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Back to YOUR POV

I broke down the hotel door with an eerie appearance. I do not care about how my hair floats in the air, my claws were sharper like Carmilla's heels.

Charlie and the others are startled especially Lucifer but i don't care. "(Y/N)! What are you--",

"Where is Alastor.?" I look at her right directly into her eyes doesn't care a thing.

"Wh-what happ--"

"Where. Is. He? I need a moment with him."

Charlie look at the others, her dad confronted me protecting his little princess from me.

"That bastard is at the back of the hotel young lady." Before he could speak more, i rushed outside and take a turn in the backyard of the hotel. There i found him humming and making himself comfortable with Sir. Pentious' egg boys.

I growled, stomping towards him and grabbed his shoulder so that he can face the shit of me.

"Ah darling! Perfect timing, Pentious' was about to show us his family friendly inven--..."

That was it. I punched him so hard that he went flying into the ground. He cough blood and slowly stood, his hand on his cheek and looked at me.

"What was that for?" And there he revealed his demonic radio symbols as well his demonic red aura. The radio demon's true colours.

After he dusted himself he stared at me blankly as if he did nothing wrong. I grit my sharp teeth and took a deep breath, "You know what for Al! I trust you, yet you killed my only best friend in Hell?!!? How could you!?" I yelled.

His grit smiling widen narrowing his eyebrows together, "So you knew." He said and chuckled. How i fucking hate that chuckling.

Alastor walk to me slowly, "So you cared about her more than you care about me darling?"

"I demise you Alastor."

He was still approaching what shall i do? I can't stab him, I can't kill him he's way too powerful than me.

I took a step back but then, he launched at me making me to fall on the ground and broke an ankle, "FUCK!" I exclaimed and before i could scratch his face, he pinned my palm with the end of his staff. I screamed, "You made a wrong decision my darling." He hissed and some black tentacles appeared behind him, wrapping all over me.

"YOU BASTARD." I cursed but that was no use, he laughed evilly until i was fully wrapped into the darkness. His voice disappeared from the void.

"ALASTOR YOU JERK! LET ME FUCKING OUT!" I began to panic and remembered he consumed my soul and now, i am trap into his darkness, where he broadcast the screams of his victims.

"No..." My heart raced in terror, "If Alastor kills me, my scream will be broadcast all over Hell." I kneeled down in defeat and whispered, "How could he? I thought he--..." I couldn't say it and i don't want to accept it.

Alastor the one and only Man I've loved, did the same pathetic mistakes again. He's insane, he's selfish, Hell is indeed his place. I sighed and lays down on the black floor, i couldn't see anything but black out and selfless me.


I finally woke up in a bed-- Wait no, it's his bed. Where is that bastard?! It's more darker than before, could that be?

"Hello darling~"

I exhaled and look on my left. It's Alastor drinking a coffee on his mug. I shot a glare on him, that demise glare you've seen.

"You're crazy." I mumbled while looking at him in pure anger.

Suddenly, Alastor walked to me and summoned the chains of his deal. He choked me on it and lean in closer, "Aha, you know nothing my dear. I love you so much that i could kill everyone just for you. But it seems that you took the wrong turn." He let me go and stood in front of me.

"I'm taking you back to the human realm." He said which made me confused.


"I don't want a single soul touch you." Then Alastor laughed evilly, "Just kidding! You're staying here in my room which no one will know. Not even that delusional daughter of the Morningstar." He smirked and taped my mouth with his power.

'You mother--.'

"I'll see you later darling~" He grinned widely and locked his door.

'fuck, i need to get out of here.'


"I love you Al."

You gasped for air and didn't realize that you were free from the knot that had tied you on the bed. You saw Charlie, "C-charlie?" You whispered hopelessly.

"Quick run before Alastor could get in here." She whispered as well. She helped you stand and helped you to get out from the hotel by the use of the secret passage way out which it was underground.

"There just go and be safe (Y/N)." Charlie assured and brought you a bag pack that has food in it.

"How did you know that Alastor..-"

"I was worried about you and i concealed my presence so that he wouldn't know that i was going to save you from him. He's crazy in love with you (Y/N), it's better to stay away from him. Here...." Suddenly, Charlie pulls out a black book that titled 'Dark spells'. You were confused by it and asked her,

"What's this for Charlie?"

"Page 387, A spell that can turn you into a human then page 200, A spell that can cast a portal out of here to the Human realm." The a single tear in her eye melted, "Please don't come back here or else Alastor will get you." Charlie whispered and pulls you into a hug.

"I won't Charlie, thank you for everything." A last smile was pasted on Charlie's face.

"Now go!"

At that moment, you ran away from the Hazbin Hotel without Alastor knowing. You cried as you ran, so far away from the hotel.

'If only I could turn back time. is that how i wished i never met you.'

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