Chapter 18

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Guys... I really like writing in Alastor's pov... so, hope you don't mind. 
I'll switch soon... just not now. 
Okay bye! 

To say the least, Roo was very strong. 
And... I was only getting by, by pure luck. 
Charlie still hadn't moved, she seemed to... traumatized? 
I did not know, but she was still there and I was deflecting attacks on her every three minutes. 
Would I maybe win this fight if I had my powers? 
But, they were gone so I was left to the small magic in my staff and my own personal skills. 
And even with those? I was getting very tired. 
Roo ran at me and completely drop kicked me. 
I stumbled and slid back, somehow still on my feet. 
I breathed hard, I could not keep this up for long. Weather I liked it or not, Roo was the root of evil, and I was an Overlord with no powers.
Not a very fair fight when you think about it. 
Standing straight, I smiled and held my staff out behind me. "Do you have anything more? Or is that all the power of the great 'Queen of Evil'?" I asked. 
Roo laughed and tipped the brim of her hat. "Oh you have no idea pet. It's one against one, you'll never win." 
Okay, that name was really getting on my nerves. 
Suddenly, my staffed got ten times heavier. 
I struggled to keep it in the air as I whipped my head back to see what had happened. 
Instead of finding Roo's magic, I found Lucifer, the King of hell perched on the end like a bird, all six wings spread and his eyes holding fire. 
What the-? 
I heard a whistle.  
 When I turned back, an angel was diving towards Roo. 
She proceeded to land on the queens head, stab her shoulder with her spear and leap off landing next to me, her spear lodged in the ground. 
  "VAGGIE?! DAD?!" Charlie cried. 
Lucifer smiled slightly and Vagatha gave a small wave before we all turned back to Roo.  
I smiled my iconic smile. "How does three against one sound? Who will win now?" 
Roo glared at Lucifer. "You little piece of shit, you ruined my life, and now you will pay for it." 
Luci laughed in a low chuckle. "I don't think so Eve, not today." and he leaped off my staff, and flew directly into Eve/Roo. 
After that, the entire west side of the battle field became a no mans land. 
Vaggie turned to me. "Al... you look.. not so good." 
Sighing, I leaned on my microphone and waved her off. "I am fine, go to Charlie, she needs you." 
Vaggie seemed to hesitate a moment before she nodded and ran to Charlie's side a couple meters away. 
When the girls turned and rounded a building and were no longer in sight, I dropped the "okay" charade. 
I slumped against a lamp post and slid to the ground, my legs no longer being able to stand. 
My chest throbbed and it hurt to breath. 
The black magic... 
I had to struggle to move my shirt and look over my shoulder to my back. 
The vain's now went all the way to curl around my side and they were slowly creeping up my left shoulder. 
I growled and slammed my head into t he pole. "Damnit!" I yelled. 
Slumping, I let my head fall into my hands. 
I slowly looked up to find Rosie kneeling down next to me. "Alastor, what's going on?" 
I tried and failed to make my smile at least a bit more genuine. "Well, Lucifer is back and is taking care of Eve, Vaggie is also back and is keeping Charlie safe and An-" 
Rosie tackled me with a hug. "That's not what I'm talking about, what's going on with you?"
I closed my eyes and put my arms around her even though it hurt to even move them.  "Rosie, the... the magic is doing it's job." 
She stared at me. "No... no no no! You are staying here! Here! With me! Not dying, your staying!" 
I cradled her cheek in my hand, leaning my head on hers. "Shh, it's alright. You'll never be truly alone, not now, not ever." 
I winced as the black magic spread and the burning got worse. 
Rosie hugged me to herself and cried. "No no no no no no..." 
My tired eyes found Charlie and Vaggie rounding the building corner, and finally spotted us. 
  "ALASTOR!" Charlie broke into a run and slid to her knees next to Rosie. "No! What happened?!" 
Rosie shook. "T-the magic, its-its its.." she never finished that sentence. 
Vaggie put a hand over her mouth. "A-Al?" 
I slowly looked to her. "Yes my dear?" 
  "You-Your not going to die, right?" 
I was about to answer when the pain worsened. 
I clamped my mouth shut and tried not to groan. 
Charlie scooched closer, her eyes filling with tears. "Al? Al please don't leave, stay with us, stay with Rosie, stay with Me." she grabbed my hand. 
It pained me to smile but I did. "Charlie, I hope you know that I thank you, thank you for letting me care for you and be able to pretend to be the father I never was. Thank you for letting me love someone other than Rosie, thank you for changing me." 
Tears filled Vaggie's eyes as she wrapped her arms around Charlie who was physically breaking down. 
Rosie let the tears stream down her face as she hugged me tighter. "Don't leave me Alastor, I love you, I love you more than anything in the entire nine circles of hell and earth, Don't leave me, please...." 
The pain worsened and I knew that that was it. 
I reached up and kissed Rosie, kissed my wife one last time. 
Smiling, I reached out a hand, brushing the curl of hair off her forehead, my eyes getting heavy. "I love you my darling."  I whispered. 
  "NO NO NO!!! ALASTOR!" she screamed. 
The last I saw, was Rosie crying and screaming into my chest, her beautiful midnight eyes wet with tears. 
Little did she know, she filled my heart, my dying and dead heart with joy and love. One. Last. Time. 

A stay in Cannibal town {A Hazbin Hotel Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now