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The Burrow – Monday 14th December 1981

Hermione, Remus, James, Harry and Sirius apparated just outside of the Burrow's wards and once they landed, they slowly made their way to the very familiar house.

Hermione knocked on the door and Mrs. Weasley opened it, ushering everyone inside and away from the newly dusted snowy grounds. As usual, she pulled everyone into a hug, except when it came to Hermione, she held on a little longer and squeezed so tight, Hermione thought her spine had been dislodged.

"It's good to see you again, Dear," she whispered in Hermione's ear. The Marauders left the two alone, giving them some privacy and headed into the living room where the rest of the Weasleys could be found.

"It's good to be back here, back to safety," Hermione responded.

Mrs Weasley pulled back from her, tears swimming in her eyes. "I can feel it," Mrs. Weasley spoke and Hermione looked confused. "Your magic, Dear," she clarified. "The Burrow was built with magic and for some reason, I can feel your magic mixing with the magic of the Burrow, almost as if it recognises you, like you've been here before and this is your home."

Hermione couldn't stop it, her words seeming to wipe away her worries that she'd never have the relationship with the Weasleys that she'd had in her timeline. She was helpless to stop it and tears sprang to her eyes, rolling down her cheeks as Mrs. Weasley pulled her back into a hug, a hand rubbing circles on her back comfortingly.

"I have no way to repay you for what you've done for my family, both in this timeline and your original timeline. Fabian and Gideon told me that you were tortured for information about my family and you never revealed anything. I'm sorry that happened to you."

"It won't happen to anyone else; that's why I'm here, to protect everyone."

"But who protects you?" Mrs. Weasley asked softly but her question went unanswered as Hermione wiped away her tears, pulled back from the older witch and entered the very memorable living room that was bustling with activity.

Three-year-old Fred and George appeared to be annoying Percy as he sat on an armchair reading a book with his rat in hand. An almost four-month-old Ginny was being held by her father, who was busy conversing with Remus and James. Ron and Harry were sat on the floor playing together with stuffed dragons, a recently turned nine-year-old Charlie was play-fighting with Sirius, and a recently turned eleven-year-old Bill, noticed her enter the room and he stood from the ground and beamed at her.

"I knew you couldn't resist my charm," he said smugly. The adults in the room turned to look towards them at his words before they laughed, clearly amused.

"Well, it looks as though you have another competitor to worry about," Remus sniggered with James and Sirius rolling their eyes amused.

"It's great to see you, too, Bill," Hermione spoke amused, moving to sit on one of the couches.

"Mimi!" Harry called from his place on the floor and Hermione looked down at him. "Roro!" He called, pointing to Ron before clapping his hands together and they chuckled at him. Smiling, Hermione slipped off the couch and onto the ground, sitting beside the two young children.

"And The Golden Trio is back together again," she commented softly, the adults chuckling whilst the children looked confused.

She removed her wand from her pocket and went about casting some bubbles that floated in the air and the two boys clapped their hands, giggling as they tried to catch them.

"Hello, Percy," Hermione greeted and Percy shyly smiled at her. "How's the little guy doing?"

"His name's Eugene," he spoke, holding the rat up so she could see. "I've been taking good care of him like I promised," he said proudly.

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