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After a tiring day in office, I came back home around 6pm. I swang opened the door and as I step inside the mansion the aroma of my favorite dish hit my nose. I can't control myself now. I hurriedly went to the kitchen to see mom just finished cooking somtam.

When my eyes landed on somtam I already started to drooling🤤. I approach mom in the kitchen. But mom didn't notice me. I greet her.

"Swadeekha🙏" I greet her without looking at her bcz my eyes stuck on my favourite food.

"Oh, Freen! Wadee 🙏🏻" Mom greet me back.

As I lose my self-control, I reach to taste somtam without care about hygiene. When mom noticed my hand which was about to reach to the dish, she slapped my hand playfully.

" Where's your manners Freen? Go, freshen up first then we will eat together. " Mom scolded me.

"h̄iw(hungry) kha" I said in soft tone.

"Control yourself phi! " I know who's that, the great Samanun.

"I can't control myself when my favourite dish is in front of me. " I said.

" Don't forget that it's my favorite too. So if I can control myself then u too"she said.

"And why u think like that? " I asked her.

"Bcz u r my phi. I learned everything from u" She said while she approached us in the kitchen.

"Whatever is.... " Mom cut my words.

" You know what Freen?... You already wasted over 10mins here. So, you two go upstairs and after freshen up come downstairs quickly." Mom scolded us again.

We both headed up to our separate rooms. We don't want to make mom mad anymore. We should quickly finish our business in bathroom and come down stairs to have dinner with all.

After dinner I came to my home office and started doing my left over works. After an hour someone knock on my office door. I gave permission that person and that person came in. Ohh! It's dad.

" Freen, I have something to tell you "dad said.

" Yeah, sure dad" I straight my posture to give more attention to dad. It must be important, otherwise dad wouldn't came this late.

"Freen, it's about our today's deal. When I went to the meeting room to deal with
Our Russian client about those guns' shipping... " Dad heaved a sigh.

"They didn't attend the meeting. They send us massage to inform us that they already deal with some other client, they didn't mention the name. I asked Saint to find out who's that. But before I leave the meeting room, I saw an envelope. When I reach for the envelope I saw a logo. Can u guess who's logo that was?" Dad asked me.

"ARMSTRONG?!... was that AK logo? " I asked.

"Yes! Inside that there was a letter which contains ' Aww, poor you Chankimha. It's very shameful that you can't handle a single deal. And you call yourself a maafia king? Leave this maafia world u don't worth it. It's me who will rule the world. You little piece of shit want to deal with Russia! Hahaha'. " Dad explained.

"That Armstrong! Don't worry dad, we have our men in England. I'll take revenge on them. " I assured dad.

"Ok Freen,I trust you.... It's already late night. Go and take some rest. " Dad said to me.

"No, dad. I've some work to do. I'll sleep after finishing my work. Good night dad. " I greet him.

"Ok, bye. Good night sweetheart" Dad greet me back.

After dad leave my office I called my man who's in England.

"Swadeeka, p'pop. "

"Swadeekrub, Khun Freen. How can I help you? " He asked me.

"Do you keeping your eyes on Armstrong's? "

"Yes mam. I get to know that tomorrow both Armstrong sisters will go to Disneyland"

"Great. I want you to kill those bitches."

" Mam, it's impossible. They always have too many guards around them. And it's very dangerous to kill them in public."

" Are you saying no to me?! "

"No mam. We will try our best to kill them. "

"I want a positive report not negative, remember that. If I get to know you failed to kill them then I'll make sure to kill you."

"Ok mam."

I end the call.

"Armstrongs tomorrow will be your last day." I thought and smirked😏.

I finish my paperworks and heads to my bedroom. I fell on my bed and immediately doze off.


What you think guys, p'pop could harm Armstrongs Or not?
What will happen to them?

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