Chapter Fifty Seven. [S2]

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But, ooh, I love it
When you talk to me like you do

Oh, my lady by the sea, yeah
Come and lie next to me
Oh, my lady by the sea, yeah
Come and lie next to me


[⚠: sexual contend at the end]



THE pier was quiet, except for the soft clinking of boats against the dock and the occasional laughter from the beach below. We had burgers in hand, with fries and cokes resting on the wooden railing, the ocean breeze brushing against our skin. JJ had his arms wrapped around my waist as I leaned against the railing, watching a group of kids chase each other through the sand, their shrieks of laughter filling the air. Families were scattered along the beach, some setting up picnics, others watching their kids attempt to surf the waves.

It was a peaceful afternoon—just us, the sea, and a growing pile of crumpled burger wrappers at our feet.

"You know," JJ said suddenly, his voice softer than usual, "I've been thinking about the future."

I turned my head slightly, curious. "Oh yeah? What's your big plan, Maybank? World domination? A fleet of jet skis and charters?"

He chuckled, his chin resting on my shoulder. "Nah, nothing like that. More like... what I want our future to look like."

That got my attention. I shifted in his arms, turning so I could see his face. His eyes were focused on the families on the beach, watching a couple of little kids digging in the sand with plastic shovels. He looked... thoughtful. And it wasn't every day JJ Maybank got thoughtful.

"Go on, then," I said, leaning back into him, feeling his arms tighten slightly around me. "What's this future you're picturing?"

He hesitated for a second, but then his lips twitched up into a shy smile. "I want us to live by the beach... Like, really close. Somewhere small, cozy. I want to wake up every day with you to the sound of waves and feel the sand under my feet as soon as I walk outside."

I smiled to myself, staring out at the water. "You've definitely thought about this."

He shrugged, his chin brushing against my shoulder again. "Maybe a little."

"Well, I like it," I said. "A little coastal house sounds perfect. Waking up to the waves, grabbing coffee, and then maybe a quick swim to start the day, just like you said you wanted..."

JJ laughed softly, remembering something he'd said a couple of days ago when we came for an early morning swim at the beach. "Yeah,'d be so peaceful."

"Obviously. It's the best way to wake up." I grinned. "That's why I like your idea. And the beach house means we can have plenty of bonfires. You know, for all the wild parties we'll throw."

He smirked, clearly liking the thought of that. But then, he shifted, his hands gently rubbing circles on my waist. "I want kids, too."

I blinked, surprised, and turned slightly to look at him. "Kids, huh?"

He nodded, still watching the beach. "Yeah. With you."

That made my heart flutter in my chest, a soft warmth spreading through me. "How many kids, are we talking exactly?" I asked, biting down on my lip.

"Hmm..." JJ looked up, pretending to ponder the question for a moment, but I could see the smirk tugging at his lips. "Four."

"Four?" I turned fully now, staring at him like he'd just suggested we adopt a pet alligator. "You want four kids, JJ?"

Catching the Waves~ JJ Maybank ᣵ¹&ᣵ²Where stories live. Discover now