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Chapter 148 The heroine with the soul-capturing mirror 19

Mu Zhiyu got into the passenger seat and closed the door.

Yan Bai asked Mu Zhiyu while starting the car:

"Why are you sitting in the passenger seat? Don't bosses all sit in the back? You didn't let me sit in the back last time. What's this weird thing?"

Mu Zhiyu glanced at him and said:

"What's our relationship? Is it cool to sit in the back?"

Yan Bai said, habitually speaking poorly.

"You have already agreed on a partnership for three years, do you really think we are husband and wife?"

Mu Zhiyu...

regretted it.

On the way after that, Mu Zhiyu frowned slightly and said nothing during the whole process.

Yan Bai didn't care, enjoying the thrill of racing on the streets without people in the middle of the night, drifting all the way back to Mu's house.

When he got out of the car, he said cheerfully:

"I will drive a car from now on, so I don't have to buy another one!" Then he took the car key and returned to his room.

Mu Zhiyu felt a little unhappy and didn't know what he was doing.

The two of them went back to their rooms.

Mu Zhiyu took a shower and lay on the bed. In front of his eyes were the complicated events of today, appearing frame by frame in front of his eyes like a revolving lantern.

He habitually reviews and summarizes and analyzes today's situation.

In the end, Yan Bai's panic-stricken look in the toilet kept appearing in his mind. Apart from that, he couldn't think rationally at all.

Mu Zhiyu...

the more he tried to control himself not to think about it, the more the picture became clearer and more enlarged, it was really a ghost!

Mu Zhiyu stood up irritably, took a piece of melatonin and swallowed it, forcing himself to fall asleep.

In the middle of the night, Mu Zhiyu suddenly woke up and opened his eyes. The emotions in the dream seemed to continue in reality.

Mu Zhiyu's whole body was filled with heat, and the scene in the dream was still vivid in his mind...

He returned to the toilet cubicle again, Yan Bai's pants were half off, and he covered Yan Bai's lips.

Yan Bai's eyes were filled with water, and he stuck out his tongue and licked the palm of his hand.

Mu Zhiyu let go of his hand as if frightened, but Yan Bai stepped forward and approached him,

"Mu Zhiyu, you saw everything, you have to take responsibility!"

Mu Zhiyu's heartbeat was beating like a drum, and Yan Bai was too close. , the hot breath sprayed on his face, making it difficult for him to breathe.

Yan Bai leaned against him and licked his neck, his voice was low and ambiguous.

"We are already married, shouldn't you be responsible?"

Mu Zhiyu felt all his rationality collapse,

"Yan Bai, you asked for it!"

Mu Zhiyu lowered his head forcefully and silenced Yan Bai's chattering mouth. .

This kiss seemed to have been accumulated for thousands of years, and it was out of control. Yan Bai passively endured it, his face turned red, his breathing became short, and he struggled a bit unbearably.

And every reaction he made made Mu Zhiyu even more uncontrollable, and soon the scene became chaotic...

Yan Bai tried his best not to scream, but Mu Zhiyu didn't let him go. Yan Bai's feet flew into the air, Unable to implement it, my empty heart seems to be hanging.

Mu Zhiyu whispered in his ear,

"Don't hold it back, scream out."

Yan Bai bit his lower lip tightly and kept silent. Seeing him like this, Mu Zhiyu wanted to bully him even more.

The wind kept flapping the peach blossom branches beside the wall. The peach blossom branches swayed feebly with the wind, and tiny petals fell all over the ground. The picture was gorgeous and beautiful...

It was at this time that Mu Zhiyu suddenly woke up. I found that the sheets were dirty...

He had black lines all over his head. For many years, he had been cold-hearted and turned himself into a cold and desireless piece of wood. However, it turned out that he was not really cold and desireless, but just suppressed his desires. Deeper?

But how could the target be Yan Bai?

Have you been thinking about him all this time?

Mu Zhiyu got up and went to the bathroom to clean himself, then threw the sheets and quilts into the dirty clothes basket.

Lying back on the bed, his mind was in a whirlwind of confusion, and he didn't fall asleep until dawn.

I woke up early to make breakfast and made shredded chicken noodles which took a long time.

When Yan Bai walked out of the room, he smelled the tempting aroma of chicken soup.

Mu Zhiyu was sprinkling chopped green onions on the cooked noodles, and Yan Bai went over to help serve them.

"Wow! You don't know how to make chicken soup this morning, do you? What time do you have to get up? You are too particular about your breakfast."

Mu Zhiyu didn't dare to look at him and said nothing, always feeling that he had done something like that to him. It's embarrassing even in a dream.

Yan Bai didn't notice anything unusual about him at all, so he sat down and concentrated on eating noodles.

The chicken soup was rich and mellow, and Yan Bai drank it all.

After Mu Zhiyu finished eating, Yan Bai shook the car key in his hand and said,

"Let's go, boss, your driver is here."

Mu Zhiyu smiled, took his coat and went out.

Yan Bai was dazzled by his rare smile,

"Nine-tailed fox, this villain looks good, but he is usually too pretentious!"

The nine-tailed fox did not dare to comment on the immortal emperor's clone, and was as quiet as a chicken. little fox.

We got on the elevator together, and Yan Bai went down the stairs to work on the 20th floor as usual.

Mu Zhiyu went to the top floor and asked his assistant to call and make an appointment with Yan Bai's father.

At this time, Yan's father was sulking in the office.

He met Tang Wannian at the hospital last night and went to the lounge to sit for a while.

It had been a few days since Yan Huan was hospitalized. No one from the Tang family had ever come to visit him or apologized. Yan's father was already very angry.

Tang Wannian was not happy either. He asked the driver for the details of the car accident that day.

Only then did I realize that Yan Huan and Tang Feng were having a fierce quarrel on the other side of the partition. Yan Huan was shouting and yelling, causing the partition to rattle and frighten the driver for a moment before he collided with the large truck.

Tang Feng and Yan Huan have been in love for several years. Why are they pretending to be in the car and causing trouble? If she didn't make trouble, would there be a car accident?

Tang Feng was seriously injured and fell into a coma, and no one from the Yan family came to visit him.

Tang Wannian had only one son, and he was always like a jewel.

Both of them were angry, and the expressions on their faces were not pretty.

Tang Wannian spoke first:

"I heard that Yan Huan's face was injured. Is everything okay? Skin injuries are minor matters, unlike my son, whose life or death is uncertain due to a brain injury.

I think Yan Huan's personality is too lively and not suitable for Tang Feng. "

Yan's father felt unhappy.

"How can appearance be a trivial matter to a girl? I don't know how much she will suffer in the future.

This hospital has the best brain doctor. Tang Feng will be fine soon. Don't worry,

I feel the same for both of them. It's not appropriate, Yan Huan had already mentioned the breakup before, and I heard that Tang Feng forced her into the car that day, do you think this is an unforeseen disaster?"

"You can't say that. My son went to the auction, and Yan Huan took the opportunity to go find him. Otherwise, how could the two of them have met?"


The more the two of them talked, the more unclear they became. The more they talked, the more they felt that they were If the child feels wronged, it is all the fault of the other child.

In the end, the conversation broke up unhappily. Yan's father went home and was angry all night. In the morning, his assistant came to ask him for instructions. What time was the signing of the cooperation agreement with Tang Group scheduled to start today?

Yanfu roared angrily:

"What are you signing? I won't cooperate with Tang Wannian, so what does he like?"

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