Chapter 1

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*Normani's POV*

"Dinah stop it! I'm trying to focus." I whispered to Dinah, my best friend since practically birth. We've been in the same classes since like kindergarten. "I can't help is dawg, your curls today are just so on point!" She says, taking another strand of my hair and twirling it around her finger. We are working on a group project, well... I AM working on a group project to say the least. Camila and Lauren, my other two best friends, are in the group too. "A little help?" I bark at Lauren, who is staring across the room at what seems like Ally, of course, another one of our friends. We've all been best friends since 1st grade, but Ally moved here from Texas in 3rd grade. She was brought into our group by Lauren. Lauren was her first true friend here at this school.

But it's always been apparent to me that Lauren has been almost too protective of her. She can't even laugh at the jokes we make about Ally. Ally is 4'11, not even breaking 5'0 so of course there are so many jokes to make about that. But Lauren says otherwise. "What- oh uh yeah sure Mani," Lauren took the pen out of my hand and started writing down the answers, or that's what she claimed to be doing anyways. "No no no, Lo that's not right. Look, you have to take this number over eighty-nine divided by...."

Camila was the smartest one out of the four of us, so whatever she was explaining must have been correct. "DJ," I nudged Dinah, who has also been staring at the back of the room. There were multiple people that girl could have her eye on, now deciphering which one it could be was totally over my head. "Dinah, what the hell are you lo-" "SHHH!! You idiot! He noticed me... great Mani, great." Dinah sighed and put her head down.

She wasn't into this Physics class work anyways... I sighed as well, I wasn't intending on ruining this unaccompanied staring contest for her but I guess I did. I went off into my own world for the rest of the period, only to be interrupted by roaring voice of the teacher, Mr. Wallace, right behind me. "Okay class, turn in what you have done and have a great rest of your day and spring break. REMEMBER, I do not want to see any of your names on the five o'clock news for anything stupid. Don't party too hard, I know the feeling of wanting to party recklessly, trust me, I was your age not too long ago. For God's sake, return to my class in one piece. Alright get out! Have a good break!"

Everyone scrambled out the door after turning their work. Camila and Lauren had been two of the first to leave. I waited outside the door for Dinah. What the hell was taking this girl so long, she's always here before me. I looked back inside to find her talking to... what seemed like the school's hottest male student, none other than Kalin White himself. I never picture those two as a couple but now that I see them together, laughing, smiling, talking, existing... I see it. I wonder what they're talking about...


*Dinah's POV*

"He smelled like god, well... actually,he smelled better. His laugh is so cute, and his eyes, that shade of green is just so..." I trailed off into thought about him. The girls and I had a agreed to a night out to the movies and dinner. This was always the tradition for every school break we got. This time, it was spring break. My favorite part of the year. Except now it was different.

I would be known as a freshman in college in less than 2 months. That was a scary concept to think about. How were my grades..? Was I going to get accepted into the college I've been looking at since 7th grade. 7th grade...that was the year my perception of the perfect guy changed... When he moved into town... Justin.

We have been friends since the day he came, but I personally have always felt closer to him than any other guy friends I had. He had my back when I went through my first true break up back in freshman year. He was there. When it seemed like nobody else was...

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