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When Becky and Mon arrived in the dining room, everyone were settled by then. Nun noticed them.

"Ohh, girls! Come,sit here" Nun said while pointing towards the 2 empty chairs which are opposite side of where Sam & Freen are sitting.

When Nun called for the girls, everyone divert their gazes towards them. Sam & Freen became statue after seeing them. Sam's eyes were stuck on Mon's face, admiring her beautiful features on her face. Then she traveled her eyes down until they reach Mon's feet, then again up to her eyes. As for Freen, she did the same BUT her eyes were 1st stuck on Becky's lips, then  her exposed chest, then her perfectly rounded boobs. Freen bit her lower lip. Then her eyes traveled down to her exposed thighs. Freen's buddy twitched after seeing those milky white shining✨ skin.

Becky and Mon are now sitting on their chairs. They noticed Sam & Freen's gaze were on them so they lightly smiled towards them but both Chankimha sisters were in their own world. So they didn't noticed that. Nun observed everything and cleared her throat but they didn't heard their mother. Nun smiled awkwardly towards everyone and this time she clear throat loudly.

"AAHEMM! AAHEMM!" they look towards their mother and Sam offers her water.

"Mom, you should eat slowly." Freen said to her mom.

"I'm okay children but you guys weren't. Stop daydreaming while eating otherwise you'll choke on your food." Nun said to her daughters with a fake smile. Sam & Freen understand that they caught red handed so they start to eat their food. They didn't averted their eyes from their plates bcz of embarrassment.

All of them were having their dinner quietly until Robert break the ice.

"So Freen..." Robert started talking yearning everyone's attention.

"What you do? I mean what is your job?" Robert asked Freen.

"I'm CEO of NINETY TWO co. And Chankimha Construction pvt. Ltd." Freen replied.

"Ohh! wow! And what about Sam?" Robert asked Sam.

"I'm CEO of DIVERSITY POP." Sam replied.

"Great! Your daughters are really talented, Thongchai." Robert said.

"Yeah, I'm proud of them." Thongchai said with a big smile on his face. "BTW, what your daughters do?" Thongchai asked Robert.

"Becky is a Lawyer and Mon just finished her studies in Network Business." Robert said.

"Sir, can i ask Mon to join my company if u don't mind? Actually my company is based on fashion and I'm going to achieve no.1 position in fashion industry in Thailand.Bcz I want best people for my company and I think Mon is perfect for this. She can help me to promote my company on social media with her skills." Sam asked.

"Why Mon will join your company? She can built her own company." Robert said to Sam.

"Nu, why you want her when they're more experienced people are out there?" Freen fumed.

"Freen!" Nun glared at Freen. Freen lowered her head and continue eating her food. "Please don't mind her guys. She's a short temper and I believe Becky can tame her." Nun said with a apologetic smile while looking at Becky. Becky just smiled at her and said, "Sure, I can" Then she smirked at Freen. Freen put her spoon on the table with a 'thud' sound and got up from her sit. And leave the dining area without a word. Becky smile broadly on her winning.

"Dad, I want to join her company. I want to gain experience first. Without any experience how can I built a company?" Mon asked her dad with a pout. 😗.

"But–" Robert tried to protest.

"Dad, let her do this job." Becky said and look at Robert. Robert look back at her and she nodded. Robert understood that Becky has something in her mind so he agreed with this offer.

"Ok, you can join her company"

Sam and Mon smiled at each other.

"Don't worry, sir. I'll take care of her." Sam assured Robert.

"Ok guys now eat, we've to sleep early. Bcz from tomorrow we've to start the wedding preparation." Rawee said. Everyone nodded and finished their food and retreated to their rooms.

After a while, Mon and Becky were doing their night care routines when they heard a little knock on the door."Becky it's me,your dad" Robert said from outside.Becky went to open the door. Upon opening the door, Robert almost got a heart attack. Because Becky was wearing a white face mask on her face and Robert thought that it's a ghost. Because the corridor was dark.

"What the hell Becky? You almost gave me a heart attack." Robert grasped his left chest.

"Sorry dad, please come in" Becky apologized.

Robert entered the room and saw Mon also wearing the same mask.

"Why you guys wearing masks on face?"

"Dad, this mask for hydrating our skin." Mon replied.

"Whatever. Becky, I'm here to ask you something. Why did you agreed with that offer?" –Robert.

"So Mon can deliver us some informations about her company. She can be a spy." –Becky.

"No, no, no. I can't do this. What if I get caught? I want to join her company to earn some experience. I don't want to die soon. Please sis, show mercy on me. 🙏🏻." –Mon.

"Ok, ok. Mon you don't have to do anything, just stay safe. Becky, I'm going to sleep. Good night"–Robert.

" Good night, dad" They said in unison. After Robert left the room, Becky locked the door. And they went to sleep.


Did you guys watched BLANK the series session 2 ep 1? 🤤

I watched it 3times.(whispering) 😝

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