Chapter 12

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I sat curled in a ball on the front steps of my run down hotel.  
The force field was gone, no surprise there. 
The cold rain soaked me through the bone, the key was still at Alastor's house, so I couldn't even go inside. 
Tears ran down my face. 
This couldn't be how it ended up... right? 
I hadn't gotten a single letter from Vaggie, or Dad for that matter... I didn't know if they were okay, my hotel was dismal and dark, not being safe to even live in anymore. 
My dream was gone, and I was done. 
I watched a small drop of blood run down my arm.  
After Alastor killed Lute, I ran. 
I didn't stop until I got lost. 
Being by myself, I had had a number of people that took advantage of that. 
So I had to defend myself... and with my emotions being a mess... I ended up killing half the attackers. 
More tears welled in my eyes and I started rocking myself. 
I hated my life, I wanted my friends back, I wanted my Hotel back, I wanted Vaggie back, I wanted Rosie back. 
She would have told me to be strong, she would have told me that I wasn't a mistake, and that I needed to be a princess and fix it all, she would give me a reason to be the princess.  
But Rosie was gone. 
And it was my fault.  
I hadn't protected her, I had stood there like a child. 
And now she was dead because of it. 
I dropped my head into my hands, feeling my blood-dried hair. 
The air around me got dark , and my head snapped up to find a black puddle of shadows on the ground. 
Upon looking at it longer, a tall figure formed, the shadows easing away until the Radio Demon stood in front of me. 
My head fell back into my hands. 
He was finally here to kill me, and I didn't really care. 
   "Just make it quick." I whispered.    
However, instead Alastor sat down next to me. 
I clutched my legs tighter to my chest and slowly looked up at him. 
Strangely he didn't have his coat on, and was also soaked. 
He sat next to me,  his ears were back and pressed against the door we were leaning on, the rain slowly dripped off his hair and in front of his face, and the famous smile was reduced to a barely upturned line, his eyes staring into the distance with a hollow look. 
    "You weren't to blame." He told me, the radio filter all but gone from his voice. 
I gulped. "I am though, I should have- well I sho- I could have-" 
    "No, it's not." 
His single comment  shut me up.  
I looked the opposite way.  
   "She's still alive." 
My head snapped back to him. "What?" 
Alastor nodded, still not looking at me.  "An old friend of mine healed her." 
I blinked. "So, she's no- not-" 
    "Dead? No."    
I looked back into the distance, sighing with relief and slouching against the door.
Alastor stretched his legs out, keeping one knee up to rest his arm on. "I made a mistake."  he said, finally looking at me.
I flinched. 
He sighed and closed his eyes. "I am truly sorry, I didn't mean any of what I said... I was just-" He stopped. "I couldn't even- I was only-" 
A single tear rolled down my face. "Distraught? Could believe what was going on? Blamed everyone in the room including yourself? Just wanted to die on spot to end the pain?"  
Alastor tipped his head up, letting the rain roll down his face. "I suppose all of those."     
I hesitantly laid my hand over his. "I'm sorry, I didn't understand, and- and I just didn't know what to do." 
Alastor chuckled humorlessly. "It seems at though you understand perfectly well, why is that? You have never lost anything in your entire life."  
I pulled my hand back and wrapped my arms around myself. "Not in real life no, but the dreams will never stop." 
Alastor looked at me, his smile practically gone. "What was your dream about? That question has occupied my mind a lot longer than it should have." 
I gulped. "Well,  My Mom rejected me, my Dad died, Vaggie became an exorcist again, Angel was stabbed, and I had to watch as you were executed ten feet away from where I was standing."
I looked away, the memory of the dream making more tears stream down my face. 
Alastor's silence only making it worse.  
I sniffed, wiping my eyes. "And they only get worse from there, they happen almost every week, the never ending pain and worry of losing everything I have built, it-it's killing me." I bashed my head against the door and shut my eyes, trying to stop the crying.  
Finally Al pulled his legs back to him and sighed. "Dying on the inside is better than in real life." 
I nodded. "Look, I know you died this horrible death and I-" 
   "That's not what I'm talking about." 
I was filled with worry instantly. "Wait, what?" 
He glanced at me. "I said that that's not what I'm talking about."  
I scooched away slightly, asking slowly, "What are you talking about then?" 
Alastor laughed, such an out of place sound in the dismal ora of the hotel. "I'm talking about a deal, a deal that would make the recipient's life a horrible nightmare," he shook his head. "A deal that I will die from." 
My brain stopped moving, Wait.... 
   "You-you made a deal with someone?" 
Alastor hung his head, still chuckling without humor.  "Oh yes, I did, and this owner of mine, is just going to be the cause of my death."  His voice held false joy, and sarcasm beyond any level that I could name.  
I couldn't even imagine. 
Alastor... sold his soul? 
To whom?  
Who in all of hell would be able to even put him in a situation that he would have enough incentive to sell his soul? 
I tried to say anything, but nothing came out so I just nodded, but stopped. 
   "Wait, you-your dying?" I asked, I didn't really want to know the answer though.
He gave it to me anyway.  
   "Yes, my dear. Yes I am." 
My jaw fell agape. "No... no! No no no! Your not dying, okay? Listen to me Alastor, you. Will. Not. Die. Do you understand? I won't let you." I told him matter-of-factly.  "Your not getting out of being my business partner, okay?"  
An almost genuine smile came to his face. "Really? Well, I'm almost positive that black magic can not be stopped." 
After sitting in the rain for so long, his button up was plastered to his skin, reveling a dark spiderweb creeping across his back. 
I stiffened. "Well... I mean, it has to be able to be stopped, right? I mean, we just have to talk to the right people." 
Alastor chuckled. "I really appreciate you trying to help my dear, but I am pretty sure there is nothing I, you, or anyone else can do." 
I looked away from him and stared into the rain. "Does Rosie know?" 
A long silence followed before he answered. "No, you are the only one I have told."
I didn't know what to do with that. 
Suddenly Alastor grabbed my arm and looked at it. "Excuse my manors, but who the fuck did this to you?"  
I laughed nervously, pulling my arm back. "Oh-uh no one." 
He raised an eyebrow at me. "You do realize how stupid of an answer that is, right?"  
I tipped my head. "I mean not really stup-" I took a look at his face. "Okay maybe it's a little stupid. BUT! I already killed most of the people." I said guiltily. 
Alastor smiled, a real smile, and patted my head. "Good girl." 
He did it as if everything were back to normal. 
I smiled. 
Maybe, just maybe, we could go back to being normal. 
I liked the sound of normal. 
I sighed at the thought of it, and scooched a little closer to Al, watching the rain pour from the cloud filled sky above.

A stay in Cannibal town {A Hazbin Hotel Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now