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Potter Manor – Wednesday 24th March 1982

The first week at Potter Manor went by quickly and Hermione honestly adored her new home; it had working electricity! When she'd discovered the news she'd almost cried. They had light bulbs and that meant no more spells or fire and though technology was still unable to work when surrounded by magic, she didn't care.

In the week that'd passed, they'd all quickly settled in and Hermione had been given a tour of the manor and grounds and she loved it. Despite the size of the manor, it felt like home. A family home; every room had a purpose and it would be used. They'd already invited the Malfoys and the Weasleys over for dinner, allowing them to use the formal dining room for the first time in years and the elves had been beside themselves to have so many visitors to cook for; James had never seen them so happy. And with the Fidelius protecting the house, it carried over to the floo network, making it untraceable and easy for the Weasleys and Malfoys to floo over without being tracked. The older boys were excited about the small Quidditch pitch on the grounds, Percy had loved the library and the twins had taken to following Hermione around, begging for fireworks.

In that week, Hermione'd completed more research, met the Potter house-elves (who were taken with her and they even allowed her to cook in the kitchen) and she felt free. She wasn't boxed in an apartment. She could move freely around the manor and explore the grounds, both in human and fox form. And best of all, Remus could go through the full moon whilst on the grounds as Hermione would ward the forest beforehand. Moving into Potter Manor was the best decision they'd ever made. Everyone was happy and Remus, James and Sirius seemed to have reverted back into their teenage selves, carrying out activities they once did during their summers whilst away from Hogwarts.

And that night Hermione and the boys were watching Theo and Draco as Lucius and Narcissa hadn't had any time to themselves since Lucius' release from Azkaban and Hermione decided to rectify that situation. Theo and Draco had been dropped off earlier that morning and they'd spent all day together. They'd had a picnic for lunch in the spring weather by the lake on the grounds and they'd spent the afternoon in the sun and splashing about in the water. At dinner, they ate in the living room on the third floor as it was more comfortable and laid back than the formal living room opposite the formal dining room.

Later that night, Harry, Draco and Theo had been bathed and readied for bed and they'd all wanted to stay with Hermione. Harry and Draco had fallen asleep before they were even put in her bed, Theo, on the other hand, was more difficult to get to sleep and Hermione sat down on her armchair with Theo in her lap and a book in hand. But three children's books later and he was still awake.

"Okay, Teddy, why're you still awake?" She asked, turning the child around in her lap so that he faced her. His eyes were sad and teary and Hermione felt her own mood plummet. She hated when children were sad. "What's wrong, Theo?" She asked softly.

"Mama," he cried, tears gathering in his eyes and threatening to spill. Hermione felt her heart break and she rose to her feet, gently cradling him to her chest.

"One day you will understand how much your mother loved you. You'll know that your mother loved you so much that she took punishment to protect you. She loved you so much, Theo, that she died to protect you."

She started humming and singing in his ear softly and before she knew it, he'd finally fallen asleep.


Potter Manor - Thursday 25th March 1982

"Well, someone's looking happy," Sirius wriggled his eyebrows as Narcissa and Lucius stepped out of the floo early the next morning.

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