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I leave the meeting room immediately after they finished their nonsense solution. I waited outside until dad joined me. No one utter a single word. We fly ✈️back to England quietly. If u guys are wondering why we didn't stay there, bcz they could kill us and we aren't going to take any risk. So it's better to fly back to England.

I slept the whole journey. We reached our mansion and I went straight to my room is avoiding mom & Mon on the way. I entered my room with heavy steps and slammed the door hard. I went to take a long bath 🛀.

I didn't realize that I fell asleep in the bathtub. Idk how long I slept. I took a shower, dried my body and came out of the bathroom naked. I almost got a heart attack when I saw Mon was sitting on my bed. Did I forgot to lock the door? Thank god it's Mon, what if it was dad  instead of Mon?

"Mon! Do you want me to die?" I grasped my left chest.

"No, not at all. I came here to inform you that dinner is ready and mom-dad waiting for you." Mon said.

"Uhh, ok. Let's go." I said.

"Are you going to downstairs like this? " She points towards me. I look down at my body. Then I realize that I'm naked. I run towards my walk-in closet and put on a random nightwear.

We walk together to the dining room. Dad was sitting on the single chair, which is for the head of the family member. Mom was sitting on his right side and we sisters sat on his left side, beside each other. We ate silently. When I was about to stand up dad spoke.

"Becky, let's have a talk. Wait for me in the living room." Dad said, yearning a nod from me. I went to the living room.

I was waiting for him when Mon joined me. She sat beside me. Then mom came, she sat across me. After a few minutes dad came to the living room and sat beside mom. There's silent for a minute or two. It's feels like we're mourning on something. Then Mon broke the ice.

"What's the purpose of this gathering, dad?" Mon asked dad.

"As you guys know, we went there to solve this matter. We are assuming that there's a other gang who's doing all this. They also have our information. I think they know every moment of us, like where are we going, what are we doing, eating etc." Dad said.

" They are very clever. There must be a mole in our gang who's supplying informations. I mean both of our gangs." I voice out.

"Honey, you should find this guy faster before they harm us." Mom said worried.

"I'll. Don't worry sweetheart. I can't let them harm my family." Dad tried to assure mom.

"That's useless" I mumbled but loud enough that they heard me.

"Why so?" Dad asked.

"Remember, I caught a guy before Pop. I couldn't see CK logo on his wrist. But when we're attacked that day, I saw CK logo in their wrist, Pop as well." I sighed. They wait for me to continue.

" Dad, you know that how he died but didn't said his master's name. He told me they'll kill him and we can't find them like that. It's really hard to fish them out." I finished.

" That's why we should accept their offer. It's–" I cut off dad's words.

" No! I never gonna accept it" I fumed.

"What offer?" Mom asked.

" Becky should marry her daughter. Then we'll become more powerful no one can beat us. But Becky isn't agree with this deal." Dad exhaled loudly.

"Becky, listen to me first. Don't interrupt me. Ok?" Mom asked and I nod. Mon hold my hand.

"Becky you should marry her. You can divorce her when the culprit get caught. If you don't fall in love with her. And besides that.... We know that you don't like men. Isn't it good that it's a girl whom u will marry. Think deeply about it Becky." Mom adviced me. And Mon is stocking my back gently to comfort me.

I'm in deep thought when dad said something. "What did you said, dad?" I asked.

"One more advantage Becky... We can spread our business among Asia after you get married. Dad offered.

My eyes wide open when I realize it. I look at Mon. We never stayed apart from each other.

"Will you be ok if marry her?" I asked her.

"As long as you VC me everyday." She said with a pout😗. I smiled and kissed her cheeks.

"Ok then. Dad, my answer is......" I paused.







  "Yes! I'll, dad"

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