Chapter 17

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I opened my eyes to the light of morning. 
I went to stretch but stopped when I felt someone's arms around my waist. 
 Smiling, I glanced back and found my Alastor still asleep, his arms wrapped around me.  
It was kind of weird, he was always up before I was... 
Hm, well, I didn't mind. 
   "Alastor dear, we should get up, after all, the girls won't feed themselves." 
A slow smile spread on his face. "Why not?" 
I chuckled, turning my neck to kiss his ear. "Because they don't want to intrude on your kitchen." 
He nodded. "Fair enough." 
I untangled myself from his arms and stood up. 
Getting changed, I walked back into the bedroom and found him back asleep. 
  "Alastor!" I poked his arm. "Get up!" 
Suddenly he leapt at me and grabbed my shoulders, falling back onto the bed.  "Got you." 
I nodded, laughing. "You did get me, but we do have to go downstairs." 
My husband gave a very exasperated sigh. " I really do not see why, but fine." 
He let me go and I rolled to my feet, walking across the room. 
Alastor's eyes followed me as he folded his arms behind his head. "You are looking beautiful today, as always." 
I narrowed my eyes at him. "Oh don't sweet talk me." 
  "Sweet talk?" Al scoffed. "There is no such thing going on!" 
I raised an eyebrow. "You sure?" 
He glanced around the room. "...Mostly sure." 
I walked over and grabbed his hand, pulling off the bed. "Come on sleeping beauty." 
Al didn't even try to stop me as I dragged him across the floor. "I really resent being called a princess." He told me. 
Shrugging, I smiled. "Well, if the shoe fits..."
His head snapped up. "IF THE SHOE FITS?!" He stared at me in disbelieve.  "What the fuck Rosie?"  
I raised my hand in a shrug. "Hey, I don't tell lies- well, not most of the time." 
Alastor snorted and continued to let me drag him across the floor and into the hall. 
Finally he sighed when I got to the stairs. "You know, I really did not think you were capable of carrying me." 
Glancing back I chuckled. "Oh yeah, while dragging and carrying are not the same thing, I would be able to manhandle you, easy." 
Suddenly he reached out and grabbed my ankle. 
I continued to scream as he pulled me to the ground next to him. 
  "And who is easy to 'manhandle' now?"  
I smiled as he wrapped an arm around my waist. "Not me...?" I asked. 
Alastor chuckled before kissing me. 
He pulled back. "And how's that?" 
I smirked. "Nice." 
Al sighed and pulled me to him, staring at the ceiling. "Do you ever wonder what the future looks like? Almost like, what will happen? What the fates have planned for you and I?"
Slightly smiling, I snuggled into his side. "No, but I do know that as long as I have you, I'll be just fine." 
RadioRose fluff! Because they are awesome! And Fuck YEAH!!
If you don't like them, I disown you. 
(Nah, just kidding.) 
Or am I...? 
Yeah, I'm just kidding. 
Something exploded. 
Alastor was up in a second as the front door sail up the stairs and crashed into the wall behind him. 
Lute, somehow back from the dead stood in the door, sword in hand. "I've waited long enough!" 
I stood and raced to the window. 
Oh shit... 
The entire exorcist army stood outside the house, weapons in hand and two people standing at the front. 
   "Al!" I screamed. "We have a problem!" 
   "Other than the angel standing in our entryway?! What could poss-" he glanced out the window. "Fuck...." 
Alastor popped his axe into existance and started running down the stairs. "Get the girls and get out of here!" 
I stood at the top of the stairs and started protesting but stopped. 
No, we were going to fight, I might not be the most powerful overlord, but I was getting these angels the fuck out of my home. 
I ran to the girls bedrooms. "Charlie, Emily, we are in a bit of a situation." 
Both girls looked up, nodding. "Yeah... we saw." Charlie said. 
Emily sat in the corner, tears in her eyes and her hands clenched in fists. "I never thought Sera would do this! I-I trusted her!" 
I grabbed Charlie's arm and started pulling her towards the door. "Emily dear, stay here, don't move." 
I dragged Charlie out of the room and closed the door. "Listen, you need to get out of here, Al and I aren't moving a muscle, but you need to leave, okay?" 
Charlie hesitated. "I'm not l-" she stopped, thinking. "Okay, I'll go, we'll go away." 
I nodded. "Thank you, be safe and don't come back." 
Before she left, I kissed the top of her head. "Nice knowing you princess."  I murmered under my breath. 
After that, I ran back down the stairs to find the front window broken out. 
Outside  Al was fighting the whole army singlehandedly, and failing. 
Sure, he could get a hit in here and there, but they were winning quickly. 
I sighed before jumping out the window and tackling him out of the crowd of angles.
We both climbed off the ground, Al licking the blood off his teeth. "That did not go how I planned, thank you for getting me out of there." 
I shrugged, staring at the angering army of angels. "Yeah, no problem. Hey quick question, will we actually survive this?" 
He growled and brandished his axe. "You will." 
I did not like the sound of that....

A stay in Cannibal town {A Hazbin Hotel Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now