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Chapter 40 The rich young master was forced to love 24

Yan Bai happily jumped on Ye Shengzhe's back,

"You have some luck!"

Ye Shengzhe quickly put down the shovel in his hand and supported him with both hands,

"Why are you so naughty? Fire is very dangerous. Yes!"

Yan Bai nibbled his earlobe,

"I'm so happy! Stop eating steak, I want to eat you!"

Ye Shengzhe's eyes lit up, and with a little force of his hands, he turned the person in front of him and placed him on the cooking table. superior.

Yan Bai wrapped his legs around Ye Shengzhe and went to tear Ye Shengzhe's clothes.

It was rare for Yan Bai to take such initiative. Ye Shengzhe felt his blood surge and his whole body was extremely excited.

Pulling off Yan Bai's restraints and picking up the olive oil next to him, Yan Bai was unprepared...

Yan Bai said intermittently in his busy schedule:

"Steak... mushy... woo!"

Before finishing his words, But he was devoured by Ye Shengzhe. By the time the steak between the two of them was finished frying, the steak in the pot had already turned to charcoal!

Ye Shengzhe turned off the fire with one hand and looked at Yan Bai apologetically,

"We can't eat the steak. It seems we can only eat instant noodles today!"

Yan Bai glared at him,

"I reminded you, the steak is burnt!"

Ye Shengzhe said Smiling, she helped him organize his clothes,

"Isn't your steak so delicious? I couldn't care less about that piece of steak!"

In the evening, the two of them had instant noodles, but with enough ingredients, they turned out to be very delicious!

Yan Bai said to the nine-tailed fox in the sea of ​​​​consciousness while eating:

"Since we want to fight, he Gu Mingyi will sit at eleven, and I will sit at fifteen. When he makes a move, I will take it. It's my turn to make a move. I hope he can catch it. !"

"You go pick a date when Gu Mingyi is dating Hassan, and lure the wife of the employer boss who slept with Gu Mingyi there."

"I want to see how Gu Mingyi reacts in front of his sponsor when she makes trouble? "

The nine-tailed fox chuckled evilly,

"Master Demon Lord, you are so cunning! But I like it, so I will do it right now!

So, that night, when Gu Mingyi and Hassan were having a romantic candlelight dinner in the corner of the restaurant.

A An unexpected person suddenly appeared,

"Okay, you little bitch, you can't hook up with my husband, who are you hooking up with again?" "

In the quiet restaurant, this high-pitched and sharp roar made Hassan frown in displeasure. He looked up and saw a fat woman standing at his table, shouting at him and Gu Mingyi.

Although Hassan could speak Chinese, It was more complicated, and he was slower to understand it, so it took him a while to digest what the fat woman just said before he understood what it meant. And

Gu Mingyi was already pale with fright, how could he meet this dead woman when he was so dead?

If she hadn't made such a fuss, why would he have hid abroad?

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