Chapter 23

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*Normani's Journal Entry*
Hey, it's me. Times are really changing these days. In about 15 minutes, Kalin, Camila and I will be heading off to North Carolina for the first semester college. I just wanted to tell you about some stuff I couldn't get out before hand. One. I am falling. In love. But, it doesn't feel right. I'm in love with her. My best friend. Dinah Jane Hansen. It feels good to know she's felt the same, she said she has anyways. I guess that's why Kalin wasn't allowed to read our messages. Well, obviously. But back to the point. Two. Jaxon said he'll be around campus this year. I don't know who to tell because I don't know who can keep that boy away from me.

He's changed since we broke up, but coming back at me with some whack drama from April recently was a major turn off. I mean, he'll always have my heart. He's good. I know he is. But there's just something in him that gets set off whenever he's mad. He snaps. I just happened to be in the line of fire. But I am not that girl anymore. I've become who I am thanks to him. Thanks to my dad. I haven't mentioned it before, but my dad has hated me since I was 6. It's a long and emotional story I can't ever bring myself to share. Just know that all the happy times you've seen this summer were fake.

Three. My biggest issue with Jaxon is that about 7 months ago, we made some wrong turns. And it ended badly. I got pregnant. That's right. I never mentioned it. Do you even realize how much people would hate me?? I had an abortion, which has left me honestly so unhappy with myself. I didn't want to drop out of high school or like-- have to skip college until my parents finished hating me. That wouldn't have happened. Ha. But anyways, I have to finish packing. Thank you listening. I've loved your company for the past 13 years❤️
Goodbye for now but not forever,
Normani Kordei Hamilton, 2015❤️

*Camila's Journal Entry*
Beep! Beep! Beep! "Camila! Let's go!!"

Okay I'll make this quick, Mani doesn't want to miss the plane.

I want to tell you how happy I've been in this little world of whatever. I wish you could continue the adventure with me. But unfortunately, I'm 18 now, I have to an adult and do adult things. I have to go off to college, I have to do adult things. I have to meet someone who makes my life better than reality... Truth is, I've already met him, but he doesn't think I feel that way about him. Chris Jauregui. I can hear his laugh now, just chuckling on about nothing important. That's the most genuine laugh I've heard. It's the one thing I could listen to for ages upon ages and never get tired of it.

If someone ever finds this when I'm gone, I would hope they take it straight to Chris, If it's not him who finds it already. I want him to know that I never meant to make him feel as though I didn't trust him, and that I only wanted reassurance that what we had was real, because a lot of the time gu- people do stuff for a fling. I love you Chris. I'll love you til the sun dies out and then some. Nothing can stop me from that. I may find someone at college, but they'll never be my Chris Jauregui. You may find someone when I leave, but I can tell you now, she'll never love you the way I do.

As for my family. Dad, I know you've been a hard working man since, well practically the day I was born. I just want you to know that if there was ever a day I didn't seem grateful for what you've done for me, those were the days I didn't know how to express just how truly grateful I was. I love you for all that you are and all that you do for me. Boyfriends will come and go, but...mi familia es para siempre. I have learned that from you and mom. Thank you again dad, I'll see you in November.

Mom, we've been in the deep end of a mother-daughter relationship for the first few years of my life after Sofi came along. That was only because I didn't think it was fair that she was getting the are that I had when I was an only child. I understand that it was only because she was a baby and babies need to extra care, but it kind of felt like I was like a second priority. Which I know now that I'm not. You've shown me more love than I think any mother has ever given to their children. When times were rough, you made them fun for me. You made them fun for us. There's not amount of words or loves I can express to make you see just how happy and grateful I am to call you mí madre. I love you.

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