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Page count: 12

Unknown Location - Thursday 10th December 1981

Hermione was furious. She was beyond furious; she was even considering murder. Yes, she was making meticulous plans to murder both Moody and Dumbledore. She had thought she'd dealt with her issues with Dumbledore but it turns out they were just suppressed and now that she'd been around him for so long and she'd seen his little manipulative gestures and his damn twinkling eyes, they were coming back tenfold.

The room was quiet; no one dared to speak after the outburst they'd just witnessed. They observed silently as Hermione's hair began to spark, as she began to glow silver. If you looked out of the newly added windows, you could see the moon seeming to glow brighter, and that was definitely not a good sign.

Parchment, books, inkpots and quills started to levitate from their places on the table and they rose higher and higher until they almost touched the ceiling. They could feel her magic crackling in the air dangerously, making their hair stand on end and summoning forth goosebumps.

At the development, James was quick to stand from his chair, pressing Harry into Hermione's arms and thankfully, as soon as she held him to her, Harry started glowing gold and he tugged on one of her loose curls, his little hand touching her face in a gesture of comfort. The Marauders and the Prewett Twins were watched enraptured by the sight.

Hermione took several deep breaths and kept her eyes firmly on Harry, all the floating objects slowly descended until they landed back on the table and the glow vanished. Knowing she was calm, she handed Harry back to James and gave him a look of thanks before turning her attention back to Dumbledore and Moody.

"This is the last time I will ever say this, so listen very carefully," Hermione spoke in a cold and dangerous tone that was so different to her usual warm and friendly one. That fact alone had them on edge as in the almost six weeks she'd been with them, they'd never seen her that enraged and it worried them. "Harry will not be used in any plans. I don't give a flying toss what the prophecy states, not all prophecies come true. That crackpot can't be trusted."

"Miss. Granger, Professor Trelawney is..."

"Is useless and a royal pain in my arse," she all but growled. "You can't believe a word she says. She made a prediction about me in third-year, did you know that? She was so sure of herself. Do you know what it was? It was that I would die before my sixteenth birthday. I'm nineteen now and very much alive. Then she made another prediction that it would snow in July, of course, she was wrong. And my personal favourite, Harry and I would elope in our seventh year, so that our undying love for another would be known to the world."

That was it, they couldn't take it anymore and Sirius and James burst in laughter. Remus would've laughed, too, if he were present, however, he was back at the apartment in bed suffering the effects of the soon to be full moon, which was the next day.

"You would never marry Harry," Sirius said through guffaws. "Not only because of the sibling bond, but you would sooner marry Moody than Harry." His words had them laughing harder and the Prewett Twin burst into laughter, too.

"My point exactly," Hermione said, looking to Sirius gratefully. "And neither of us made it to our seventh-year. Listening to Trelawney is a waste of time. Harry will be nowhere near this war; he suffered enough in my time at the hands of you. Harry was always loyal and easily led. You were his idol, he did everything you asked. You kept secrets and you manipulated him, you turned him into a weapon; my best friend, my little brother, the only family that I had, and he died because of you. You put the weight of the world on his shoulders and I did what I could to help relieve him of that burden, the sibling bond allowed me to do that, but he still suffered and you didn't have to deal with the mood swings, with the self-doubt, with the nightmares. I did and I never want to be put in that situation again. Harry will be kept as far away from the war as possible. Harry and I are bound by magic; his wand is suitable to my magic, just as my wand is suitable to his magic."

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