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Chapter 259 Extra: Hassan and his Crystal Boy 7

staff handed the secretly taken photos of Lan Tian and Grandpa Lan Zhou to Hassan.

"Prince, they are Master Lan Zhou's grandfather and brother. They have been looking for Lan Zhou."

Hassan frowned and looked at Lan Zhou, feeling tangled in his heart.

His work in the small town of Chefchaouen has been completed, and staying any longer will affect subsequent arrangements.

But he would not feel at ease before sending Lan Zhou back to his family until the hidden dangers were eliminated.

He wouldn't be at ease if he was left here alone.

Hassan walked towards Lan Zhou, who was carving a piece of wood on the balcony. He had been working on this for the past two days.

The wood has begun to take shape, and it should be a bust of a person, but the facial features have not been carved yet, so it is difficult to tell who it is.

Hassan sat next to him quietly and watched for a while, then asked him:

"I'm leaving for a while to go to China. I have work and I'm also going to visit two friends.

Do you want to stay here, or do you want to... go to Rabat first?" Want to live in the mansion for a while? The security measures there are tighter."

Lan Zhou stopped with the carving knife in his hand and looked at Hassan with some excitement.

"Take me to China. I have always wanted to go to Yuetang Town in China to find the Yuhua Stone. I didn't have time before, but now I can use my own time."

Hassan hesitated. Is this considered human trafficking?

"Your grandfather and brother have been looking for you. You and I go to China, what should we do if they can't find you?"

Lan Zhou looked up at him and said seriously: "I don't want to go back now, I'm twenty years old."

Ha. Sang was startled, "Then what?"

"You are an adult at the age of 18, and you can decide whether to stay or go."

Hassan laughed, looking at his confident look, she thought it was really cute.

Hassan needs more time to investigate the potential dangers around Lan Zhou. It seems to be a good idea to take Lan Zhou away first and isolate him from those dangers.

"I can take you there, but you have to follow me closely and don't run around. If you were lost, where would I find you in such a big country?"

Lan Zhou nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and Hassan smiled. Smile and help him organize things himself. It was some stones that Lan Zhou collected during this period; a handy set of carving knives; a half-finished sculpture; and Lan Zhou's original set of high-quality clothes.

I didn't bring the clothes I had temporarily prepared for him during this period, because the clothing company that had given the sizes to my mother had already prepared a batch of clothes customized for him.

Lan Zhou couldn't help but smile when he looked at the things Hassan packed in the suitcase. They were all his favorite things.

The two of them returned to Rabat Palace and stayed for two days. Lan Zhou didn't have any special reaction to the fact that Hassan was the Prince of Morocco, or maybe he didn't care and still got along with him as usual.

Hassan breathed a sigh of relief and was secretly amused. Shouldn't he have thought that Lan Zhou was such a person? This is what's so cute about him.

Two days later, it was already afternoon when the two of them arrived in Beijing on a private plane. Hassan had made an appointment with Ye Shengzhe and Yan Bai to have dinner together.

He hadn't been to China for several years, and he really missed these two old friends.

On the plane, Hassan told Lan Zhou the story of the two old friends. Lan Zhou listened quietly while carving the portrait in his hand.

Lan Zhou's face showed a rare hint of interest.

"Your friends are very interesting."

Hassan smiled and said,

"I made an appointment with them for dinner and introduced you to them. You will like them.

I will stay in Beijing for about five days. After I have done something, I will accompany you. Would you like to go look for the Yuhua Stone in Yuetang Town?"

Lan Zhou nodded to him.


Hassan was relieved to see that he didn't object to meeting new friends.

Hassan wanted to give all the good things to Lan Zhou, and these two Chinese friends were very important to him, and he also wanted Lan Zhou to like them.

Beijing City.

Peninsula Villa.

Yan Bai's breathy curses came from the bedroom.

"Ye Shengzhe, are you still fucking finished? You have to meet Hassan tonight. If you do this again... I won't be able to walk."

Ye Shengzhe's voice was suppressed with lust.

"Someone wooed you yesterday, and I was jealous. If I don't expose you today, I won't be able to express my anger..."

Yan Bai looked confused.

"Court? What the hell?"

Ye Shengzhe explained kindly in his busy schedule:

"Wenjiu Zuiren requests to become a Taoist couple with you..."

Yan Bai...

"Fuck! That's in the game, and I'm not rejecting it. Have you?"

"But he has been with you all summer."

Yan Bai rolled his eyes.

"You mean we downloaded a dungeon together? Ye Shengzhe, are you going to torment me to death just for this? Are you afraid that you have some serious illness?"

Ye Shengzhe's gaze was obsessed with kissing away the tears from the corners of Yan Bai's eyes, looking at his red face Eye sockets, heart full of tenderness.

"Honey, in fact, these are all excuses. I just want to hurt you."

Yan Bai...

In terms of shamelessness, now he is resigned to being the inferior.

The two have been together for several years, but Ye Shengzhe has become more and more clingy.

When Ye Shengzhe finally finished eating the person, he saw that there were only twenty minutes left before his date with Hassan.

Ye Shengzhe quickly carried the man to take a combat bath, and then helped him put on clothes. His movements were so skillful that it made people feel distressed. It was obvious that practice makes perfect.

Yan Bai was still recovering from the afterglow, and when he was completely awake, he was put into the elevator.

Yan Bai gritted his teeth.

"You didn't go home, and you had a plan to bring me into the company lounge, right?"

Ye Shengzhe kissed him, "What else?"

Yan Bai had black lines on his head.

As soon as the two of them arrived at the door of the restaurant, they met Hassan and Lan Zhou who had just arrived at the door.

Hassan smiled happily, hugged Ye Shengzhe, and raised his arms to Yanbai, but unexpectedly, Ye Shengzhe stretched out his arms to hug him again.

"I'll give my wife a hug."

Hassan was stunned for a moment before he realized what he meant and couldn't help laughing.

"It seems that your relationship is still so good. Let me introduce you to a friend. This is Lan Zhou, this is Ye Shengzhe, and this is Yan Bai. They are already married."

Lan Zhou looked at the halo above the two of them and blinked. blink.

The top of Ye Shengzhe's head is a patch of deep and shallow red, including crimson, vermilion, wine red, amber red, and pomegranate red.

This was the first time Lan Zhou saw someone whose head was completely red, and red represents sincerity, bravery and... high energy...

The top of Yan Bai's head was shining like the dazzling Northern Lights, without even a clear color.

Lan Zhou blinked, feeling very strange in his heart. He couldn't tell what such dazzling and beautiful light and shadow represented.

Lan Zhou stared at Yan Bai for a long time, and the expressions of several people were a bit subtle.

Yan Bai also looked at Lan Zhou with interest. This crystal-like young man was really clear!

A few people sat down. Hassan and Ye Shengzhe were very happy to see each other again after a long separation. The two chatted intently.

Lan Zhou and Yan Bai were still looking at each other, but their eyes kept changing with the passage of time, exploration, recognition, trust...

They went through a process that no one could understand, and reached a stage from strangers to mutual trust. A cognitive sublimation. The two people did not say a word during the whole process, which is due to the special characteristics of both people.

Lan Zhou basically relies on his special ability to identify a person, while Lord Demon mainly relies on his own intuition, but both of them can often see through the essence of people better than ordinary people.

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