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Becky went to the airport to fetch her friends, Irin,Billy and Jane. They'll stay in a hotel in Bangkok. They landed in Thailand in the morning. They planned to have lunch together in a 5 star restaurant then go for wedding shopping at Siam mall.

Becky was very nervous all the day. Her friends tried to calm her down. After shopping they came back to hotel with Becky. Becky wants to spend time with them as much as possible. Now they're in Irin's room, sitting in circle around the coffee table. They're doing some chit chat but Becky was spacing out a lot.

"Becbec, Don't worry everything will be ok." Irin tried to assure her. She squeezed Becky's hand gently in a assurance way.

"Stay calm buddy. I know you can do it." Billy said patting her shoulder.

"Becbec, can't you cancel the wedding? I don't like it that you are going to stay under the same roof and sleep with her on the same bed." Jane held Becky's both hands with a pleading face.

(A/N: selfish Jane🙄. Yk that guys why Jane saying this to Becky.)

"Ohh shit! Jane I didn't give it a thought that I'll stay with her as her wedded wife." Becky held her forehead with her palm. 🤦🏻‍♀️."What should I do now?🤷🏻‍♀️" Becky asked.

"Why are you asking us? You are a lawyer, you should think a way out of it." – Billy

"Hey, don't talk with her like that. We should help her." –Jane

"Yeah, she's right." – Irin

"Thanks guys" –Becky

Now, they're all in a deep thought. After a few minutes Becky suddenly snapped her fingers.

"Idea! How about I creat a contract between us and put some conditions which will benefit for me?" –Becky

"Yeah, it's a good idea. Although it's an arranged marriage, I hope she'll agree with it" –Jane

Billy and Irin nodded their head in agreement.

"Ok guys, now enjoy the time before Becbec leave for mansion." Billy said and they all enjoyed their time with each other.


Freen and her friends were having party in Freen's mansion. They all are drinking and dancing crazily in รักต้องมู - ลูกน้ำ อรธารา  song .

(A/N: this is the song of P'Nam. I put the song above. I put this bcz today P'Nam's Birthday 🎂and I like the song)

After a while they all settle on couches still drinking. Freen drinking like there's no tomorrow.Heng stopped her.

"Uuuiiii Freen, stop drinking already. Tomorrow is your wedding day so be careful,lion" Heng said.

"Hîa" Freen put her glass harshly on the tea table. She held her head with her both hands and leaned back on the sofa.

"Khuṇ xo khe h̄ịm? (R u ok?) " Nam asked.

"Sa-sabaay dii (I'm fine)" Freen stuttered in headache.

"Freen you should sleep now. It's already past 10p.m.." –Kade

Freen put her hands down and sighed loudly😮‍💨.

"Guys..... I'm just thinking what will happen after the wedding. Becky is a lawyer and very clever than me. I just hope I don't fall in her trap." Freen sighed again.

"Hmmm.... Freen don't agree with her in anything. She's a lawyer so she could try to do some agreement with you." Noey adviced her. She is the most calm person in this group. She speak less but when she seapks, she drops bombs.

"Mung... You should think thousand times before agree with her in anything" ––Nam

"Or you can ask for time and consult with us first before answer her." –Kade

"Chai krap, we are always here for you, buddy" – Heng

"Freen, listen to me carefully.... Don't sign in any type of paper. You'll bring it here bfr sign on that." Noey said seriously.

"Roger that" Freen playfully salute Noey yearning laugh from everyone.

"And Freen, don't let her sleep in another room. Let her stay with you in same room. You can keep an eye on her in this way." –Nam

"Yeah, if she doesn't agree with you then show her who's the boss in here" Heng said and they all smiled mischievously.

After some time they all retired to their separate rooms in Freen's big mansion to sleep.


Guys... I put some thai words when I write about freen. If you guys have some problem with it then tell me. I'll write it in English fully, though I'm not good in English 😝.

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