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Now we are in dads office, we are sitting across each other while dad is sitting on his boss chair. We are sitting in silence,after some minutes I break the silence.

"So.... What should we do now? " I asked dad.

"Lemme think Becky. " Dad replied.

"Dad, we didn't attacked them right? Or maybe we did, but I'm not aware of it? "

"Becky we didn't. I never did anything without letting you know. "

" okay then. If we didn't attacked on them and then who did this and blamed on us? We really need to investigate that."

" what if they get to know that we are investigating on this matter and they supply us wrong information through our men? They already did such things. You know, they used our name and insulted Chankimha's. "

" so what you want to do? "

" I think we should arrange a meeting with Chankimha's. Without letting our enemy know I mean who are misleading both of us. "

" dad! Are you serious? They could kill us if we go to Thailand and have a meeting there with them. They could plan to kill us .we can't face them."

" who told you that we are going there?  We are not going there. We will use that  Pop named guy first then I will decide what to do next based on our conversation."

" What if they don't agreed to speak with us?"

" let's give it a try Becky. Let's go to that Pop named guy and order him to call his boss. We will ask him to tell his boss that we didn't snatched their deal with Russia neither insulted them. Then he will ask his boss that we want to have some words with his boss then I will speak with them, not you."

" I hope it goes in positive way. After that can I kill Pop? "

"Why? "

"Bcz he tried to kill us! To kill Mon!! "

"If our conversation goes in positive way, we won't kill him but if it goes negative way then you can kill him for your satisfaction."

"Ok dad. Then let's not waste time. We should start our mission now! "

"Ok, let's–"

Someone knocked the door. As I opened the door mom called us for dinner but I declined it.

"Mom, we've some very important work to do now." I told mom. Then she glared at dad.

"Becky we should eat dinner first." He said and awkwardly chuckled. The great maafia king scares of his wife. He is a Lion outside but inside the mansion or specifically in front of my mom, he becomes a kitten. 🙄

We went to have dinner. We ate dinner in complete silence bcz me and dad, our minds aren't here. We both are thinking about possibilities and giving each other a knowing look. Mom & Mon were sense our tension, so they were quite as well.

After dinner we went to torture room and dad dismissed all our gaurds. Now here are 3 peoples inside this room, me, dad and Pop. Dad took a chair and sat in front of him but a hand gap away. I am standing beside him.

"So... Pop right?" Dad asked him.

"Yeah" He answered.

"It's sounds like poop 💩. Pffftt! " I chuckled. 🤭

"Let's come straight to the point, I want you to call your boss and explain what happened. I want to talk to your boss directly about this matter. Call your boss from your phone. " Dad said, yearning a nod from him.

"Becky give him his phone. " Dad asked me. I gave him his phone. Now he's dialing a number. I stare at dad and raised my eyebrows, giving him a  look like "can I trace this number?" But he shakes his head as 'no'. I don't know why dad don't want to trace the number. We could get to know where his boss exactly lives.

I shrug my shoulder. I will trace the number anyway, after dad leaves the mansion.

After he explained everything to his boss, he told us that his boss needs time to think.

"Khun Freen is busy right now. She'll call later, she needs to give this matter a thought. " Pop informed us.

That Freen! I hate this woman. She's a speed breaker of my life. We want to spread our business at Asia too besides North America and U.K. But  everytime she ruined our plan and killed our men. Some of them were innocent, pure business men and women. So as revenge, I also killed her men. But idk why I missed this Pop and his men. I'll investigate him later after dad leaves the mansion.

"Ok" Dad said and called our gaurds. He handed them his phone and we left the room. I entered my room, took shower and as my body hits the soft mattress, I went to dreamland.


Good night guys. 🥱😪😴

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