is in the hands of each warlord.

At this time, some small foreign countries took the opportunity to swarm into the coastal areas, trying to support and win over warlords of various factions, all wanting to take advantage of the situation and plunder resources.

Currently, the cities with open ports along the coast are: Most of the Fanbang people are concentrated in Shanghai, Puxian and Baiyue.

The villain Yan Jiu is the leader of the Qing Gang. The power of the Qing Gang is mainly concentrated in Shanghai. He is the absolute boss of Greater Shanghai.

Jun Tianmo of this world is The son of a Shanghai administrator sent by the president.

This great Shanghai is a smooth administrator, a tough Yan Jiu.

Every administrative officer who comes has to pay homage to Yan Jiu from the Qing Gang, otherwise Yan Jiu will find ways to make it difficult for him to move forward and make it difficult for him to get out of Shanghai.

In the original plot, Jun's father is very smooth and low-key. He doesn't care about things and just takes enough benefits to enjoy life. , getting along well with Yan Jiu.

But when Jun Tianmo returned from studying abroad, the peaceful situation was broken.

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