Chapter 13

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I watched the slow drips falling off my hair. 

  "How'd you know where to find me?" 
I startled, looking at Charlie. "Hmm?" 
She smiled. "I asked how you knew where to find me." 
I sighed. "Oh, it wasn't that hard to guess."  
The girl slouched. "Yeah I guess..." 
I stared at her. 
She needed help. 
Her suit jacket was gone to god knows where, the scratches ran all the way up her arm with her long blond hair being stained pinkish red from blood, adding that she was soaked in the rain, she was about that close to catching a cold. 
I stood up, holding out a hand to her. "You my dear, need to get dry, so how about we make our way back to Cannibal town where I'm sure I could whip up a pot of jambalaya, and we can clean you up." 
Charlie nodded and took my hand. 
I pulled her up and we started walking. 
Charlie wrapped her arms around herself and looked at me. "Soooo, haven't really seen you without you coat on, where's it at?" 
I shrugged. "I don't usually leave without it, but Rosie needed it more than I did." 
Charlie nodded. "Hmm, well, you look good, not in a weird way, just a complement." 
I stiffened. 
Getting complements from Charlie or anyone else that was not Rosie was... strange. 
I folded my hands behind my back and kept walking. "Well, don't get used to it." 
All I heard from Charlie was a long sigh. 
It took me a long second to realize that Charlie was talking. 
Deep in thought, I guess. 
   "And I just want to beat the fucking shit out of whoever did this! I want them dead! Which is harsh for me! But no, they need to die." 
I looked at her in surprise. "Who?" 
The princess raised an eyebrow at me. "Your master...? Weren't you listening?" 
I straightened and walked slightly faster. "Oh, my dear girl, you needn't do a thing! I am perfectly fine." 
Charlie crossed her arms. "No, your not, also, I CAN HELP YOU." she narrowed her eyes at me. "You and I both know it."  
I shook my head, chuckling. "You don't need to help." 
The girl groaned. "ALASTOR! Why must you be so difficult!? And-and independent! And just- ugh! Just let me kill them a little bit! Please?"  
I sighed and clasped my hands behind my back, staring ahead. "Charlie, I can-and will! do this on my own, no help needed." 
Charlie rolled her eyes. "Al, you know something? You are a real ass sometimes."  
I laughed. "My dear, I am reminded of that by Vox on a regular basis, so you needn't remind me as well."
The girl sighed. "Sooooo, who is it?" 
I glanced down at her. "Who's who?" 
Charlie straightened, not looking at me. "This mysterious owner." 
I stiffened. "No one you need to know about." 
I was not, in fact, going to tell my dear Charlie that her mother was a bastard and a hag.  
It was strange, when Lilith had claimed my soul, she wasn't so bad. 
She would often invite me to tea, or ask me favors. 
Lilith was not one to take no for an answer, but she would never order anything... that all changed when I met her in heaven, for seven years straight.  
That's when the torture started. 
Never ending and painful. 
Suddenly, she needed to stalk her daughter, but since she was lazy as fuck, she ordered me to do it. 
My head snapped up. "Yes?"  
The princess stared at me. "Are you even paying attention? We were supposed to turn a whole block ago, and you were about to run into the wall." 
I looked back in front of me to find a cinder wall. 
My ears went back and I cursed under my breath. 
   "Well, I was just taking the long way around." 
Charlie gave me a look, but kept walking. 
I smacked myself before following her. 

I turned the key in the lock.
Opening my front door, I let Charlie in before walking in.  
The girls shoulders seemed to be more relaxed now that she was inside. 
Charlie started wandering into the parlor. 
   "Charlie!" I scolded. "Take your shoes off, it takes a lot to clean those carpets." 
Her eyes went wide and she hopped back to me and onto the rug. "Hehe, yeah sorry." 
I shook my head and took my boots off. 
I turned them upside down and water poured out soaking the floor. 
Charlie and I glanced at each other. 
  "Wow, how long were you in the rain?" She asked, looking at the puddle. 
I squeezed the water out of my pant leg. "Oh a couple hours at least."   
Charlie shook her head. "And your worried about me getting a cold?" 
I laughed and patted her cheek. "I'm not even cold my dear girl, plus, I don't just get colds." 
I said all this even though I was freezing.  
The princess shook her head, ringing her hair out over the rug.  
  "Well, You should have a nice and dry pair of cloths on your bed ready for you, I will go get changed and then we can eat, how about that?" 
The girl looked at me and smiled. "Yeah, sounds good." 
I clapped my hands together and nodded before spinning on my  heel and running up the stairs. 
When I opened the door, I found Rosie sitting on the bed, cradling her head in her hands. 
Upon hearing me, she looked up. "Oh! Your back... is... Charlie with you?"  
I nodded. "Don't worry my darling, she's fine." I told her, walking over to my closet. 
Rosie got up from the bed and stood behind me. "Well, I'm glad. You were hard on her." 
I pulled out a red button up, my shoulders slouching. "I know, I just didn't know how to react to anything."
Rosie rested her chin on my shoulder. "Your wet." 
I glanced down at her. "I am quite aware, darling." 
She laughed and I started un buttoning my shirt. 
Rosie was in the middle of pulling it off when she stopped, gasping. "Al, what's that?" 
My eyes went wide. 
Oh shit. 
I yanked my shirt away from her and whipped around, pressing my back to the wall. "Nothing."  
My wife planted her hands on her hips. "AL, What was that?" 
I shrugged, trying to gain my composure back. "N-Nothing that concerns you, darling." 
Rosie raised an eyebrow. "Your my husband, you concern me."  
I chuckled nervously, looking everywhere except her eyes. "Not this time, my dear!"    
Rosie took a step closer. "Um yeah actually, this time it does." 
I pressed myself harder against the wall. "And why is that? Oh, I was going to tell you that your dress looks nice, is that one new?" 
Rosie stopped right next to me, and peered up at my face with her midnight eyes. "Your stalling!" She sang. 
I laughed a little. "What would make you think that?"  
Rosie reached up and poked my nose. "I've had this dress since we met." 
I winced. "Well, isn't that a surprise?"  
She stood on her tiptoes and tried to peek over my shoulder. "Come on! What was that? It looked like a spider web..." 
I took my chance and spun us around, pinning her to the wall. "Rosie, It really doesn't matter." 
My wife scowled. "BUT I'M WORRIED!"  
I winced as she shouted right next to my ears. "Rosie! J-just, It will be fine, I'm fine-" 
She grabbed my wrist and wrenched it around, putting me in an elbow lock against the wall. "Alastor! Is that black magic?" 
I tried to get out of her grasp, but failed. "Um no?"  
Rosie let my wrist go, and hugged me from behind. "Are you dying?" She whispered. 
Well! That's not how I wanted her to find out.
I glanced down at the floor, sighing. 
  "AL! Answer me!"  
I closed my eyes and pulled her over to the bed, sitting down. "Rosie... I-" 
Tears came to her eyes and she tried to pull away from me. "NO no no no no no  Al tell me it's not true..." 
I looked away. 
    "Alastor Altruist! Tell me your not dying!" 
Rosie was still pulling on my hand so I let go. "I'm afraid I can't do that."   
  "Al...." She crawled into my lap and clung to my neck. "Don't leave me, Al, please don't leave  me." She whimpered.  
I closed my eyes and pulled her closer. 
  "Who did it?" She growled. 
I was stunned by the sudden change in her attitude. "What?"  
Rosie grabbed my face in her hands. "Who. Did. It?" She ground out.  
Lowering my eyes, I said. "You know who..."  
My wife's eyes went wide. "YOU"VE BEEN KEEPING THIS FROM ME FOR THAT LONG?!" 
I winced, pinning my ears back. "Well... yes. I didn't know how to tell you."  
She shook her head. "Al, I will kill this woman if it's the last thing I do."  
I smiled. "Well, glad to hear it." 
Rosie reached up and kissed me, before pulling back and standing up. 
   "Well," she said, trying to wipe the tears out of her eyes. "Now my butts wet." 
We both burst out laughing despite the gloomy mood that had taking over the room.
  "Your pants are very wet sir." She said, pointing a finger at me. 
I nodded and stood up. "Well I was on my way to change, so I'll go finish that if you don't mind." 
Rosie laughed and nodded, leaving the room.  
God, I loved that woman. 

A stay in Cannibal town {A Hazbin Hotel Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now