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In the morning, the sun is bright, and the sunlight is warm and not harsh. The birds keep chirping, and the breeze is cool. The leaves of the plants are covered from the dew drops. The level of noise pollution in the mornings are less compared to the other times of the day.

The wedding preparation in Freen's mansion was all done. The theme was of white flowers, simple yet fancy. There were few chairs placed facing the stage where the wedding will be held. The aisle was filled with white rose petals.

In the other side of the mansion, Freen and Becky were getting ready in their respective rooms

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In the other side of the mansion, Freen and Becky were getting ready in their respective rooms.

"I can't believe it, my daughter is getting married in few minutes. Rebecca is a very sweet girl. I'm lucky to have her as my daughter-in-law." Nun said happily.

"But Phi is also handsome" Sam said hugging freen from behind. Freen smiled at her statement.

"Who's daughter is she?" Thongchai tried to bragging.

"But I'm more handsome than you dad" Freen said to her father and winked 😉. Everyone laughed including her friends.

"Heyyy!" Thongchai protested.

"Sorry uncle, you might be handsome but my besti is both handsome and beautiful" Nam giggled.

"Ok, ok. I quit." Thongchai raised his both hands in surrender. "But now hurry up. It's time. The priest maybe waiting for us."

"You guys go first, I'm coming in a few minutes. I'm nervous. I need some time to calm myself down." Freen said.

"Ok but don't take long. Everything will be ok" Thongchai said and hugged Freen. Then her mom kissed her forehead. After that they all left the room leaving Freen alone.

Meanwhile in the other room, Becky was doing her final touch of her makeup. Irin and Jane were helping her while Mon was fixing her short yet cute hair. Rawee was looking at Becky through mirror. A tear escape from her eye.

"Why are you crying darling? Don't be sad, it's our Princess' wedding." Robert said and side hug Rawee.

"I'm crying bcz I'm happy .... And sad too." Rawee sobbed.

" Why are you sad mom?" Becky asked

"Bcz you will live away from us. Even I can't visit you whenever I want. You'll be here all by yourself." Rawee said.

"Don't worry mom, I'll be here to check on sis. Whenever I'll be free, I'll come here to visit her after work." Mon tried to soothe her mom but terribly failed...Rawee cry hard.

" I forgot... That... You-you'll be also,... Live here... I-I can't stay.... Away....From my children." Rawee said between her sobs.

"Don't cry dear. Just tell me whenever you want to see them, I'll take you here." Robert said and hugged her. Then the sisters joined the hug making it a family hug.

"We'll make time for you when you'll vist us." Becky said.

"Even we'll also visit you guys in England. We also can't stay away from both of you." Mon said and they stay like that for a minute.

Then Billy came in the room.
"Uncle, they're waiting for us." Billy said.

"Ok you guys go, I'm coming with Becky in a minute." Robert said and they all left. Not before they all gave a hug to Becky.

After they all left, Robert faced Becky and cupped her cheeks.

"Becky, I want you to be patience and stay safe here. I'm sorry for this. Yk that I don't want any bad for you but I had to do this. Please forgive your father." Robert said and clasped his hands together. 🙏🏻

"Dad, don't say like this. I'm fine with this and ik that it's for our future. So don't ask for sorry. I'll take care of Mon and also myself." Becky hold Robert's hands and smiled. Robert smiled sadly and hugged Becky.

"You're looking so gorgeous, princess." Robert whispered and kissed on Becky's hair.

"I'll miss you dad... and mom too." Becky said.

"We'll also miss you. Please take care of yourself and your little sister." Robert said. And broke the hug slowly.

"Dad.... Can I continue my work from here? I don't wanna lose my post as a legal adviser of our company." Becky requested.

"Of course you can, princess. Who told you that you'll be dismissed from your post? No ones better than you for my companies, Becky." Robert assured her.

"Really? Thanks dad. I love you so much, dad." Becky said and clapped with excitement.

"Ok now let's go." Robert said and stretched his hand in 'L' shape towards Becky.

Becky holds her dad's hand and head towards the garden where the ceremony will be held.


Sorry for late update guys. I was caught up with my study and job. I had barely a free time. I'll update this twice or thrice a week. Bcz I've exam in a week, so I've to study hard. And it's also my final year so I don't want to take risks. 😅

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