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Mr. Armstrong and Becky were waiting in the meeting room for Chankimha's to arrive. In the mean time, Freen and her dad were in the security room. Observing Armstrong's through CCTV. They wanted to make sure that they are not planning to do any attack. After watching for 15 minutes they went to the meeting room.

The meeting room door open and first Mr. Chankimha entered the room Freen following from behind. Mr. Armstrong look behind, stand up to greet them. But Becky didn't move an inch, she's showing her attitude. Freen look at Becky from behind. They approached him, they greet each other w handshake🤝. Mr. Armstrong nudge Becky to greet them.

Becky annoyingly and lazily stand up, turn towards them. She first handshake with Mr. Chankimha then look at Freen. She smiled devilishly and extended her hand towards Freen for handshake. Freen held her hand for a handshake without breaking eye contact with Becky. Becky's grip around Freen's palm tighten, more and more. Freen smirk then give a little squeeze. Like there's a competition going on, who'll withdraw her hand first. 🙄.

Both of their fathers watching them. "What are you guys doing? " They asked in unison. Freen break the eye contact but Becky didn't. Suddenly a thought came to Freen's mind.

"Nothing dad, I'm just admiring her beauty" Freen said and smiled a little. Then she bring their intertwined hands to her lips and kissed Becky's back of the palm. Freen did it purposely to tease Becky.

Becky pull her hand from her grip immediately.
"HOW DARE YOU TO KISS MY HAND??!!! " Becky shouts on Freen. And tried to slap her. But Freen held Becky's right wrist with her left hand and pull her towards her. Becky colided on Freen's body.

Freen hold Becky's waist and whisper in her ear. " I was just appreciating your beauty, sexy lady" Freen told with seductive voice and bit her earlobe.

Becky immediately pushed Freen.
"Enough Freen... Take your seats." Mr. Chankimha said to them. Armstrongs and Chankimhas sat across the table facing each other. Becky was glaring Freen. Freen wink at Becky and smirk a little. 😉. Freen can't deny that Becky is so beautiful.

'She's so beautiful in person than those pictures I saw in internet. Wait! Why am I thinking like this? We are rivals! Come on Freen focus on your revenge' Freen scold herself in mind.

'Gross, she's getting on my nerves. I want to shoot her now. I wish I've a gun with me now. 😮‍💨. ' Becky thought and heaved a sigh mentally.

"Shall we begin? " Thongchai (Mr. Chankimha) asked.

"Sure." Robert (Mr. Armstrong) replied.

"Let's get straight to the point. I want you to know that few days ago we were going to deal with Russia. All were set. I was waiting for them in the meeting room. At the last minute we got to know that they won't deal with us anymore. And there was a envelope lying on the table which had a later inside.
Which contains ' Aww, poor you Chankimha. It's very shameful that you can't handle a single deal. And you call yourself a maafia king? Leave this maafia world u don't worth it. It's me who will rule the world. You little piece of shit want to deal with Russia! Hahaha'. So.... What u say Mr. Armstrong? " Thongchai asked.

"Honestly... We were not the one who did this. There's definitely another party who did this." Robert said.

"But there was a AK logo printed on that envelope." This time Freen said that.

"Our gang name is Armstrong Empire. Read my lips. ARMSTRONG. EMPIRE. We use AE logo not AK. U want to compete with us without knowing your rival's name? Huh! Use some Brain." Becky retorted without missing a single chance. Now Freen is fuming in anger.

"YOU..." Freen tried to defend herself but no word came out of her mouth.

"Becky! Sit quietly. I told you not to speak between us" Robert scolded Becky.

"But she spoke first–" Becky's words cut of by Thongchai.

"Freen will not speak from now on." Thongchai said and look at  Freen. Freen lowered her head.

"So... If u didn't do that then who did that?" Thongchai asked.

"Idk.... Maybe a powerful gang. Otherwise Russia would not deal with them." Robert said.

"But there's no other powerful gang besides u & me." Thongchai said.

"There is. Other wise who has guts to mess with me! The no. 1 maafia gang in the world. And then with you. We need a solution. That person doing all this things secretly." Robert said.

"Hmmm.... I've a solution!" Thongchai said excitedly.

"What's that?" Robert asked.

"What if we........ "



Sorry guys for late update bcz I'm lil busy these days but I'll try hard to write this story on time 😇.

Peace ✌🏻.

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