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Potential Triggers for child abuse!

Page count: 10

Unknown Location - Sunday 8th November 1981

"This is the year when Voldemort returned to his full strength and it only grew worse as the years passed," Hermione explained, seeing the majority of them flinching at the use of his name.

Fourth-year – 1994

They watched the world cup and what transpired during the celebrations, they saw Harry, Ron and Hermione get separated as Death Eaters caused chaos and panic, and they watched as the dark mark was in the sky, Mr. Weasley saving them from being hexed and captured by Aurors.

They watched as Dumbledore announced the Triwizard Tournament and as the names were drawn including Harry's. They watched as Hermione tutored Harry on the summoning charm and the first task began, Hermione giving Harry a pep talk before he went to his quite possible death. They watched as Harry summoned his broom and flew off with the dragon breaking loose from the chains and taking off after him, and they watched as he returned alive and well and with the golden egg.

The second task showed Harry's memories; him noticing that Hermione and Ron were missing as he ate the gillyweed. He fell into the water before swimming around until he found four figures tied to the bottom of the lake, he tried to free both Hermione and Ron but was prevented from doing so by one of the merpeople guarding them, a trident being held threateningly in his face. Hermione was rescued by Viktor Krum and Harry took Ron but when he realised that no one was coming for the little girl, he rescued her, too. He was attacked by grindylows and he sent the other two ahead until they reached the surface of the water, later being followed by Harry, who shot out of the water and landed on the decking.

The next memory showed the final task and from Harry's point of view; running through the maze, the blast-ended skrewt and acromantula, the incident with Fleur, Cedric and Viktor and the Triwizard's Cup being a port-key.

"You will believe me after this," she said to Moody but he didn't reply to her, his eyes being locked on the large screen before him.

The next memory showed Harry and Cedric in a graveyard.

"Cedric, get to the cup and get out of here," Harry instructed through clenched teeth.

A figure could be seen walking towards Harry and Cedric and it was carrying what looked to be a small child in a blanket.

"Kill the spare," it hissed. A bolt of green light hit Cedric in the chest and he dropped to the floor instantly.

People gasped and stared in horror, not only at the cold blood murder of a teenage boy, but they could see that it was Pettigrew who'd been the one to cast the curse.

They watched as Harry was restrained by a large statue, as Pettigrew dropped whatever he was carrying into a large boiling cauldron and as he removed a bone from a grave and he placed it in the cauldron, before cutting off his own hand and putting that in the cauldron, too. Finally, they watched as he walked up to Harry and cut deep into his skin, Harry crying out in agony and Pettigrew put Harry's blood into the cauldron as well.

The cauldron burst into flames before turning into smoke which later turned into Voldemort, restored to his full power.

Everyone stared in horror at the sight that met them. Only a select few members in the room had seen what Voldemort truly looked like, Hermione and James being two of them, but James never thought that Voldemort could look any less human than he did at Godric's Hollow. He was completely wrong.

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