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Hogwarts – Saturday 2nd May 1998

Remus and Tonks were dead. Fred was dead. Percy was dead. Luna Lovegood was dead. Seamus was dead. Snape was dead.

Voldemort was dead.

Harry was dead.

The war had been won but at the cost of many. All Hermione could remember was the clash of two spells and all fighting stopped to watch the outcome of the war. That was it. It all came down to that one spell. But who would win?

The answer...Hermione wasn't sure.

It was a victory for the light as Voldemort crumpled to the floor and turned into ash that was swept away in the wind. But for Hermione, it was a loss. Her best friend, her little brother, the only family she had left...Fell to the floor.

Movement surrounded her as Death Eaters fled, as they were being captured and as the wounded were being tended to. Hermione could barely remember moving, but in her lap, she cradled the head of a lifeless Harry Potter. He had already died once and this time there were no signs of him coming back.

She screamed her anguish and people approached her to take Harry away from her. She put up wards around them, barricading herself and Harry inside. She could faintly hear people yelling at her, trying to get her attention but not wanting to hear any of it, just wanting to be left alone, she cast a Silencing Charm around herself, blocking all sound out.

She cried until there were no more tears left to fall and when she finally looked up the sun had long since risen. There was no one outside the wards, she figured they'd given up and would wait until she had no choice but to lower the wards. The courtyard was free from the littered bodies of the dead and injured. All that was left was the rubble of the broken castle, of the school that had been home to her and Harry, that had been their salvation. It had been their protection from their abusive families.

Hermione looked down at her right wrist to see that the once beautiful golden band that wrapped around her wrist in an intricate pattern of roses and vines, now looked to have been burned with scorch marks marring the design and disfiguring it. She looked to Harry's right wrist to see the same.

That was the only thing she had left tying her to Harry and it was gone.

Only those who were extremely intelligent and educated on the bonds of magic would know what those matching marks meant. They meant a sibling bond.

Flashback to 1995...

Hermione had been reading in the library one day in her fifth year when she came across a textbook that spoke of the different bonds that could be found in the Wizarding World. They ranged from friendship to love to business. She'd come to realise the book was from the restricted section and had been left on the table and with her curiosity having got the better of her and wanting to know more about the magic that was performed in order to make the bonds possible, she read the entire book, front to back in just four days.

That's when she came across the sibling bond and she instantly thought of Harry. They'd both been having a bad start to the school year and she thought that the information she had learned would cheer him up.

She immediately took the book to Harry and had him read the passage as they sat in the stairway of the Astronomy Tower together. When Harry looked up at her he had a large grin on his face and hope shone in his eyes. It was the complete opposite of the anger and frustration that he usually wore on his face as of late. Especially after the return of Voldemort, the dementor attack, almost getting expelled from school, being banned from Quidditch and the formation of the D.A.

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