Princess in a Tower

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Blithe are they
Girls in pink
There is no prince
To light the way

All you say
And all you do
To chase someone who's not after you

I'm alone
A girl in a tower
Slowly watching the males devoured

Pink and blue
Do not mix well
At least that's what the world tells

And here I sit, waiting to be
Patient I am as my prince keeps
Stay pure, the royal bird
For the rose you sought is not after this world

Pallid are the tastes of other grey birds
Thinking they are great with their wings tattered
Still you save the feathers on your chin
With you, I know the lights don't thin

Who are you?
And who am I?
Shall I know at the right time?

Wait for me and you shall see
That both of us were meant to be


This poem is about a young girl knowing her value as a person and is waiting for the right man to come when the time comes to marry. She does not know who he is or what he looks like, but she knows that he exists. The girl is fond of the thought and is very confident that her future husband would be a good quality one too. She depicts herself as a princess and the boy as a prince, indicating she is still a child who is full of imagination.


[First stanza, second verse]
This talks about the low quality women- those who dress; who chases after; and whose thoughts are all about vanity. They are the modern day women who goes out to party and has little value for things that make them more mature and more sophisticated. Sometimes they are self-absorbed, bad tempered, or modern feminists women. When one puts a great deal in the patriarchy and the disadvantages of being a woman, I believe it often connects with them having a spiteful mouth and nasty attitude.

[First stanza, last verse]
This was discussed a couple times before. Men are also lost in the ways of ignorance and it leads to a shortage of well developed men. It also talks the absence of a father's duty in the growth of his daughter, leaving her to find her own path in the vagueness in life. This causes the child to be careless.

[Third stanza, second verse]
A tower is often depicted as a safe place which is highly elevated from the ground. Our protagonist feels secured in the way she was raised, knowing she is more mature than most girls and feels advanced in her learnings.

[Third stanza, last verse]
Now, the young girl turns her eyes to the men's side. The males who will be devoured are the ones who naturally had a slim chance of being good- their parents and the previous generations have done many things in carelessness that it leads the younger ones in the same path. Maybe it could be the good men who ended up with a tragic ending; becoming bad in their ways, not being chosen to be married, or had certain things happen to them that gave them some sort of trauma.

[Fifth stanza, first verse]
She's waiting to be married.

[Sixth stanza, second verse]
The wings allow the bird to fly. Some birds don't fly, but it makes their identity as one known. Flying is also associated with success, but the verse is talking about worn out wings. This shows that the grey bird's success is slim and little. It has poor quality.

[Sixth stanza, third verse]
This verse is a little complicated. It has two things that connect to a final interpretation: feather and chin.

First of all, we can't deny that feathers have more structure than we think. It has the rachis (spine) and the vane. It helps the bird with visual appeal, aids in flying, and regulating their temperature. It has several symbols which are trust, honor, strength, wisdom, and freedom. It also shows a connection with the Creater.

(source: )

Next is the chin. The chin is there to provide support to our jawline so we do not strain from chewing. It is a part of the face which could represent the image a person shows about themselves.

The verse is saying that the girl thinks he is painting a good picture for himself and is preserving it unlike other boys. She thinks he is very wise and respectable even if she does not know him. In truth, it is her who is thinking what he is like and that's why she is speaking in first person.


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