Chapter 6

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( GORE WARNING!)                       

A few minutes earlier...
It was bright. I shielded my eyes and tried to see where I was.
I saw spirals, I recognized those spirals...
I blinked and looked around. Why was I here?
I turned when I heard a noise. 
I saw a beautiful woman, who was tall with long golden hair and horns
  "Mom?" I called. 
Lilith scowled at me and turned away. 
  "Wait, mom!" I started running towards her.
Lilith gave a wave of her hand and I immediately stopped.
  "Mother? What-what are you doing? where have you been?"
My mom finally turned to me, her eyes cold as ice.
  "Get this filthy sinner out of my sight."
Angels came out of nowhere and grabbed me by the arms.
   "MOM!" I cried. "What are you doing?" 
Lilith looked me dead in the eye. "You are worthless, not worth my time."
With a wave of her hand I was dragged away.
The earth under me suddenly gave in and I fell.
I crashed onto a pile of broken bricks. 
My leg screamed at me, I looked down and I had a bloody gash in it. 

I crawled out of the pile aching, ripping my coat of and tearing it, wrapping my leg, I was about to wrap the piece when someone screamed. 
My head snapped up and my throat closed. 
They sounded like they were in agony. 
I ran despite having my leg feeling like fire. 
My thoughts were clogged. Why was everything broken? who was screaming? what had happened to them. 
My foot caught on something and I faceplanted. 
I looked down and screamed. 
My dad was laying on the ground,  a spear sticking through his side and blood coming out of his mouth.
  "No no no Dad no!'' I knelt next to him and grabbed his hand.
  "Dad, tell me what happened? Tell me!" 
My fathers eyes stared into space, cold, unaware, dead.
I sobbed and wrapped my arms around him. 
How had this happened? What had I done wrong?
More screams interrupted my thoughts.
I looked into the distance. 
Suddenly I was sitting on the ledge next to my hotel. 
My poor newly built hotel was destroyed. 
Adam came out of nowhere. Tackling me to the ground. 
  "Hey loser."

I screamed as my leg was slammed into the ground. 
Adam unsheathed a knife. "Time to die bitch."
Besides my pain, my temper was strong. 
  "Kill me as many times as you want, But don't touch my friends and my hotel!" 
Adam laughed, grabbing me by the neck and pointed at the burning hotel. 
  "Looks like your too late." 
I gasped in little breaths, my leg still throbbing. 
  "Bitch, take my hotel, take my dream, take my dignity but you will never take my heart."
The angel scowled. "I don't like that attitude you brat, looks like we'll have to get rid of that, Vaggie!" 
My eyes widened, No, he didn't, she wouldn't have...
Vaggie came out from behind a building size of rubble carrying...

I gasped and started crying, she couldn't have, please don't let this be true.
Vaggie threw Angel to the ground a sword sticking out the back of his head. 
I screamed and tried to run to him but Adam just squeezed my leg, making my vision fuzzy with pain. 
  "How could you!" I cried.
Upon looking more closely I found the land littered with my friends body's.
"H-how c-could you..." I stuttered. 
 When Adam smiled, I took my chance and kicking him as hard as I could with my good leg and running.

I formed my trident and turned on Vaggie. "You traitor!" I cried. Tears streamed down my face as I pointed my trident unsteadily at her. 
  "I loved you, you bitch! WHY DID YOU BETRAY ME?!" I thrust my weapon in her face and she struck back easily disarming me and throwing my trident a couple feet away. 
Vaggie smiled. "You were always weak." 
I climbed to my feet ignoring the pain. "Fuck you." I spat before running at her. 
  "Charlie stop." I stopped, hearing Alastors voice. 
I smiled and turned Expecting to find Alastor ready for battle.
 I was wrong. 
Lute had a spear to his neck and he looked a bloody mess. 
  "I tried my dear." 

Tears came to my eyes as I started running towards him. 
  "Stop right there girly." Lute called driving Alastor to the ground with the spear head. 
Frozen in step, I glared at Adam with tears in my eyes. "What do you want, What do I have to do?" 
Adam laughed. "Oh all you have to do is watch." With that, he nodded and Lute moved her spear and thrust it between Alastor's shoulder blades. 
  "No!" I screamed. 
His cry's of agony would forever haunt me as he fell onto the dirt.. 
Blood was everywhere, Screams filled the air and I could only watch as Lute lifted her spear and stabbed him again, and again, and again. 
Each time Alastor's screams breaking and splintering my heart. 
  "STOP! PLEASE STOP!" I cried, sobbing.
I was on my hands and knees now, watching as my friend got stabbed through chest and heart. 
Alastor's normally still and fluffy ears were quivering and soaked in blood, and his smile was sickeningly wide as he looked at me. "I'm sorry-"
Lute thrust the spear through his throat.
I shut my eyes as tight as I could, screaming and crying and rocking myself. 
I couldn't get his face out of my head. 
  "WHY!?" I yelled in agony. "WHY?"
  "For revenge of course!" I looked behind me to see Vaggie leveling my trident to my spine. 
One singular tear slipped down my face before I screamed and Vaggie stabbed me through the heart.

I was shaking.
  "Charlie! "Charlie wake up!"
My eyes flew open and I stared up at Alastor who had me by the shoulders and had been shaking me.
 We just stared at each other in silence. 
I kicked off my blankets, realizing how hot I was. 
I laid down shaking.
Rosie hurried through the door.
  "Is she awake? The screaming stopped-" she looked at me and set the cup of water she had in her hands on the table and hugged me.
  "We were worried sick, you were screaming and kicking and..." she didn't finish and stroaked my hair, squeezing me extra hard.
  "Are you alright?" she whispered.
I wiped my brow which was covered in sweat. "Um..." my voice quivered so much I had to stop.
I looked to Alastor who was standing at the end of my bed, his hands behind his back, watching us.
My mind flashed to the spear between his shoulders, his quivering ears, his blood stained smile. 
Tears threatened to fall as I let go of Rosie and crawled to the end of my bed and Hugged him.
I felt him stiffen but I didn't care. he smelled of linen not blood, his ears were still fluffy and perfect, and his heart still beat.
I let go of him letting the tears fall. 
Alastor looked quite alarmed at my actions and looked at me concerned. "Are you alright my dear?"
I smiled. "Eh, not really, but just glad."
I sniffled and wiped my nose on my sleeve. 
  "Sorry for waking you up..." I apologize guiltily. 
Rosie shook her head. "It's no trouble were happy to help."
Alastor eyed me. "Do you know why you were screaming dear?" 
I avoided looking at his eyes as I said, "Um I-I might know."
Rosie squeezed my hand. "Do you need to talk about it?" 
I shook my head. "I'd rather not right now."
Rosie shifted uncomfortably. "Do you... want me to stay with you?"
I looked up at her hopefully. "Yes." I squeaked. 
And I fell asleep with hell's best step in mom at my side. 

Yeah, only now did I realize how long of a dream that is...
Well if you liked this kind of writing, (meaning the gore and drama) please vote! 
It helps me! 

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