Chapter 14

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I didn't expect to get a visit from an angel that day. 
Three weeks had passed since our dear Charlie had come home, and It was verging on a forth because it was the weekend.  
A knock came at the door and I glanced up at Rosie. 
She shrugged and wiped her hands on a towel before starting out of the kitchen. 
Before she could even exit the room, Charlie came screaming down the stairs, yelling, "I'LL GET IT!!"  
The girl proceeded to fling the door practically off the hinges. "EMILY!" 
I looked at Rosie. "Who's Emily?" 
My wife gave a helpless shrug. "Beats me." 
I sighed taking one last sip of coffee before hauling myself out of my chair and joining Charlie in the entryway. 
I stopped when I saw who Charlie was talking to. 
A girl no less than Charlie's age stood at the door with her arms wrapped around herself. 
Mangled white hair topped her head and a sad excuse for wings hung behind her, stained with golden blood.  
White freckles dotted her thin cheek bones, and her eyes were a mixture of red and orange, with dark lashes.
I sucked in a breath. 
A fallen angel?  
Charlie didn't seem to notice me. "Oh fuck of fuck oh fuck, Emily what happened?!" 
The girl titled Emily, gulped and grabbed Charlie by the shoulders. "Listen, you need to be ready, Sera is MAD I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen to me... and-and-...I..." 
  "Fell?" Charlie whispered. 
Tears came to both girls eyes and Charlie pulled the angel into a hug. "Shhh don't worry, we'll take care of you, it's okay."  
At that moment, I didn't know exactly what to do with myself. 
  "My dear, maybe-" 
Emily looked up, her eyes lighting up. 
Not with happiness, but with something I couldn't identify. 
   "You... your Alastor...?" 
I didn't like that tone. 
   "Yes, my dear."  I said carefully, taking a step back and folding my hands. 
   "Altruist?" she growled. 
I nodded to Rosie to stay in the kitchen. "You would be correct...." 
Charlie set a hand on Emily's shoulder. "Em?" 
The angel shrugged off her hand and took an angry step forwards. "You."  
Her eyes narrowed. "YOU." 
I did not particularly like where this was going. 
She stomped angrily forwards and went far beyond getting inside my personal space. 
The girls eyes were ablaze as she jammed a finger in my face. "YOU UNHOLY FILTHY WRETCH!" 
Her face held pain, as she started beating my chest with her fists. "YOU MURDERER! DON'T YOU KNOW HOW MUCH SUFFERING YOU'VE CAUSED? DON'T YOU KNOW HOW MANY-" She had to stop as tears started running down her face. "How many lives you wrecked? No, you don't. You don't care!  You don't give a single fuck about how your actions affect others! You wicked piece of trash!" And she just beat me harder. 
I was done. 
I was tired of being treated like nothing, of being beaten like a dog. 
It first started with my Father, then it was Lilith, then Adam, and now this seraphim angel called Emily. 
I would take no more. 
I grabbed her wrist as she tried to hit me again. 
I gripped her hard and pulled her away from myself. "Do. Not. Touch. Me. Again."  
The girl tried to pull her hand away, but I didn't let go. "You see, I do not kill children, No, but I do teach them lessons." 
I threw her to the ground and wiped my hand off on my jacket. "I do not appreciate you coming to my home, and yelling in my face, and beating me." 
I bent down in her face. "I have been beaten since I was five years old, I WILL NOT, TAKE IT FROM YOU, DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?!"
Memories flooded my head, of my Father getting in my face and telling me how worthless I was, of people in my adult life telling me I wasn't good enough, telling me I wasn't human just because of the color of my skin. 

Emotions filled my senses and I clenched my jaw, trying to get rid of them. 
My smile widened and I could have sworn that my eyes went black. "DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND?"  
Emily's jaw trembled and she had tears streaming down her face. 
One memory surfaced. 
My Father standing over my Mother... she was crying, he was... 
Just like you...
I stumbled back and pushed myself against the opposite wall. 
What was this girl doing to me? 
'FUCK YOU ALASTOR.' my brain screamed.    
I stood back up, shaking my head and pinning my ears back. "Get out of my house." I growled, pointing to the door. 
Charlie stood in the middle, uselessly as before. 
Emily didn't move.  
Why wouldn't she move?! 
I was in the middle of a mental break down and I was doing this shit in front of the Second Seraphim?   
I cursed myself under my breath and stalked towards the door myself. 
Something caught my hand and I whipped my head back to find Emily. 
I yanked it back. "DO. NOT. TOUCH. ME." I hissed. 
She pulled her hand back and winced. 
I spun around again, going out the door. 

I was a fucking mess. 
I sat on top of Vox's tower. 
I liked it up there because no one would possibly suspect that I of all people would go there. 
As before, the tears would not stop. 
No matter how much I tried, it wasn't in my power to make them stop. 
That girl. 
That stupid girl! 
Why did she have to make me think about these things? 
My past was nothing I wanted to talk about. 
My Mother was a prominent part of my childhood. 
She was the one who kept me alive. 
If she wasn't there? I would not be standing here today. 
She taught me to be who I am, she was the one joy I had, protecting me from as much of Father's abuse as she could. 
But it was never enough, was it? 
I sighed and rolled up my sleeve, looking at the permanent scar that reminded me of what not to be. 
The day I had gotten it, Mother had left on an errand for Father... leaving me all alone with him. 
I had been maybe, ten? It had been so long since I had thought about any of this.  
We were working in the log shed when I had gotten a sliver from one of the pieces of wood... the biggest mistake I made was telling Father about it. 
He held me there, while he cut a foot long line in my arm with the axe, showing me "Real pain" as he said it. 
I would later murder him with that same axe. 
I clenched my jaw, remembering all the pain and abuse I endured just because I had to. 
At that moment, someone set a hand on my shoulder. 
Rosie, I thought. 
  "Hello Darling, I guess I should have guessed that you would find me." I looked at the city spanned out below me. "You always find me." 
   "Al... I'm sorry." 
That was not Rosie. 
The first thing that went through my head was: FUCK
I stood up quick and whipped around to face the Seraphim. 
   "WILL YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!?" I yelled. "I am this- THIS close to gutting you alive!"  
Emily smiled sadly, and to my surprise, sat down. 
  "I never wanted to...never mind." 
I glared at her. 
She sighed and continued. 
  "I didn't- didn't know- I'm sorry Alastor.
Why did she have the voice along with everything else?! 
I closed my eyes. If I imagined it just right, I could imagine my Mother standing in front of me. 
Emily reached out and grabbed my hand. 
Fuck, even her goddamn hands felt the same. 
I yanked my hand back. "JUST STOP! Stop touching me, stop talking to me, just stop!" I shook my head vigorously and fell back to my knees. "Just stop................. please." I whispered. 
I tucked my legs against my chest and rocked myself back and forth. 
I felt like a child, but I really didn't care right at that moment. 
  "Wh-why? W-why do you, h-have to look so much like her?" I ground out.
  "Why must your presence reduce me to this state?" I groaned
  "I remind you of her." 
I trembled. "You fucking angels and your goddamn reading skills." 
Emily knelt down next to me. "Listen, I know you are... not a great person, but... after a long talk with Charlie, I now see that you need help, you can't keep going on like this." 
I stared into the distance. "Like what?" I spat. 
The angel tilted her head. "Well like this, by yourself, killing out of anger, weather you know it or not, your slowly poisoning yourself." 
I flinched at the word poison. 
Emily seemed to notice this and put a hand on my back. 
Did she know? 
I got my answer when she started tracing the web of death. 
I opened my mouth to speak, but she cut me off. 
  "Don't worry, Neither Charlie nor Rosie told me." 
She looked sadly at my eyes. "I-I can tell, just by looking at you." 
I gave a lazy attempt wipe away my tears, laughing humorlessly. "Is it that obvious my dear?" I snorted. "Of course it is..." I muttered.   
She shook her head. "It's not obvious... I just know, after being the angel that is supposed to spread happiness, you know immediately  when something is wrong." 
Emily grabbed my hand again. "Maybe... you don't have to do it by yourself?"  
This time I didn't pull away. "By myself is the only way I've ever done anything." 
Emily laughed. "You didn't get married by yourself, or start the Hotel by yourself, or even take in Charlie by yourself." 
I winced. "I suppose that's all true my dear."
The ex Seraphim smiled. "Hey... you have so many amazing people that you could have help you... it seems like a crime not to let them help." 
I thought about that. 
Maybe she was right? 
Maybe I was capable of loving again... loving past Rosie. 

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