Chapter 4

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I stood in front of my door. I reached for the knob but stopped, pulling back.
I turned back to face Charlie. "Just a warning my dear, once I open this door, you will be smothered in hugs kisses and most likely food."
Charlie laughed. "How do you smother someone with food?"
My smile stayed on my face, but I looked Charlie dead in the eye.
The princess's own smile disappeared instantly. "Oh... o-okay."
I opened the front door and was surprised to see that Rosie was no where in sight.
  "Huh. I wonder where she could be..." I murmered. 
I walked into the parlor and found Rosie sound asleep on the couch. 
My smile softened and I walked over pulling her hat off and setting on the coat rack before grabbing a blanket and draping it over the lovely being that was my wife. I kissed her head before turning back to Charlie.
Oh shit, I had forgotten she was here.
And her face said the same thing. 
The girls mouth was wide open and her shoulders were slack, as she looked from me to Rosie and back again.
Oh shit indeed. 
  "What you just saw will not leave this room, got it?" 
  "But- you- you- I didn't know- I didn't know you cared that much for like anyone!"
I stood in front of her and used my hand to lightly close her mouth. "This will not leave this room, Got It?" I said a little more forcefully this time, and I unwillingly made the air around me crackle.
Charlie took a look at my face before gulping and nodding.
My smile returned and I spun my cane around. "Good, then let's get you situated!" 
I snatched the bags out of her hands and started up the old oak stairs. 

I watched as Alastor practically ran up the stairs. If I didn't know him better I would have said he was scared. 
I had NO idea he cared that much for anyone. Like anyone.
But he had handled Rosie with more gentleness than I would have thought him capable of.
Okay, I mean, I knew they were married... but I didn't really think it was that romantic. I thought it was purely for tax stuff.
Oh how I was wrong. 
 "Charlie! Are you coming up here or not?" Alastor called from the top of the stairs.
My head snapped up. "Oh um yep! Coming!" I hiked it up the stairs as fast as I could. 
Finding Alastor in front of a door, I stopped and caught my breath.
  "This is your room dear."
  "Oh, thanks!" 
Alastor nodded. "Your things are inside." with that he spun on his heel and walked back downstairs.
I watched after him a moment before I opened the door.
The first thing I did was gasp. The room was beautiful. With Cherry wood walls and a giant canopy bed. The bedroom was just right temperature  as a fire blazed in the brick fireplace.
I sighed and sat on the bed which was surprisingly squishy. 
After putting some things away I headed downstairs. The moment I set one foot on the bottom stair I was tackled by a now awake Rosie.
  "Hello my dear! Oh is so good to see you! You haven't come to visit in ages! Oh look at you! So big!" She said all this in five seconds and while she absolutely crushed me in a hug.
  "Hi." I gasped out. 
Alastor appeared in the door. "Your strangling her dear." 
Rosie looked down at my slightly purple face. "Oh yeah I suppose I am." She let go and stepped away. "Sorry dearie." 
I gasped in air looking at her. "Oh it's no problem." (It was only a minor lie) 
  "So how long will you be staying with us?" Rosie asked. 
I could only shrug. "I don't really know. I guess until my dad gets back." 
Rosie clapped her hands together and nodded. "Well I should probably get dinner started, Oh what time is it?" She looked at her wrist, before remembering she didn't have a watch. She walked over to Alastor and grabbed the pocket watch out of his coat's chest pocket.
 Rosie looked at it and muttered, "Shit." when she realized it was nine o'clock.
With that she shoved the watch back into Al's hand and marched through the doorway towards what I thought was the kitchen. 
I looked at Alastor in question, but he just shrugged and followed Rosie, not even a second later Niffty bolted through the same door laughing like a maniac.
I shook my head.
This was definitely an interesting family.

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