Chapter 1

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Charlie watched as Lucifer paced around the sitting room in the hotel. "Why? Why did Sera do it? why does she let this go on? Why does she let Lute do this?"  her dad stamped his foot.
   "No, I will not let this happen! While I might hate them, they are my people and I will not let them die!"
  "Dad... what are we going to do?" Charlie asked voicing everyone's thoughts.
Lucifer grabbed fist fulls of his hair and sat down. "I don't know! That's the problem! No one can talk any sense into that stupid seraphim Except..."  He let go of his hair and stood up. "Me... I can talk to Sera! She has to listen if its me! Right?"
He sat back down. "Right?"
Charlie shot to her feet. "Dad wait! You can't just leave!" 
He looked up from chewing his finger nail. "Why not honey bun?"
  "Because-because-" Charlie sputtered. "Because you protect the hotel! everyone here would be dead if it weren't for you!" 
Her dad smiled. "Charlie, though it do love kicking Angel ass, I will admit he does more than I do." He begrudgingly said pointing to Alastor who was sitting in the corner quietly sipping tea. 

  "But dad..." Charlie didn't finish her sentence.
Lucifer smiled sadly. "I'm sorry Honey, I have to go, it's our only chance." 
Charlie nodded sadly and wrapped an arm around herself. 
Vaggie came over and sat down next to her. "Hey, are you good with this?"
Charlie shook her head. "Not really, I-I just wish he wouldn't go alone, you know? I would never know if something  happened or... I don't know.
Charlie looked down. "I suppose I just wanted someone to send me updates in a letter? or something? I don't know,  he was never good at that sort of thing." Charlie heaved a sigh as she said this.
Vaggie studied Charlie a second before saying, "Then I'll go." 

Charlie looked up. "You would do that?"

Vaggie nodded. "I would."
Charlie teared up. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she whisper yelled as she crushed Vaggie in a hug.
Standing up Vaggie said, "Sir if you'll allow me to, I would like to come with you."
Lucifer raised an eyebrow. "I mean sure, but um, any particular reason?"     
The girl looked back at Charlie before facing forwards again. "No reason in particular."
Charlie's dad laughed. "Well I guess we all need a change of scenery sometimes don't we?" 

The next hours were spent packing and making plans until all of the two travelers things were at the bottom of the stairs.
Charlie hugged Her dad. "listen, just come back okay?" she whispered into his neck.
lucifer hugged her tighter. "I will."


I drank my tea watching everyone give the short king and Vaggie tearful goodbyes. 
Charlie hugged them both before taking a step back wiping her tears on her shirt sleeve. "Come back okay?"
Lucifer nodded and smiled. 
Right as he was about to step through the portal he stopped and held up a hand. "Oh yes I almost forgot, Alastor my friend I need to speak with you." I looked up with my usual smile but confusion in my brain.
 'Friend'? I hardly think so.
I stood, brushing off my coat, what he could want to talk about I couldn't even guess, but despite that, I walked over to the group.
Standing in front of the king of Hell, I tilted my head in question.
Lucifer eyed me but turned around. "Privately." he said.
Now I was curious. 
I followed him into one of the lower level bedrooms.
The second the door closed behind me the king spun around and pinned me to the wall by the throat. "Okay listen here you dirtbag, I know in that mixed up sad excuse of a heart you care for my daughter, and I will be leaving and not able to protect her from the exorcists, but you can. As much as I hate it, I want you to watch her and protect her with your life at all hours of the day."
Lucifer sighed heavily. "I want you to become her father, do you understand me? I want you to be just as good as me, Hell I want you to be better!" 
His grip tightened until I was struggling for breath. 
  "That is an order from your king, and if I come back and she has one scratch on her, ONE SCRATCH, I will be the one who ends the radio Demon by broadcasting his own screams across Hell!
Do. You. Understand ME?"  

A stay in Cannibal town {A Hazbin Hotel Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now