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(A/N: if I wrote something wrong or missed something about the marriage so please forgive me. Bcz I'm not a Christian so I dunno about it properly.)


Everyone are sitting on their chairs facing towards the stage. While Freen waiting on the stage with priest.Sam was mesmerized by Mon's beauty. When Mon was coming down the aisle, holding a flower bouquet. Because she's the bridesmaid. Mon was wearing a tight white one piece. Mon didn't notice Sam. Sam's eyes were stuck on Mon. Sam flinched when Nam whispered in her ears.

"She's beautiful, right?" Nam whispered and laughed after watching Sam's reaction.

"Y-yeah" Sam stuttered and avert her eyes towards Freen.

After a minute Becky appeared with her father, holding his left hand with her right hand and holding a bouquet of white rose with her left hand. Everyone averted their eyes towards Becky and started to cheer. Becky walking down the aisle towards the stage looking downward. Because she's so shy.

Freen look towards Becky and lost in her beauty. She was standing like a statue.

"She's so beautiful." Freen mumbles

             Becky's wedding gown

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             Becky's wedding gown

Becky reached the stage. Her dad handed her hand to Freen. And said her to take care of Becky. That's the time when Becky look upwards to Freen. Becky look Freen head to toe. She wondered how can a girl be beautiful and handsome at the same time.

             Freen's wedding suit

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             Freen's wedding suit

Now Freen and Becky standing on the stage facing each other and holding hands. While the priest reading the bible, doing his business. After that he told them to say their vows. Freen and Becky look in each other's eyes.

"I, Freen Sarocha Chankimha, take you, Rebecca Patricia Armstrong, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you all the days of my life.” Freen said her vow and placed a Diamond ring💍 on Becky's left hand's ring finger.

"I, Rebecca Patricia Armstrong, take you, Freen Sarocha Chankimha, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you all the days of my life." Becky took her vow. She hold Freen's left hand and placed a Diamond ring💍 on Freen's ring finger.

"You may now kiss the bride" The priest announced.

Becky's eyes go wide when the priest said that. Freen smirk upon seeing Becky's reaction. Freen held Becky's waist with her left hand and cupped her cheek with her right hand. Becky's eyes goes wide even more when Freen pulled her closer. Becky's both hands land on Freen's shoulder as a reflex.

Becky's heart beating faster. She's looking at Freen's eyes. Same goes to Freen. Then Freen's eyes landed on Becky's heart shaped pulmped yet pinkish lips.

The whole place was silent. Everyone is waiting for what will happen next. Like there was a suspense scene was happening.

Freen licked her lips wet and lean in to kiss Becky. Becky closed her eyes, waiting for the other girl's touch. Freen pressed her lips on Becky's. As a result, Becky grasp Freen's shoulder tightly. Everyone in shocked. Some people covered their mouths, some people gasped and some people's jaw dropped.

They kissed for few seconds before Becky came to her sense and part their lips. Becky let go of Freen's shoulder and gesture Freen to release her. Freen slowly released her and she backs a step. Then they faced their family and friends, who are now cheering, clapping and congratulating them.

After a little while they ate their lunch. Then Freen and Becky left the garden with their friends and sisters to change their dress for the upcoming reception , which will be held in the evening. They went their separate rooms where they changed their dress before for the wedding.

In the evening, they all came to the living room for the reception party. The living room was already decorated so perfectly.

The party begin and everyone started to enjoy. When a romantic music played everyone cheer for FreenBecky to dance together.

Freen brought Becky to the middle of the dancefloor. Freen's one hand held Becky's waist and Becky held Freen's shoulder while their other hand intertwined together. They swayed their bodies with the song 'Whisper'.

Then suddenly Sam appeared in front of Mon and asked her to dance with her and Mon agreed. She shyly hold Sam's hand and towards the dancefloor. Sam and Mon are also dancing with the song. And others joined them too.

Everyone enjoyed the party and had dinner together. After that they all congratulate them again and hugged them... After all of this, they bid their byee and left the mansion. Leaving FreenBecky alone in the mansion. Then Freen turned to Becky.

"My dear wifey, come with me. Let's go to our matrimonial bedroom." Freen said with husky voice.

After hearing that, Becky's eyes widen and gulp hard. Seeing Becky's reaction Freen smirked. She held Becky's waist and pulled her hard. Becky's body collided with Freen. Freen then brought her right hand and cupped Becky's cheek and cares with her thumb. Then her eyes land on her lips and she leaned in.....

To Be Continue...


Can't wait for 🔞😋...
What will happen nxt? Guess it guys 😉. I want to know your thoughts🤔💭. Comment down your thoughts, don't hesitate. No one will judge you 😉

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