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Hogwarts - Wednesday 1st September 1982

"Now that the sorting has been completed," Headmistress McGonagall started, standing from her chair and addressing the whole of Hogwarts, "You may notice that we have three empty chairs at the head's table," she gestured towards them and murmurs broke out. "I would like to introduce to you, your Professors of Transfiguration, Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts."

She waved her wand and the great hall doors swung open, revealing a stag, a brown fox and a large black dog, strutting down the aisle and towards the head's table, the students staring in confusion and whispering to their housemates. When the three animals reached the head's table, they turned around to face the students.

"Professor James Potter of Charms," McGonagall introduced.

James turned back into his human form, gasps sounding when he stood smiling handsomely with his messy black hair and robes to match.

"Professor Sirius Black of Transfiguration."

Sirius turned back into his human form, arrogantly smirking as he brushed his hair out of his face, his muscles and tattoos uncovered with his dark robes rolled up to his elbows. Murmurs and whispers picked up.

"And finally, Professor Mia Potter-Black of Defence Against the Dark Arts."

Hermione was last to change and she stood in-between her husbands, her robes pristine and perfect and her hair surrounding her like a halo. The whispers morphed into shouts and cheers and Hermione ducked her head shyly, her husbands laughing as they each took a hand and they kissed the back of it, hearing sighs and grumbles at the action.

After they'd won the Final Battle, it had all come out in the press what had truly happened, revealing Voldemort to not truly be dead but a secret organisation known as the White Lions had been secretly working to destroy him for good and they did. Every member of the White Lions was credited for what they did, but most of all, Hermione and the Marauders. Hermione, James, Sirius and Remus were well-known and well-liked War Heroes.

McGonagall had taken over as Headmistress of Hogwarts and she'd known that Hermione and her husbands wanted to spend time together and she'd needed some new professors. The three of them agreed to take the positions at Hogwarts because they would all be together and Harry would be staying with them throughout the school term. He was old enough to attend classes and be kept occupied whilst his parents taught the students and if not, they had Honey to help them.

They had their own tower in the castle fitted a living room, study, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom, not to mention they had their own classrooms and offices, access to every part of the castle and Forbidden Forest, the restricted section in the library and they could leave the castle and grounds whenever they wanted to, especially for the full moon.

Hermione had immediately jumped at the chance and after that her husbands hadn't taken much convincing. If Harry grew up in the castle and sat in lessons until he was old enough to attend himself, he may learn things before he even started his school education.

Remus had been made the Department Head of the Control and Regulations of Magical Creatures and was working on abolishing the laws around werewolves. He'd moved out of Potter Manor and into the flat Sirius had gifted him for his future family.

Moody retired from the MLE Department, Kingsley, Fabian and Gideon had been given promotions, Snape was still the potions professor but he seemed to have buried the hatchet with the Marauders, he even had a girlfriend, not that he would tell anyone who it was.

Life was perfect for Hermione.

"Yes, thank you, settle down," McGonagall instructed. "Professors?" She nodded to them.

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