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Sirius' Apartment - Tuesday 24th November 1981

"Right, that's done. Dumbledore's seen to it that most of the Death Eaters have been caught, now I need to start figuring out a way to break into Gringotts, you know...again," Hermione said as soon as they stepped out of the floo and into the apartment.

"Do you ever rest?" James asked. "You've been fighting a war for seven years only to be sent back in time to technically fight another one, you were in a coma for eight days and you've ran around like a mad-witch for the past two weeks. Just take some time to relax, would you?"

"I'll relax when there isn't a chance of Voldemort coming back, wanting revenge and killing everyone," she replied, and with that, she turned around and jumped back into the floo and made her way to Diagon Alley.

She visited Gringotts and had some of her money changed over before buying several large cauldrons and every potion ingredient in the shop twice over, placing an order for the rarer ingredients and she had everything delivered to Sirius' apartment. She then bought several different materials and items of furniture and put them in her bag.

When she returned to the apartment, she headed to her bedroom and set about enlarging it. With a few spells, she had split the now larger room in half and separated it with a wall and door. She transfigured some shelves out of the materials she's bought and enlarged the three desks she'd purchased and placed one against each wall. She removed the two wooden cabinets she bought, resized them, placed an Expansion Charm on them and then she set them on either side of the door.

The owl arrived with her things not long after and she gave the owl a treat before taking everything to her room. She placed one cauldron by each of the three walls, next to the tables and they fit perfectly. Afterwards, she set about sorting through the potion ingredients and she placed them all in alphabetical order, in the cabinet on the left, followed by her checking that the spells that were on the jars were still intact so the ingredients were kept at the right temperature and conditions. She filled the other cabinet with empty vials, and that would store any and all complete potions once she'd brewed them. She searched through her beaded bag and removed all the books she had on potions and she placed them on the shelves on the walls and afterwards, she cast a few spells that would allow for perfect ventilation whilst keeping the effects of the simmering potions away from Hermione's bedroom.

Once she was happy with her make-shift potions lab, she made her way back into her room, removed the bookcase she'd bought from her bag and placed it against the left side of the door, changing the colour from brown to white so it t matched the rest of the furniture. Later, she cast an Expansion Charm on the bookcase so it could hold more books and then she set about removing every book she owned from her bag.

She had a fair few from her own collection during her time at Hogwarts, and some were Harry's -mainly Quidditch, but she couldn't bear the thought of getting rid of them due to their sentimental value- but the majority of them were from Dumbledore's personal library. Before his death, he'd made a muggle will for security and Hermione had been the sole beneficiary of it, with the executor of the will being a Half-blooded lawyer that lived in the Muggle World. Dumbledore had left every book in his personal library to Hermione, and given how long he'd had to collect them, there were just over five thousand of the rarest and darkest books in existence. Those were the books she'd used to learn how to cast Fiendfyre and to research the Horcruxes. Harry was the only person aware of what Dumbledore had done and they hadn't told anyone.

She had the books with her when she was brought to 1981 and therefore they stayed in her possession no matter of the fact the current Dumbledore still had his collection of books stashed away at Hogwarts. Realising that one bookcase wasn't enough even with the Expansion Charm, she elongated the bookcase until it touched the ceiling and she widened it so that it covered from the door to the corner of the wall. With her wand she cast spells to sort the books into a system that only she would understand: the most useful, then the most dangerous, followed by alphabetical order of title and then author. After all the books had been placed in the bookcase, she cast several protection and safety spells that would only allow her to remove the books from the bookcase. She sighed when she was finished and she flopped onto her bed, staring up at the ceiling.

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