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Chapter 136 The heroine with the soul-capturing mirror 7

Immortal Emperor Shi Yu defeated her, but Yan Bai was not convinced and was trapped by the Immortal Emperor with the Immortal Binding Lock. He was also dishonest and twisted like a worm on the ground.

"Immortal Emperor Shiyu, you bastard, I don't accept it! What props are you using? If you have the ability, fight with bare hands!"

Immortal Emperor Shiyu, who has always been cold and innocent, was also made helpless by Yan Bai. .

"Losing means losing, but you don't have the courage to admit it. Is this the magnanimity of the Demon Lord?"

Yan Bai was startled,

"Damn it, you, such a low-level method of provoking generals is just leftover from me, do you think I will be fooled?"

Immortal Emperor Shiyu smiled and said,

"When you achieve great success in the future, come find me again!"

Immortal Emperor Shiyu waved his sleeves and swept Yan Bai out of the fairy mountain.

Yan Bai was flying in the air while cursing:

"I don't accept it, just wait, I will come back!"

The voice became smaller and smaller as the figure flew away...

Xuannv Yanhuan curled her lips,

"Fighting with the Immortal Emperor, no You don't know what to say if you overestimate your own abilities!"

However, this demon king who did not overestimate his own abilities and whom she looked down upon was treated differently by Immortal Emperor Shi Yu in every situation.

For example, Immortal Emperor Shiyu always responded to his challenges, never hurt him when he won, and didn't get angry when he was scolded...

The two people have been entangled in this way for tens of thousands of years, and slowly, it was spread that the two People's scandals say that two people are fighting on the surface, but they are actually fighting.

Yan Huan didn't believe it at first, so just relying on Yan Bai?

Although he is extremely beautiful and one of the best in this fairyland, his language is vulgar, his behavior is uninhibited, and he has always strictly followed the rules. How could the immortal emperor Shiyu fall in love with him?

But in order to completely convince himself, Yan Huan went to the place where the two people often fought to take a peek from a distance.

Unexpectedly, she saw a shocking scene.

The two people did fight before, but Yan Bai lost again, so he threw the whip and started acting violently. Unexpectedly, Immortal Emperor Shiyu, who had always been cold and ascetic, actually stepped forward to hug him and coax him, his movements were so skillful and his expression was so gentle...

Yan Huan was struck by a bolt from the blue, and her views were shattered. She refused to accept this fact and returned to her own life. The fairy mountain is extremely decadent.

Not long afterward, another news came. Due to some reasons, Demon Lord was punished by Immortal Emperor Shiyu to go to the Three Thousand Small Worlds to experience. He was prohibited from returning to the Immortal Realm until the task was completed.

Yan Huan's heart, which had been shattered into pieces, regained hope.

Are the two of them having a falling out? Although I don't know what taboo the Demon Lord committed, there must be something wrong with the two of them, and my opportunity has come again!

After the Zerg invaded, Yan Huan and many immortals cooperated with the Immortal Emperor Shiyu to defeat the enemy.

She stood beside Immortal Emperor Shi Yu and fought side by side. Although there were dangers and blood everywhere, her heart was filled with happiness.

But she also keenly discovered that the Immortal Emperor's power was greatly reduced. Although the Zerg were finally repelled, the Immortal Emperor was also injured. This was obviously wrong!

Yan Huan believed that he had the friendship to fight side by side with him, but things were different now. He wanted to go up to check the Immortal Emperor's wounds, but was rejected by the Immortal Emperor. He went back to the Immortal Mountain to retreat alone.

Although Yan Huan is not of high rank in the fairy realm and her skills are average, she has outstanding appearance, gentle personality and is very popular.

She found out that the clone of Immortal Emperor Shiyu went to do other things, so the strength of the original body was reduced.

As for what she was going to do, she seemed to have a bad feeling and didn't even dare to ask further.

So she decided not to have a secret crush anymore and to make a last-ditch effort to confess her love, otherwise she might really have no chance at all.

Because she was the most outstanding and well-known for her weaving skills, she took out the colorful fairy clothes that she had secretly weaved for the Immortal Emperor Shiyu for several years and went to see him.

People are most vulnerable when they are injured, which is when they need her care.

Immortal Emperor Shiyu came out of seclusion, and Yan Huan immediately went to see him.

The Immortal Emperor sat high on the immortal throne, as motionless as the wind, with the power of looking down on all living beings. Yan Huan was timid at first.

She kept cheering herself up, then blushed and murmured, taking out the fairy clothes,

"This is the fairy clothes woven by Yunxia, ​​dedicated to the Immortal Emperor."

Immortal Emperor Shi Yu's cold voice came from above:

"My clothes. There is a dedicated person to take care of the accessories, Xuannv doesn't have to worry about it, please tell me why you came here today."

Such clear boundaries and official words from the Immortal Emperor really hurt Yan Huan's heart.

The Immortal Emperor was not like this towards the Demon Lord. His smile was so relaxed and his eyes were so gentle, that was what Yan Huan wanted.

If the Immortal Emperor Shiyu has always been cold and ascetic, and Yan Huan can still tolerate it, and the Immortal Emperor is heartless and heartless, and no one likes him, then at least he does not belong to others, and he has not lost anything.

However, the Immortal Emperor can be as tender as water, so why isn't the target one himself?

Yan Huan raised her head desperately and looked at the person she had liked for thousands of years, her eyes red.

"Immortal Emperor, I like you. I have liked you for thousands of years. I have been paying attention to you silently in a deserted corner. Even the flowers you have viewed, I will treasure them, and the stones you have stepped on, I will carefully Touch me, can you have some mercy on me?"

Immortal Emperor Shiyu's expression was calm and untouched.

"No, I already have someone I love. Take your feelings back and find someone else worthy of your love!"

Yan Huan was startled, but he didn't expect that his infatuation would be dismissed with just one sentence.

The Immortal Emperor's expression didn't even change at all, as if he was sending away an insignificant person.

Yan Huan's rational mind suddenly snapped, and she spoke without hesitation,

"Who do you like? That lowly and despicable Demon Lord? Is he worthy? Who is fighting alongside you, and who is always by your side? Who? And where is the Demon Lord living happily now? Moreover, he is a man! It is not orthodox for you two to be together."

Immortal Emperor Shiyu's face suddenly turned cold,

"You are too presumptuous, talking nonsense about others, talking nonsense . How about Yan Bai, he doesn't need your understanding and judgment, and you are not qualified. I'm going to punish you to think about the cliff for three months and meditate on your own past. Go ahead!"

Immortal Emperor Shiyu stood up and threw down his sleeves. Turn around and leave.

Yan Huan collapsed completely, as if all her strength had disappeared. The colorful fairy clothes fell to the ground, layer upon layer, misty, like fairy and mist, spread out on the ground, as if laughing at her wishful thinking.

Yan Huan was so angry that he tore the fairy clothes to pieces, and his tears fell silently.

After a long time, she calmed down and went to Siguo Cliff.

When she came out three months later, she had completely calmed down.

She started visiting relatives and friends every day, and soon she actually found out a shocking secret.

The clone of Immortal Emperor Shiyu went to Three Thousand Small Worlds.

But the boss in charge of the passage to the small world secretly told her.

"Every time the Immortal Emperor goes to a small world, he clears his memory and seals his spiritual power."

Yan Huan had an idea, wouldn't his opportunity come now?

He can't win over the Immortal Emperor in the Immortal Realm, but the clone that has lost his memory is an emotionally blank person. Can't he win his heart based on his appearance? His own disbelief could not leave a mark on his soul.

After the clone returns to the original body, the clone's memory will also return to the original body. At that time, I was the person he loved deeply, and I was a woman. This was the right way to reconcile yin and yang. Isn't it much better than that demon king?

I can't believe that Immortal Emperor Shiyu didn't choose him at that time!

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