Chapter 10

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I did not like wearing the dress. 
I stood in front of my mirror looking at myself. 
In my honest opinion, suits were way more comfortable by far. But I already had gotten attacked for being the princess so I was willing to give in to the dress idea.
I sighed and hopped down the stairs to breakfast. 
I sat down next to Alastor, who eyes followed Rosie around the kitchen. The soft smiled spayed on his face tightened when he saw me.
  "Good morning Charlie." 
I nodded. "Morning."  
Upon hearing my voice, Rosie turned around. "Oh! Hello darling!" she said with a bright smile. 
I waved back. "Hi."
   "I see the dress fits nicely." She commented over her shoulder. 
I nodded. "It does, thank you." 
(Were just going to ignore my complaining earlier.) 
And I sat there. 
Alastor seemed to burry himself in paper he was reading, A.K.A he was ignoring me. 
And Rosie was cooking, also ignoring me. 
They were acting strange.
No chatter, no jokes, no making plans for the day, just silence.

  "Did something happen that I need to know about?" 
Alastor froze, his ears going back. "No, why would there be?" 
I eyed him and shrugged. "Just a thought..." 
Rosie quickly placed a plate of waffles in front of me, as if to distract me. 
  "Well, eat up dear!" 
I eyed her too.  
The two adults glanced at each other, it was quick and only a small glance, but I noticed.
I propped my head in my hands on the table. "Are you going to just tell me, or should I sit here the rest of the day asking about it." 
Alastor stood up abruptly. "It's not worth talking about Charlie dear, because there is nothing to talk about." 
I tilted my head. "Really? Because I think there kind of is." 
The glare he gave me told me that I should shut up now. 
I raised my hands in surrender. "Ok! Ok! Never mind, sorry, I won't ask again!"
Rosie glanced back and forth between me and Al. "Well, I think Al has stuff to do so we should let him go." 
Alastor nodded. "Yes you should." he said, looking directly at me.
I threw my hands in the air. "Okay Yes! You got me! Won't ask about it again!" 
Alastor gave a curt nod, kissed Rosie on the cheek and left.
I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding, man he was Annoying.
Rosie was in the middle of stashing a piece of waffle in her face when I asked, "So what's really going on?"
Rosie straightened and set her fork down. "Well n-nothing." 
She said this while blushing and fiddling with her fingers.
I raised an eyebrow. "Not going to lie, I do not believe even one word you just said."
Rosie winced and looked at the ceiling. "W-well you should. because even if I could tell you, Alastor wouldn't like me too." 
I shrugged.  "To be fair, Al's not here, and wouldn't know if you did tell me."
Rosie gave me an 'Are you serious?' look.
I stuffed a waffle in my face. "Just saying."
The cannibal sighed. "If I told you, Al would literally kill me." 
I looked at her. "Are you kidding me? He wouldn't even dream about killing you." 
Rosie's eyes widened and she avoided my eyes. "He almost killed me last night.." she muttered under her breath. 
I turned to her. "What?" 
Rosie's head snapped up. "Nothing!" 
I was about to keep talking when she got a very annoyed motherly look on her face, as she seemed to realize who was in charge here.
  "Now, eat you're breakfast, if you don't you will want it later." 
I nodded slowly and went back to eating. 
Something strange had definitely gone down. 
  "So..." I said, kind of very intimidated by the look on her face right now. 
  "So what?" she asked. 
I slapped a smile on. "Nothing just wondering what we were doing today."
Now that I wasn't on the topic of the 'Thing', she brightened and looked like a happy southern aunt again. "I don't know! I was hoping to go to the park today," she looked at her lap. "I was hoping Alastor could come, but... I don't know now." 
I immediately felt guilty. "Sorry."
Rosie sighed and got up. "It's okay to make mistakes darling, but you have to learn from them, so next time, know your limits, and his."
I lowered my eyes and nodded.
Rosie smiled and came behind my chair, grabbing my shoulders reassuringly. "Well I guess it's just you and me now." 
At that point, Niffty came bouncing in the  room. "AND ME!!" She yelled. 
Rosie scowled. "Inside voice dear! But yes, you too." 
Niffty hopped up and down. "Okay!" she said in a much quieter voice.

Later that morning, I walked with Rosie and Niffty through Cannibal town. 
It really was a charming part of the seven circles, with the parks being plentiful and all the folk keeping their blood thirsty sides to the minimum in public. 
I thought again to how Alastor had acted only an hour earlier. 
What was he hiding? 
And Rosie for that matter. 
I looked up at my current guardian. 
She didn't act as though something was wrong, she was wearing what she usually did, she had her usual smile about her, and she talked with Niffty in a cheery voice that said everything was fine. 
But it wasn't, I just knew it.
My head snapped up to Rosie who was looking at me concerned. 
  "Hmm?" I asked. 
Rosie shook her head. "I've said your name seven times." 
I gave her a apologetic look. "Sorry." 
She rolled her eyes. "So this is fun and all, but you haven't said a word since we left the house, what's on your mind sweetie?" 
My eyes found the pavement. "... I think you know." 
I heard her sigh. "It's nothing to worry about, being curious is a wonderful thing darling, but being nosy is just rude."  
I looked at her confused. "What's the difference?" 
Rosie smiled. "Well my dear, being curious is just wanting to know, being nosy is needing to know, even when it's none of your busyness."  
I sighed. 
That message was loud and clear. 
It is none of your busyness.
Rosie looked down at me. "Do you need incentive to not be nosy?" 
I shrugged. "Maybe?" 
The cannibal clapped her hands behind her back. "Susan is nosy." 
I scowled. "Ooo yeah, definitely good incentive." 
Rosie laughed. "Thought so."
   "Well... now what?" 
I shrugged. "I don't know, what about you Niff?" 
Niffty did not answer me. 
  "Niff?" I asked. 
Rosie rolled her eyes. "Niffty dear, answ-" she stopped when she saw that the cyclops was no longer at her side. 
Rosie spun in a circle. "Niffty?"
I ran a hand down my face. 
Less than an hour and we'd already lost her? 
Damn it. 
We ran around for an hour straight before finally finding her. 
I rounded a street corner and found a tall figure in a long black coat talking to her. 
  "Hey you!" I shouted. 
After my... incident yesterday, I was not about to come off as weak. 
  "Get away from her!" 
The figure laughed. "Why would I do that? I'm pretty much her brother." 
I gasped as the figure turned around and I found Angel Dust under the hood. 
  "Angel!" I squealed, running and giving him the biggest hug I could. 
He awkwardly patted my back. "Hey Charlie."
When I heard a small snap in his back I stopped, pulling away. 
  "Hi!" I said with a bright smile. 
Niffty was bouncing. "I found Angel! I found Angel! I found Angel!" She chanted. 
Rosie came around the corner. "Oh! Who's this you found?"
I straightened my skirt. "Rosie, this is Angel Dust, Angel, this is Rosie." 
Angel cocked an eyebrow. "She's the one that eats people?" 
Rosie's smile grew. "Indeed! I actually run this little shindig here."   
Angel looked around. "Eh, seems a little out of date don't you think?" 
Seeming to ignore the passive aggression of the comment, Rosie leaned on her umbrella. "That's the charm dear! The old and rustic community is really an aesthetic of its own!"   
Angel rolled his eyes and turned back to me. "Anyhow, I was just looking for my lost cat."
I tilted my head. "You have a cat?" 
Angel raised his eyebrows. 
I finally got it. "Ohhhhhhhhhh your looking for Husk." 
He nodded. "Yeah, have you happen to have seen him around?"
I thought through my memory a second before slowly shaking head. 
  "No I don't think I have, sorry." 
Angel waved a hand. "Eh it'll be fine, I'll find that cat eventually." 
I nodded. "Sooo, how you guys doing?"  
The spider shrugged. "Fine I guess, we found a spot on the east side of town, not to shabby but it could use some work." 
I smiled. "Well, don't get to comfortable, I'm sure my Dad will be back in no time and we'll all be able to go back to the hotel." I was trying to be optemistic.  
Angel gave me a sad smile. "... Um yeah, whatever you say." 
He turned. "Well, I should be on my way." 
He seemed to hesitate for a second, but then he wrapped his arms around me. "Be safe Charlie, okay?" 
I nodded. "O-okay." 
Angel quickly let me go and straightened. "Well um bye." 
Niffty waved after him as he walked away.  
I bent down and picked her up. "Niffty," I said, wagging a finger at her. "You can't just run off like that!" 
She just giggled. "Okay miss Charlie!" 
She wiggled in my arms until I let her go. 
Suddenly Rosie ran to me and grabbed me by the arm. "Hun, we gotta go." 
I stumbled as she dragged me towards the center of town. "W-what?! Why?" 
As if to answer my question, an angel came down from above and slammed into the pavement in front of us.  "Were back bitches!" She called raising her spear. 
Rosie let me go and spun around, seeming to grab a knife out of nowhere and stabbed the angel.  "Die you piece of shit." She muttered into it's ear. 
The now fallen angel fell to the ground, a pool of golden blood forming around it. 
I stared at it in horror. 
Rosie however, grabbed my arm again and we kept running. 
An exorcist looked at her now dead college, and then saw us running away. 
Her face twisted in anger and disgust. 
Surprisingly, she took a moment to honor the fallen exorcist before rounding up a small group of angels and coming after us.
Oh fuck. 
One landed in front of us. "Hey guys!" she shouted to her friends. "Looks like we got our self's a good pair here, we got the cannibal overlord, and ohhh!" she looked at me and cackled. "We got our self's a princess!" 
I backed up. 
Oh really really fuck. 
Rosie sneered and stepped in front of me. "They don't call me the 'reaper of blood' for nothing, so to get to her, I'm sorry to say, that you will have to go through me." 
The angel crossed her arms. "Oh that won't be a problem, as you can see, we have way more in numbers than you."
Rosie smiled and seemed to grab a dagger out of thin air. "Come at me bitch." 
The exorcists charged. 
I was amazed as Rosie literally used teeth and nail to beat the shit out of these angels. 
She would jump onto their spear as they were charging, launch herself off of it,  to then bite their spinel cord in the neck, and stab them in the back with her dagger. 
Morbid, but affective. 
More and more seemed to join the battle, every time an exorcist would fall, another took it's place. 
Through all this, Rosie gained a lot of blood stains on her dress. 
The golden substance was running down her face and dress, but she seemed to be enjoying it. 
Why? I had no clue.
Our attackers had backed us up into an ally with a dead end. 
Oh this was just getting better and better. 
But Rosie seemed totally fine with this. 
She fought valiantly and strongly. 
Rosie slid between the last angels legs, slicing it's calves before standing up behind it and swiftly grabbing her and snapping its spine over her knee.
Rosie dropped it to the ground, wiping the golden blood off her brow and licking it off her hand. 
Rosie stretched out her arms and cracked her neck before looking back at me. "Well that was quite unpleasant, I'm sorry you had to see that." 
I shook my head, looking at the desiccated angels. "O-oh no, it-its fine."
I suddenly heard a loud SHINK, and Rosie gasped. 
I spun around and looked in horror at the spear head sticking through her gut.  
She winced. "Oh, I guess I didn't see that one." 
My guardian fell to her knees, and then to the ground, her blood slowly covering the ground like a crimson carpet. 
Lute stood behind her, bloody spear in hand.
"Oops." she said. 

I am so sorry for making you wait this long! 
Please forgive me! 
Anyway, this chapter was kind of all over the place, but it's still a chapter so I hope you enjoyed it! 
As always, please drop a vote and comment! 

A stay in Cannibal town {A Hazbin Hotel Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now