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After that incident in the morning, I rushed to the office. I was feeling very embarrassed that I couldn't face Becky. Not yet. This is all her fault.As I was sitting on my chair in my office, my PA knocked on the door of my office. As I give her permission to enter my office, she walked in with stack of papers, for me to review and sign. After that she left my office, I sighed heavily. This is all because of that stupid wedding I could have work yesterday, and here I am working double. Though, it's a great thing to divert my mind from that incident so I started reviewing and signing those papers, I didn't stop until my phone buzzed. It's Sam! What she want now?

On call:

Sam:  Hello, phi! How's your wedding night?

Me : You call me to ask this?

Sam: Yes! I wanna know everything!

Me : Don't be nosy, it's none of your business.

Sam: Aauu! Why?

Me: Sam! If you don't have anything serious to ask then cut the call, I have lot of works to do. I'm going to cut the call, bye.

Sam: Phi, wait! I decided that, I'll give Mon a tour of my office, then she will decide whether she wants to work with me or not. After that we will go for a dinner, that's why I called you to ask you that if you and my dear Sister-in-law wanna join with us or not.

Me: Sorry, Sam. I have lot of work to complete today sorry I can't join with you and Mon.

Sam: Ok, phi, I understand. I won't  disturb you any more, do your work peacefully. Bye-bye! And  don't forget to eat your lunch.

Me: Thanks and okay. Bye.

Sam : Wait, wait! One more thing!... Ummm... Can you ask P'Becky that what type of food Mon likes to eat?

Me: What?! Why?! Why will I ask her? Find out yourself. I'm not gonna ask Becky.

Sam: Phi please! I only got to know the other day that both of them can't eat spicy food!

Me: Then, order non-spicy thai dishes. Let her try them, introduce her with thai food.

Sam: That's a great idea phi! Okay, bye!

(Beep, beep) Sam hanged up the call.

I sighed after she hanged up the call. I can feel my stomach growling. How did she know that I didn't have my lunch? I shrugged my shoulder and then check the time. Ohh! It's 3pm already! I ordered some food. After some time my lunch arrived. As I was eating, a bulb 💡above my head lit on. An idea came into my mind. And a devilish smile appeared on my lips.


As I arrived home, I directly went to the kitchen. I talked with my cook that what I want in tonight's dinner. After that I went to my bedroom to find my target, oops! Sorry...My so called wife. The bedroom was empty. I went to the balcony to check, here she is. She didn't notice me. Hihihi... Let's do a prank! I got behind her then I grab her with one hand and with the other hand I cover her mouth. Little did I know that she'll elbowed my stomach and lift me from behind and slam me in front of her. I forgot about her karate  skills😑.

"What are you doing?!" Becky asked angrily.

"I was just checking your skills, hehe 😅" I said nervously as I stand up.

"Don't play these types of silly games with me again" She said, pissed and walk into the room.

"I didn't even start, sweetheart" I said and smile. Then I walk into the room as well.


At dinner, we're sitting across from each other. Mades start to serve our food.

"Which are non-spicy dishes?" She asked them.

"Ohh! Don't worry Becky, I strictly told them not to put spice in any dishes. If I want to eat spice then I'll add it separately." I said and smile.

She's looking at me suspiciously. I've to do something fast! I grab chiliflakes bottle and put some from it in my soup. I look at her and she's watching me. I sip a lil then said it's need more spice as put more chiliflakes. She doesn't know that I love spicy food. Hahaha😂. After a min she starts to eat. OMG! you should have seen her face! She opened her mouth and fanning it with her hand. Her whole face and ear is red, and a tear escaped from her left eye. I handed her milkshake. She gulped it in one go. From her reaction, I can say that her throat is burning. I told them to put spice also in all sweet dishes. She got up from her sit and ran into the kitchen to drink cold water. I brust into laughing🤣. I succeed to take my revenge! I eat my dinner peacefully and went to my bedroom to sleep.

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