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Unknown Location - Sunday 8th November 1981

"What?" Was chorused in confusion.

"A Horcrux," Hermione repeated. "Does anyone know what it is?" No one spoke, they just stared but she hadn't expected them to know given the nature of it. "I didn't think you would. Professor Dumbledore?"

"I'm certain I've heard the term before, but I can't recall the meaning," Dumbledore replied.

"Why didn't you expect anyone to know what it was?" One of the Prewett Twins asked, she suspected it was Fabian.

"There's only a handful of people who know what it is, and it's a form of dark magic that's so unforgivable the mere mention of it has been removed from all books but three. Even those who practice the darkest of magics don't know what it is and if they did, they'd never attempt it or reveal the nature of it to anyone, they'd take the knowledge to their graves."

"It's that bad?" The other twin questioned, looking both dubious and surprised.

"It's that bad," she confirmed. "When I first learned of the nature of a Horcrux, I was ill for a week. It's more unforgivable than the Unforgivable Curses; they're child's play compared to these."

"Are you going to explain what it is, or not?" Moody asked annoyed.

Hermione glared at him. "Oh, I'm sorry. Am I not moving fast enough whilst I'm trying to prepare you for something that will make you feel disgusted for the rest of your life?" She snapped. She'd thought the Moody during her time had been annoying; it seemed he'd mellowed out somewhat over the years and that thought was frightening.

"You're just trying to scare us?" He barked.

"No, I'm not, you deranged idiot. You may be an Auror that's seen things and suffered things no one should, but I've been involved with a bloody war since I was twelve-years-old. I can guarantee that I've seen and suffered more than you, as you will see shortly. These things are so dark that any mention of it was banished from the Wizarding World."

"Then how do you know about it?"

"I was told by Professor Dumbledore and I spent an entire year researching the nature of them and how they can be destroyed," she answered. "Now, I'm going to explain what they are, if you keep your mouth closed and allow me to do so, that is," she glared, hearing sniggers. "I need an unbreakable vow; this must never be mentioned in public or to those that aren't currently in this room. An unbreakable vow will prevent you from accidentally letting it slip."

Though it was clear they weren't happy with that news and her conditions, they still carried out the unbreakable vow.

"The first Horcrux was created by Herpo the Foul and as I have stated before, the nature of the Horcrux is so terrifying that they've been kept from the Wizarding World and only a handful of people know of their existence. They're only mentioned in three of the darkest books in existence but even still, they're only mentioned in as little detail as possible. They're created by committing the most supreme act of evil; murder. When you murder someone, particularly with a dark spell, it creates a tear in your soul. Once that occurs, a spell is cast, a ritual is carried out and the fragmented piece of soul that was torn off is then encased in an object or a living being."

The room was eerily silent, horrified expressions crossing their faces as they stared at her in disbelief at what she'd just revealed.

"Impossible!" Moody barked.

Hermione sighed, lifted her wand and with a simple flick of her wrist hit him with a non-verbal Silencing Charm.

"You did not speak," McGonagall noted, seeming impressed and surprised.

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