Chapter 7

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I watched as the two girls in front of me devoured the plate of beignets my husband had made. 
To be fair, I had to take part in the eating of them. 
The minute Niffty saw Alastor in the doorway, she shoved the last beignet in her mouth whole.  Alastor stopped in front of the now empty plate. "My dears, I WAS LITTERLY GONE FOR FIVE SECONDS."
I raised my eyebrows. "They were made by you Alastor dear, I could do nothing to hold them back." 
With his usual smile splayed on his face, he somehow managed to glare at me. In return I just smiled and shrugged.
In a very Alastor like manor, he smiled and rolled his eyes. "Oh fine, I'll go make more." With that, he tied his hair back and walked into the kitchen. 
I watched after him for a second before looking back at Charlie, who watched the door as well before looking at me and giggling. 
After we were finished cleaning the dinning table of powdered sugar, I asked, "So, what would you like to do today?"
Charlie folded her hands and shrugged. "I don't know..." she said a little timidly. 
  "I want to stab things!" Niffty cheered. 
While she was looking at Charlie, I confiscated the knife.
  "Anyhow, we can do pretty much whatever you want dear." I told Charlie, hiding the small dagger under my chair. 
Charlie shrugged yet again. "I don't know! Why do I have to choose?" she complained.
I stood up. "Well what do you have to wear?" 
The princess smiled embarrassedly. "Suits, I have a couple changes but... that's it."
I clicked my tongue. "That will simply not do, If you live with us, you will learn to dress like us." 
Charlie tilted her head.  "Well I mean, Alastor has a suit! I mean his coat is a little different but-" 
I held up a hand. "Do not get me started on Alastor's coat."
  "Why? What's wrong with his coat?" 
  "Many things my dear, many things!"
Charlie nodded slowly. "Okay...? Well what I meant to say, is people wear suits around here." 
  "I meant  your same gender clothes." I stated.
Charlie slouched. "Oh."
I nodded. "Oh indeed, If you go around like that, then everybody will know who you are and where you are, If you dress differently, It will be harder for those who want to hurt you, to find you. It's all for your safety princess."
The girl leaned back in her chair. "Ohhhhhhhh that makes sense, so you want me to wear a dress?"
I smiled. "Precisely my dear! It can be whatever dress you want, but a dress none the less."
  "Got it." Charlie said, nodding.
  "So if you want, that's what we could do today." I told her.
Charlie nodded. "That'd be fun."
I smiled. "Great, why don't you go get ready Sugar, okay?"
Charlie eagerly nodded and jumped up, dragging Niffty with her as she ran upstairs to change out off her night cloths.
My smile faded as Charlie disappeared up the stairs. 
I walked into the kitchen and found Alastor mixing bread dough. 
  "Al," I said. "We need a better way of protecting her."
Alastors normal stature diminished and his shoulders slouched. "I know." 
He set the bowl he was holding down. "I just don't know how."
I reached out a hand and rubbed his back. "We'll figure something out, right?"  
My husband brushed my hand off and started pacing around the kitchen, even now, still smiling.
   "I have to figure something out, but the problem is I don't know where to start, how to start, or even how long I have to protect her for!" he ran a hand down his face before looking back at me. "But you shouldn't bother yourself with my problems my dear, go have fun with Charlie."
  "But I'm worried," I said. 
Alastor shook his head. "You don't need to be, I have everything under control-"
  "About you." I finished.
Alastor turned and grabbed me by the shoulders. "I am fine my dear," He cringed. "See? still smiling, I will be fine, nothing to worry about."
  "But there Is..." I murmured under my breath. 
Alastor swiftly let go and walked over to the window. "No. There. Is. Not."
He tilted his head slightly towards me. "Now, go have fun with Charlie dear."
I nodded without a word and walked out of the kitchen.
Funny, how I didn't think I would be having very much fun anymore.
I found Charlie by the door. 
As I grabbed my hat, she asked, "Is everything okay?" 
I slapped on a completely fake smile. "Yes dear, why wouldn't it be?"
Charlie smiled too. "I guess your right, no reason."
Before leaving I quickly grabbed the dagger I hide in the couch. 
Better to be safe than sorry. Right?

I ended up using it.
We ended up being late back to the house, because Charlie could simply not chose a dress.
She finally chose a knee high dresses with white puffy sleeves and a black flowy skirt. 


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plus one fancy off-shoulder one that was red.
(*Sorry guys, I can't load a picture of this one*)

As I was checking out the lady across the store was chopping up a couple of legs that I highly considered buying until I saw Charlie's face.
The pure horror was enough to make me hold back but the disgust made me send her outside.


I waited outside for Rosie. 
Looking around I was greeted by one sinner who was just blatantly staring at me.
I flushed red and turned away uncomfortably.  
Why was he looking at me? I was the most unattractive person by far. 
I peeked through my hair and found him standing next to me.
I'm not going to lie, I screamed.
I felt like an idiot while I caught my breath. "Oh uh, Hi what can I do for you?" I asked a little shakily. 
The boy smirked and moved closer. "I don't know, what do you think princess?"
I smiled uncomfortably and inched backwards every time he got closer. 
  "I-I don't know, um do you need something in particular?" I asked. 
I backed into a wall.
  "Only your compony in bed, gorgeous." he said pinning my right hand to the wall behind me.
I laughed nervously. "Um not to be rude, but no thank you."
He smiled. "Oh I wasn't really asking your highness." he said running a hand over the inside of my thigh. 
I gulped. "Yeah, um can I say no?" 
He wrapped an arm around my waist. "Nope."
I could feel his breath on my neck. 
I was frozen in panic.

I thanked the cashier. And grabbed the bags with Charlie's dresses in them. 
Only stopping to taste test the legs Mrs. Gleason was selling.
I made my way into the bright evening sunset, pulling my hat over my eyes just a little since I didn't own sunglasses. 
I heard a little squeak from the alleyway and dropped my bags to investigate. 
I turned the corner to find a horrible sight. 
Charlie was pinned to the wall by a horned demon, who was unbuttoning the buttons of her shirt that she obviously did not want to be unbuttoned. 
My jaw clenched and I walked forwards. 
  "Let her go." I said in the voice I used to calm my victims before I killed them.
The boy snorted and turned to me. "Yeah and who says? Get lost loser."
I chuckled darkly and tipped the brim of my hat up.
The oh shit, was very apparent on the sinners face as realization to who I was dawned on his face.
  "U-um m-miss I can explain-" 
I grabbed him by the neck and dragged him to the back to the alley. 
After pining him to the wall I grabbed two pieces of sharp and broken metal and stabbed each piece through each hand, holding him to the wall. 
  The demons screams filled the air as I drew Niffty's knife.
   "Listen here you pig, If you ever touch the princess again, you will never have a head again, do you understand me?"
The boy nodded, whimpering.
I quickly stabbed the knife through his thigh before pulling it out and walking back to Charlie, who stood trembling by the entrance to the alleyway.
  "Th-thank Y-you."  she stuttered. 
I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me.
  "Are you okay my dear?" 
The girl nodded shakily.
I took my jacket off and handed it to her. 
  "Let's get you home." 
And clinging to me, Charlie Morningstar, The princess of Hell, walked home.

Soooooo, that was dramatic. 
Hehe yeah sorry about that.

A stay in Cannibal town {A Hazbin Hotel Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now