Chapter 2

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*Ally's POV*
I awoke the next day to the sound of Normani and Dinah arguing about something, I shouldn't really be surprised about that though. That's just what they do. They fight like an old married couple. I sat up from the couch I was sleeping on and rubbed my eyes before looking around. Camila and Lauren were still asleep. I've always adored those two as friends, their friendship is indescribable.

I looked around the room once more at my four best friends, who was the Camila to my Lauren..? The Dinah to my Normani? I have Troy but I mean, do I really have him? Gone all the time, only calls when he needs something... Don't get me wrong. I love him and all, but it's more of an "I love you" than an "I'm in love with you."

He doesn't really give me butterflies the way he used to, it's almost as if our time is up. That's what I've feared most. Another heartbreak, another relentless heartbreak. Another guy I won't be able to look at the same because he was the one who tore my heart to pieces.. Yay.

"No Mani, I was the one who told you about him! You didn't meet him on your own." Dinah scolded Normani. Normani shoved Dinah back out of her face, "Dinah you weren't even there when we started talking! Would you quit acting like you're so important to every single person that goes to this school? Because you're n-" Normani stopped. From the look of it, Dinah had been taken back by the words of the darker girl. "Dinah no I didn't mean it l-" "JUST STOP MANI. Okay? Stop it. I'm going home.."

Dinah grabbed her backpack and flew out the door. Normani acted as if she were going to rip her hair out. "Hey hey don't do that Mani." I called out, adjusting myself to a more comfortable sitting position. She turned around. "You didn't see all of that did you..? You know I didn't mean any of that. I was just frustr-" I stood up. "I get it Normani.

But I'm not the one who you said it to," I pointed outside at Dinah who must have been waiting for a ride. "She is. So you need to work things out with her. Not me." I saw Dinah getting up from where she had sat and put her bags in the trunk. "And hurry.."

Normani turned and sprinted for the door. "Dinah, wait!" She yelled before running towards the car Dinah had sat herself in. This wasn't her mom or dad's car either.. I walked towards the window to see who had came to get her. I couldn't tell, but I knew it was a guy. His blacked out Range Rover had tinted windows, probably darker than the legal limit. The car sped off as Dinah rolled down her window to wave goodbye to Normani. She turned and walked slowly back inside. I opened the door for her, she had her head and shoulders hung towards the ground.

"Mani, who was that that she was with?" I asked, shutting the door. "It looked like Kalin, I mean he does drive that same car..." Normani threw herself back onto the couch where she had slept, causing Camila to wake up. Lauren had stayed asleep, unaffected. She sleeps like a log.

*Camila's POV*
"What the hell was that for Normani?" I shot up when I felt as if the ceiling was crashing down on me. No, it was just Mani throwing herself on the couch above my head. I looked over at Lauren who had still been asleep, wondering why she hasn't waken up yet. She's the heaviest sleeper I know.

"Dinah stormed out because Normani and her were arguing." Ally added in, sitting back down on the couch by Normani. "What were they talking about?" I asked Ally, getting up from the ground where I lay, trying not to mess with Lauren. "She thinks she was there when I started talking to Jaxon. We all know that's not true because she was at your birthday party Mila." Normani said, sitting up and fixing her curls to the side. "No she wasn't Mani, she was with you... I didn't have a party this year." Normani swallowed hard.

Loud enough to hear it. Ally looked at her. "Mani you should probably call her or something." She said, looking down at Lauren and smiling. I caught onto this and couldn't bite my tongue. "Why are you smiling?" I asked, instantly regretting that. "I think it's cute how she just stays asleep through all of this."

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