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I'm waiting for P'Pop to call me. I hope he made it, otherwise I'll surely kill him. I'm lying on my bed thinking of possibilities. If that Armstrong girl died then I can spread my business there. I tried many times to establish branches all over Asia and U.K. but that girl everytime ruined my plans.

It's 5 in the morning and now I'm feeling sleepy.😑.When I decided to take a nap, suddenly my phone started ringing. I immediately grab my phone from the bedside table and see the contact name, its P'Pop. I received the call.

On call :

Pop : Swadeekrub, Khun Freen.

Me: Swadeekha, What's the result?

Pop: We failed. Our all men dead. They captured me and interrogated me. I told them everything.

Me: WHAT!!??! ARE U CRAZY??!!!

Pop : ma'am, I got to know that they are not the one who snatched the deal from us and insulted Big Boss. Moreover, they are telling me that we attacked on their men here and ruined their deals but we didn't. They are assuming that there's a third party who is messing with us. Mr. Armstrong wants to talk with Big Boss to settle the matter because we didn't attacked on each other. There's some other Mafia gang who's doing this.

Me: WHAT?! wait! HOW?

Pop: I don't know ma'am. What should I do?

Me: Wait. Let me think, I will talk with dad then I'll inform u.

Pop: Ok–

I cut the call and sprint to dad's bedroom. I tried to barge in the room but the door is locked. Then I knocked on the door hard. After a minute or two the door opened.

Oh Lord, I don't want another sibling 😮‍💨. I thought to myself.

"What happened Fwaeeen (Freen)?" Dad yawning🥱.

"Dad, dad. They killed our all men and captured P'Pop and he spilled everything about us."

"WHAT?!" His eyes wide open now.

"Dad listen to me first.... They are not the one who send us that letter and snatched the deal from us."

" Then who did that? "

"Mr. Armstrong assuming that there's an another Mafia or a third party who did that and they want to talk with us and settle the matter because we both are victims in this matter. So what you say dad?"

"Hmmm🤔..... If that's the case.... We should call a meeting. Freen tell them that we agree to settle down the matter if it's true."

"Dad, why need to settle? Let's call them over here and we'll kill them, chapter close. Then we can easily spread our business over there also."

"Freen, sometimes u talk like a idiot. We both are victims here and we need to kill that one, who's messing with us."

"Then why we need to call them? We can find them by ourselves. Moreover I don't want to see that girl's face."

"Which one? "

"The elder one. I don't want to take her name in my mouth. If I see her here and if she does anything or badmouth us, I'll definitely shoot her."

"You'll stay out of this matter. We both elder will talk. I'll ask Mr. Armstrong to do the same. Am I clear?"

"Yes, dad. Then I will leave first to call P'Pop to inform them that we agreed to have a meeting with them and we both will stay out of this. I mean me and that elder Armstrong girl."

"What's the time now?"

"6:20a.m. Why?"

"I think they are sleeping now because it's night in England. It's might be 12:20p.m. in England. Let's call them in afternoon they will awake by then."

"Ok dad."


It's afternoon. And I'm in my office. I glance at the wallclock for the millionth time. It's around 3p.m. they might be awake by now. I don't know why I'm getting impatient. Maybe I want to close the matter soon. Today I can't concentrate in my work because my mind is full with this matter.

I picked up my phone and dial P'Pop's number. But he didn't picked up. I tried 2nd time but same. I tried for the 3rd time and he pick up my call this time.

On call:

Me: Why didn't you picked up my call in first attempt?

Pop: sorry mam they kept my phone.

Me: Tell them that we agreed to have a meeting with them and give them dad's number.

Pop: Ok mam. Can u tell them to release me?

Me: Dad will tell them. He kept me out if this matter. Ok bye.

I cut the call and head towards mansion because it's already closing time.


My Wattpad season was expired so I couldn't login because I forgot my password. 😅. Thanks to my twin who retrieve my account. I thought that I lost everything because it's not opening in any way. 😅. Thank youFreens_BecBec 😘. Love you😘

And guys read her stories, she's a very good author 😁.

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