Chapter Twenty Eight. [S2]

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Where'd all the time go?
It's starting to fly...
See how the hands go...
Waving goodbye..


There's nothing to keep you (nothing to keep you)
From falling in love...

It starts at the bottom (starts at the bottom)
And comes from above...
Like pieces of a puzzle..
Like a hand in a glove.


She gets dressed up like a pillow so she's always in bed!
Flowers for the sick and dead...

She's on the go, way too fast and way too slow..
She'll turn and stop at hospitals and funeral homes!
And when the tide rises...
Somebody sinks and is gone in the blink of an eye...



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IT was morning, the sun's first rays had broken all of our slumber and we were back on the road as soon as we all freshened up quickly.

Driving through Charleston would actually be kinda fun right now, if we weren't here on a time crunch and a meeting to arrive to.

I had a cherry sucker in my mouth right now, Kie always makes sure to carry them around for me. I love those little lollipops. I was squashed with Kie beside me, the both us between the boys, while Pope drove the car. 

It was almost reaching noon, as we had been driving almost all morning. We all had offered to drive, but Pope being Pope, refused saying that we might get lost and we can't afford that right now. We had arrived at this Limbrey guy's offices and meet him soon. 

None of us were talking that much, everyone just being all up in their own world and thoughts.

I didn't like the silence. The only thing breaking it was the wind that blew past us and I sighed. I reached my hand out and switched on the radio. 

Catching the Waves~ JJ Maybank ᣵ¹&ᣵ²Where stories live. Discover now