Chapter 26

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3 months have passed by, Lauren and Ally well off into their first semester of college. Ally changed her major last minute from the artistic side to her long living passion of going to culinary school. We all can probably figure that Lauren was 110% supportive of this, as she is with every thing else Ally has wanted thus far. Instead of splitting into dorm rooms, they're staying in an apartment that Ally's uncle owns. And although they share an apartment now, it's like they never have time to see each other anymore. Ally works night shifts at a local restaurant to get her practice hours in, and when she's not doing that, Lauren is in the art studio, finishing up her projects. It's almost as if they're trying to avoid each other.... which is odd. Anyways, it's November 17th, and the holidays are coming up. Lauren has to choose between going back to Miami with Ally, or the upcoming art contest. Now this may not seem like such a big deal, but the winner is awarded $25,000 dollars. That could help a college student with a good amount of things. At least in Lauren's opinion. But I guess the real question is, will Ally get a chance to ask Lauren to come back home with her? Or will she be blown off for some art contest?

*Ally's POV*

It's been almost 2 weeks since Lauren and I have actually had a decent conversation. Yeah. A conversation. I'm not even asking for love at this point, I'm just asking if we can just sit. Talk. Talk about whatever. It would be nice to hear about her day, or I'd even get a chance to talk about mine. Lauren doesn't even sleep these days. If she does, it's for 20 minutes at a time. Other than that, she's always out at the supply store, or in the art studio. Countless hours of her night are spent in there. If she had the chance, I bet she'd move a bed into that room. When we first moved in, I was happy that she had a room to call her own art studio, something she's wanted since we were kids. Now, now it doesn't seem like such a good thing to me.

It's like she doesn't have time for me anymore. I don't mean to sound selfish, but if we're going to make this work like we promised from the beginning, then I would think we'd both at least make time for each other. I was cut back on my night shifts at the restaurant up the street I had been working at. I only work 2 nights a week now, and even the other 5, it's hard to see Lauren. This is starting to feel like the time her grandma passed away, she's almost invisible these days. If only there was something that could bring us back together... something we'd enjoy.

I opened my laptop screen up and paused. Youtube. That's it. Lauren and I could start a Youtube channel. I mean we already have a building fanbase from instagram already. Without anymore thought to it, I clicked the sign up button. I filled out the information needed to start a channel. Within about 10 minutes, we were up and running. I figured since I had nothing else to do, I'd post the first video and let it fly.

I went to the closet and grabbed Lauren's high tech camera thingy that I only had to use at the birthday party and brought it out. I quickly set it up on the stand and turned it on. I grabbed the remote that we use to start the camera while standing in front of it. I took a deep breath and hit record. "Well no going back now.." I thought.

"Um hey... For those of you who don't know me, I'm Ally. Some of you probably know me as Ally Brooke, yes, I'm the one from instagram..." I laughed. There was an awkward silence. I pressed stop and threw myself back onto the couch. I sighed heavily. "This is never going to work." As I finished my sentence, Lauren rushed in the front door, scaring me almost to literal death. "Hey Lo." I said, not even glancing back. "Hey Als.." She replied, almost in a saddened tone. Without hesitation, my head snapped back, taking a look at an indeed saddened Lauren. "What's wrong?" I asked, getting up to meet her at the kitchen table.

"My painting didn't qualify for the contest... After all the time I've spent on it too! I've worked on this one for three weeks straight, and nothing good even comes out of it." She threw her head into her arms, resting on the table. I looked behind her, at the black trash bag covering the picture. I quietly got up and went for the painting. Taking the picture out of it's bag, I began to examine it. It was an abstract of what was made out to be two girls, already assuming it was of us. I mean that conceited let's not think that way.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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